Do wash sale rules apply to day traders

Do wash sale rules apply to day traders

Posted: Ramzaj On: 08.06.2017

Professor Bernard Freamon teaches courses on modern-day slavery and human trafficking at Seton Hall University School of Law in New Jersey and also specializes in Islamic Legal History. By Professor Bernard Freamon. In the past few months, the world has witnessed horrific accounts of the enslavement of thousands of innocent Yazidis and other religious minorities by ISIS partisans in Iraq and Syria. The article argues, based on a variety of Shariah sources, that ISIS partisans have a religious duty to kill or enslave members of the Yazidi community as part of their struggle [jihad] against their enemies.

This argument is plainly wrong, hypocritical and astonishingly ahistorical, relying on male fantasies inspired by stories from the days of imperial Islam. It is also an affront to right-thinking Muslims everywhere and a criminal perversion of Islamic law, particularly its primary source, the Glorious Quran. Jurists around the world acknowledge that there is now a universal consensus recognizing an irrefutable human right to be free from slavery and slave-trading.

This right, like the rights to be free from genocide, torture, racial discrimination and piracy, has become a bedrock principle of human affairs. ISIS seeks to remove Islamic jurisprudence from this universal consensus by citing Quranic verses that recognize the existence of chattel slavery. Citation to Quranic verses on chattel slavery at first blush seems to make this point because the Quran, like other religious texts, accepted the existence of chattel slavery as a fact of life at the time of its revelation.

First, consistent with the new ethic, the emphasis in all of the revelations on slavery is on the emancipation of slaves, not on their capture or the continuation of the institution of slavery.

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See, for example, verses 2: There is not one single verse suggesting that the practice should continue. Further, the Quran makes no mention of slave-markets or slave-trading and it repeatedly exhorts believers to free their slaves as an exemplification of their piety and belief in God.

Perhaps the best example of this emancipatory ethic is chapter 90, which is explicitly addressed to the Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet followed this exhortation, exhibiting a great solicitude for the material and spiritual condition of the slaves in the society around him. He freed all of his individually owned slaves and the wartime circumstances in those reports were very unique, involving specific people who engaged in war or treachery against him.

There is only one Quranic verse, Enslaving a prisoner of war is therefore arguably illegal and certainly enslaving a non-combatant is likewise an Islamic crime. Many forget that, for hundreds of years, Muslim imperialists and slave-traders illegally raided non-combatant villages in Eastern Europe, West Africa, East Africa, India and Southeast Asia, plundering, pillaging and capturing and raping women and children with impunity under pretextual jihads.

Traditionalist interpreters conclude that slavery is lawful in Islam simply because there is Quranic legislation regulating it, suggesting an implied permission. Even the traditionalists must acknowledge, however, that all of the Quranic verses on slavery arise in contexts that overwhelmingly encourage emancipation.

It is because the Quranic intendment contemplated a gradual disappearance of chattel slavery. This is exactly what has happened in history. Rather, the verses contemplate the advent of a slavery-free society through the vehicle of emancipation. There is another verse in the Quran, 3: Sayyid Qutb, the Sunni theologian and commentator on the Quran who is widely admired by literalists and traditionalists like the ISIS ideologues, offered extensive commentary on this verse in his masterful work, Fi Zilal al-Quran "In the Shade of the Quran".

Recently, a number of well-respected Muslim jurists and opinion-makers directed a letter to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadithe leader of ISIS, covering a number of issues. This opinion further supports the conclusion that ISIS has wrongfully enslaved the Yazidis and others. All right-thinking Muslims should condemn it for these acts and work to free all those who are enslaved. All muslims are terrorists and Islam's end is near.

Kick out all of those Pakis, Indians. Nepalis, Bangladeshis, and Srilankans now. Pakis are the worst!

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So it was muslims who crucified Jesus,right! We have made lawful unto thee thy wives unto whom thou hast paid their dowries, and those whom thy right hand possesseth of those whom Allah hath given thee as spoils of war. Of course, the Bible not only condones slavery but also encourages slaves to obey their masters. A GOLD star for you, Lenny! And the South quoted this scripture quite a bit a few hundred years ago These are the works of man.

God or islam have nothing to do with this, This is purely the sins of man. False faith is simply a tool religion uses to enslave the ignorant.

They are just as guilty of enslaving their own people through false doctrine, as they are of enslaving the "non-believers" they are all non believers themselves, they are simply cowards who use god as a scapegoat. This is true in ALL religion. READ ALL OF THEM! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee; and daughters of thy paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of thy maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated from Makka with thee; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her;- this only for thee, and not for the Believers at large ; We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and the captives whom their right hands possess;- in order that there should be no difficulty for thee.

And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Yes, Muhammad took slaves from captives from his many jihads and he allowed his warriors to do the same. This professor is lying through his teeth. Anything that Muhammad did is okay by Muslims because Muhammad is considered to be the perfect man for Muslims to emulate.

Go to the Jihad Watch site for more on this topic. Religions are the root of all wars ever since. They used the context of what was written in the testament as they will claim in scroll, bible and koran to justify their wrong deeds. If you truly believed in God, you should respect every human being as you're both created equal by the Creator.

Khalif Abu Baker Al Bagdadi is a PHD in ISLAMIC Studies from a top Muslim University. Professor Bernard Freamon is one of those guys like OBAMA who says ISLAM is Peace. Learn the history of ISLAM properly before your write all this nonsense.

What did Mohammad do when he went to war. How did he treat the people of Khyber. Bagdadi is just following everything to the letter. This is paid news. Because of people like this Professor Bernard Freamon Jihad goes on on one side and Muslims are safe on the other. Professor Bernard Freamon is like the Hollywood stars how say America is bad and ISIS is good.

Isis or any group like that are not Muslim. Jesus was an egotheist and a messiah pretendant. He knows what might happen to him. He played and lost. Those people are innocent enslaved by assassins believing taht the creator learnt arabs in oder to turn the crimes into a religion. This is just politics hidden under the veil of religion. Same as it was during the inquisition. The people pulling the strings in the Muslim world are no more faithful than any other religious group that murders in the name of God.

Jamesmark sounds like an AK47 toting redneck and a bigot of the worst kind. No, you are just ignorant about Islam. Read Robert Spencer's books about Muhammad and Islam, such as "The Truth About Muhammad. Islam will never change It has destroyed people like how ISIS is doing now since AD Hundu's were butchered in INDIA, Christians in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Turkey etc.

Zoroastrians in Iran the crime never ends. West is so pathetic. They are so scared of Muslims they try to pretend to be righteous. The real reason is fear.

Only Israel has the answer for ISLAM. Western writers and leaders and university's are full of cowards. No matter how much the west pretend to love Islam is Muslims have their way ISIS is their style. Quran is a plagiarism of the Bible created by Mohamed to feed the pride and envy Arabs against Jews and their religion. In the Quran we can deduce that Muhammad was a pedophile wives under age 12a robber rob caravans with its close relativescriminal the Hebrew exterminated entire villages and even Arabs, allegedly on the orders of Allahrape he was the first to "test" the women defeated killed and others had to wait their turn.

Mohamed was meant to be a sort of Joshua the Arab peoples, but proclaimed by himself. Unfortunately for him, made his claim to fame in the Qur'an describing rapes, robberies and murders Allah against those who allegedly gave in his hand. Until today, the Arabs are convinced that Muhammad is a prophet real, and continue to do what his mentor bequeathed them in the Qur'an: Zero tolerance against Christians or those who believe in IHWH, this is the main message of the Qur'an.

The Qur'an does not have any prophets, just empty promises, with rivers of milk and honey, virgin virgin Mohammed was the first that gave start to gang rape after his followers came out victorious in the struggle against a tribe either Hebrew or Arabs. When Arabs asked Muhammad performing miracles, after seeing his torment for decades to create a new religion, Muhammad could not perform any miracles.

Also could not make the slightest prophecy. Some are of no utility puierilitate incredible and well without historical symmetry. Nothing binds the word Qur'an, while the Bible is linear, consistent and full of symmetries. Although the Qur'an is full of moral teachings, Muslims can not perform any until today, even more have come to slaughter each other.

Satanah's a bad father, he feeds her children, leaving them hungry, they divide and persecuting them throughout the earth without you've ever gather in one place only for the purpose of plunder and war. Moreover puts faith in hearts that they did not plentiful on Earth because Christians and Jews in particular.

There are certain miracles of Prophet Muhammed PBUHto know you have to go through the Quran and as well as hadeeths where you can clarify your doubts.

How very kind of you. There's a general conciseness that slavery is wrong. Therefore modern day modern political Islam has no part in it. No matter how one philosophies, but the Islam's history of practice is quite clear, taking more than a million slaves from Europe and still practices it in many parts of Islamic countries today, What Isis is doing has been done for all of Islam's history — treated others and minorities has always been brutal.

You portray your own history as ours. No, Europe was brutal to minorities. In Muslim lands, they were safe and protected. As for the small tax they pay, A muslim is required to fight and pay Zakat while minority does need to do either.

You are a liar. Christians always in Islamic States were enforced to pay a huge tax called Jizya so as not to be beheaded. In Europe muslims paid nothing. So called Zakat is so rediculous sum by comparison of Jizya.

In contemporary world as before christians are still thrown into brick kiln and decapitated by muslims. As a typical Muslim,you can not help lying.

Mohammad was involved in slave trade. He owned and sold slaves. The minorities are treated as filth and loest of creatures as written by MOHAMMAD in Qur'an.

He came as ANTI CHRIST and there is nothing MORAL AND GOOD about Mohammad who was a PVERT PEDOPHILE. Those calling Islam evil must look at themselves in mirror. What about black slavery history by Europeans to west? Like many muslims I have come across, you have absolutely no idea about Islam's violent history:. Another Muslim liar practicing Taqiyya and the dopey libs just accept it.

The status of non-Muslims in Muslim countries is as a dhimmi, a second class citizen, just like women under barbaric sharia law. In Pakistan and other Muslim countries. Not only was jizya not a small tax but it had to be handed over personally in a way that was demeaning. Minorities, we're talking about Jews mostly, had to walk in the street if a Muslim was walking on the same sidewalk, had to wear special clothing that's where the yellow star for Jews was inventedhad to ride side saddle.

Lots of humiliation for minorities. Islam has been enslaving and murdering innocent people since Mohammed himself took the wives and children of his victims in Medina and made them his slaves. What are you talking about? No matter what Muslims do they will never reach the brutality of Christianity! Dude, you're year off What christianity did in the middle ages does not justify today's attrocities by Islam. Not to mention that the new testament does not promote violence, contrary to the coran.

Coz Xtians blow up themselves on REGULAR basis because of their faith, and they blow up so many people with them too, from Nth century ago to the present One need only look back to WWII and Hitler's "Christian" handling of Jews and minorities in Europe Are you for real Milan!!

Seems like Muslims like the Professor will say anything taqiyya to white-wash their brutal ideology!! The ignorant needs to know that Muslims always fight for justice,for rule for belief.

They never fought for the victory of white on black. Just recently, a young Prent Christian woman along with her husband were thrown into the brick making kiln and burnt alive on false allegation of burning a piece of Qur'an at Kot Radha Kishan.

That represents the true face of Mohammad and Muslims. ISLAM IN A MUSLIM WAS LIKE RABIES IN A DOG. Muslims have been slauthering infidels since Muhammad was running around raping and pillaging.

You left wingers hate Christianity so much that you ignore that Islam has always been a Religion of War. Islam was created to justify the Arab conquests and to unite the Arab empire. So, John, do you have any references, sources or even verifiable facts, such as comparing the percentages paid for Jziya and Zakat? And why is Zakat "so called" and, yet, Jziya is not? Jziya has basically fallen into disuse while Zakat is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Islam condemns slavery altogether. The beloved prophet of Islam treated slaves like his sons and released them and asked other companions to free slaves.

It is a rule is Islam that if you commit a particular sin then you should free a slave to get rid of that sin. If the 'so called Muslims' do not observe Islamic rules honestly and malign its image as peaceful and most advanced religion for peace and tranquility of human beings then it is not the fault of Islam. Read the authentic sources of Islam and you will know that what IS is doing has nothing to do with Islam. They are not Muslims by definition as they are not respecting the human life which a very important component of Islamic teachings.

The man you called the "beloved prophet" was a murderer of Jews. Devout muslims know this perfectly well, and act on it. Islam was built on slavery, and continues to excuse, condone and enact slavery until the present day. Every criminal case of slavery in the United States since has involved Muslims holding non-Muslim slaves. The latest was in in Colorado. Dr Qureshi, please quote the relevant verses from the Quran and the Hadiths to support your statement.

The Quran condemns holding Muslims as slaves, and instructs that non-Muslim slaves who convert should also be freed. I have never found a passage that is a blanket condemnation of slavery for persons of ALL religious beliefs, they all apply only to Muslims.

Could you please cite any that would define a blanket condemnation of enslaving non-Muslims as a reference to your claims? No slaves on this planet has been treated worse than blacks here in America.

We blacks here could never join our slave masters, we could pray all day and claim brotherly love for our masters but we were taught to hate ourselves and others that looked like us WILLIE LYNCH. Yes, humans of all colors, religions, etc. Is ISIS any different?

You seem to be unaware that the Islamic world enslaved at least as many Africans, alongside Europeans and central Asians. You're clearly unfamiliar with the extent, duration and mortality rates involved in the muslim slave trade.

The numbers are simply astronomical probably in excess of 10 million over 7 centuries. Many of the male slaves actually bled to death after castration. Furthermore, christians were the primary drivers in outlawing and enforcing the ban on slavery See the abolition movements starting with Wilberforce.

While muslims, who did not have the moral tools or imagination to outlaw it themselves, had to be forced by the British to stop, though, for the most part, they were simply more sneaky about it. There is a very good reason why the islamic gulf states did not outlaw slavery until the 's and that most of the places where it is still practiced openly are all muslim, including Sudan and Mauritania.

I wonder how they were treated since I guess Rape by a Arab is somehow better than a Rape by white man. I suppose we corrected ourselves well over a before the Saudi's did. Well at least they don't still practice slavery, oh darn, they still do!!!

You are a slave of your own making, your hate blinds you to the facts. One hundred and fifty years ago President Lincoln freed America's slaves. Today a black President ignores and abandons them.

Britain ONLY BACKED OUT OF THE AGREEMENT WHEN THEY THOUGHT THE SOUTH MIGHT WIN THE CIVIL WAR AND DECLARE WAR ON THEM! Jomo was too busy reading "Afro-centric" comic books to pay attention to the teacher in school. In reality, no such plot existed outside the lunatic paranoid imaginations of Elijah Mohammed and Louis Farrakhan.

What the Quran says and Islamic terrorists do are not at all related! The same goes for Christians and the Bible. There are radicals that do things for their own gain in all religions Anyone see a similarity between ISIS's philosophy and the Inquisition.

A few centuries behind the times but much the same and equally insane! I am a Christian — articles like this, from esteemed scholars is what we need much more of. One does not necessarily have to agree with his exact point of view, but in my opinion and I know it is just my view: Bwana — my hat is off to you! If you were referring to anyone other than Muslims, you'd be right. You have not studied Islam, as I have done for two decades. The only way compromise and tolerance can be achieved is by people WILLING to do so.

Islam is an absolutist belief system. It compromises with and tolerates NOTHING. Muslims often try to tell us they can compromise and be tolerant, but the words fall flat in the face of the actions taken by Muslims.

Their own texts tell them how sinful it is to even think of compromising with infidels, or tolerating them at ALL. All Muslims belong to what they call the "Ummah.

No other loyalty counts to them at ALL. Of course, Muslims always exclude the "other sect" from inclusion in the Ummah, as we've seen, time and again. To Muslims, that "other sect" are false Muslims, which makes them even worse than us infidels. They are to be heavily tortured before being slaughtered. We only deserve to be slaughtered. WE take that as showing that Muslims kill Muslims often. That is not how THEY view it. They are killing "false Muslims," and never kill those they regard as "true Muslims.

I know you are trying to be fair and rational. But by failing to study Islam, you've included Islam and Muslims as though they were also fair and rational. They aren't, because they CAN'T be and remain Muslims. It seems to me that these things are so far outside of your experience, so totally alien to you, that you have no touchstones with which to comprehend the realities of Islam.

Your desire to be fair and rational is admirable. But it is equally admirable to be open to learning of realities that are so heinous, so far removed from civility, that you can't imagine they could ever exist at all. You haven't taken that step yet. You can only know those realities of Islam by studying its own holy texts. Unless you do, you can remain in denial of them right up to the day when the jihadis are at your door. I would strongly urge you to do that studying.

You'd also need to learn how benign sounding texts in the Quran have been rendered dead — they did so on the day when their own prophet violated them for the first time. The texts remain, but hold no meaning for any Muslim any longer. Muslims have always forced conversions. Remember when the last Pope referred to that? Muslims rioted and killed people because he had "offended" Islam. They quoted the Quran, "there shall be no compulsion in religion.

But it died after Muhammad forced his own first conversion. That's why Muslims still do it. I've studied Islam from its core texts for decades.

So I know things that civilized people just can't BEAR to accept as true. They remain true, notwithstanding. Your decision, then, is whether to live in denial, or find the courage to study the reality and then ACCEPT that it IS the reality. When I started studying Islam many years ago, I was seeking reassurance, from Islam itself its own holy texts that Islam really was peacefui and tolerant, as I'd always believed.

What I learned stood my hair on end, instead. Horrific as the reality was, I had to accept that it WAS the reality of Islam. I can wish it were otherwise until I'm blue, but nothing will change that reality.

That's the reality we are facing, and which most people are too fearful to acknowledge. The 4th Conference of the Academy of Islamic Research: Arab Theologians on Jews and Israel.

Littman Support Secure Freedom Front to back; 95 pages of outrageous lies, inversion and vile Jew-Hatred. The whole chapter is one horrific example after another of Islamic mass murder and pogroms but go ahead and start with this. Wafa Sultan exposes Islamic values with Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad http: Bostom-The Legacy of Jihad and The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism. Slavery, Terrorism and Islam, and Holocaust in Rwandaby Peter Hammond This is an Ass-Kicking little resource of pages.

The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From the Sacred Texts to Solemn History by Andrew G. Jew Hatred in Islam. Book Review-The Legacy of Jihad by: Lappen Frontpage Magazine http: The Legacy of Islamic Totalitarianism: Freedom by Andrew G. Read the Reviews on this latest book by Eileen F. Toplansky and Alyssa A. Lappen Get the whole set. Book Review by Eileen F. Toplansky Tackling the Totalitarianism of Islam American Thinker http: Book Review by Alyssa A.

Totalitarian to the Core http: Also read his other Review on Amazon http: Google "The Reliance of the TravellerTools for the Worshiper" Bwana!! This is the Sharia Manualwritten in the 7th Century!! It is officially certified as an authoritative source of Sunni Islamic Law by Al-Azhar Uni.

There is no higher authority on Sunni Islamic doctrine than Al-Azhar!! BTW, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi has a PhD in Islamic Studies. I think he would know more about true Islam than you!!

Someone is shedding tears on the atrocities of muslims on hindus and others,wow, the sympathizer should know that far before coming of islam into the subcontinent hindus had burnt billions of widows alive in the name of sacred cowism.

Perhaps because the Muslims were not thorough enough. They tried to wipe the Hindus out, but didn't quite make it? You suffer from the fallacy that pointing out flaws in others somehow makes you superior. The Old Testament is replaced by the New Testament. The message of Jesus is: The Quran is about domination, conversion or death by the sword, stealing property, women, children, butchering men.

Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. Despite the immense evil of war, Jesus said it is inevitable that wars will continue until He returns Mark Other New Testament passages accept the necessity of maintaining armies and the worthiness of military occupations Luke 3: It is of little consequence what the "book" says or doesn't say.

What is of consequence is that a "book's" followers are murdering innocent people. The sin is the action of the followers, not in what their "book" says or doesn't say. ISIL, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram and too many more to mention here, VS what, the KKK??? And please keep it current, don't bring up the Dark Ages!

The leader of IS has painstakingly justified IS's actions by constantly referring to the Quran. When you have done so, please explain to us how he is misunderstanding Islam:. Best of luck with that! When you can explain how all these muslims are misunderstanding their religion, please let us know. So far not one muslim has been able to do so. They merely quote abrogated Meccan verses, and expect to be believed. Say what you will about Jesus, no one ever accused him of murdering anyone, "marrying" a 9 year old girl or focring women and children into slavery.

We keep hearing about ISIS enslaving people, but in most Muslim nations, it is practiced quietly, but fully. Do you really think the pleasure palaces of the Islamic Emirates were built by their own hands? They used slaves — what today are called "trafficked" workers the politically correct termas if somehow that term goes over better with us.

Slavery, by any other name, is still slavery. And this site has many glitzy ads for those pleasure palaces. Throughout Islam's history, Muslims have conquered and enslaved — unceasingly. And, where they can get away with it and keep it quiet, they still do. We aren't being given quotations of this "new ethic" in Islam, but one thing's sure: It was never included in the Islamic holy texts. If it exists at ALL, it's quite new, and therefore NOT Islamic at all. We aren't told WHOSE Jurists have come to this conclusion, and whether or not they were even Muslim ones.

Nor do we hear the precise language of the conclusion reached. The entire reference to it is fuzzy at best, and entirely unsubstantiated. It's true that other faiths have accepted chattel slavery. But it is also patently obvious that they have ALL abandoned it as inhumane, no matter what their religious texts said. The proof of it is in the fact that people of those faiths no longer buy, sell or keep slaves.

Any of them who still try are criminals, and treated as such. The Quran has ALWAYS mandated conquest over non-Muslims. Anyone who can think Muslims would actually stick over slavery can't be in touch with the reality of Islam. If it's fine as paint to kill non-believers and force conversions, it's equally fine to enslave them.

Any prohibitions against slavery, or mandates to free slaves were exclusively applicable to enslaved Muslims, including "converted" ones. For everyone else, there ARE NO RULES. Freeing slaves IS Islamic, as long as the slaves are, or have become, Muslims. He didn't mention that. He does NOT define what "right-thinking Muslims" are, or even what they think.

He plainly refers to the Quran as "glorious. My 20 years of studying Islam, directly from its OWN writings, tell me otherwise. ISIS is not twisting Islam. They are following it meticulously. Any "gloriousness" in the Islamic texts can only be appreciated by Muslims.

For anyone else, Islam is unspeakably brutal. And so, too, does the behavior of Muslims, all over the planet, prove that Islam demands both conquest and enslavement. Not to mention all forms of atrocity. This gentleman is yet another Muslim feeding us taqiyya propaganda, trying to prop up the mystique that Islam is peaceful and tolerant, when it is quite visibly the very opposite.

And this site, which has become entirely pro-Islam, is giving him a soapbox. Just as it's doing with the woman who claims to be a feminist converted to Islam. The site is actively promoting Islamic propaganda.

Actively helping Muslims to conquer us all. Given their way, every one of us will end up either dead or a Muslim. That is VERY explicitly stated in the Quran. They must fight until there is "no more fitnah disbelief in the world" and ALL people worship Allah. This author left out a few profoundly important things about Islam in his article. And this site let him get away with it. It's true that there ARE no solutions where Islam is involved.

That' the whole problem. As long as Islam exists in the world, the solutions you want to see cannot ever come to pass. And Islam has been around for years, and is likely to last many times that long into the future. There are no solutions to the things Muslims do in the world, but there CAN be ways of keeping their harm at bay.

War is NOT the way to deal with it. Muslims love war, and slather for us to wage war on them. It weakens us, depletes our reserves, making us much more vulnerable to the day when Muslims conquer us.

They don't lack patience. They've been waiting for years to conquer the world, and would wait anotherif need be. Today, though, modern technology has given us all global contact and swift and easy global transportation.

That is as wonderful to Muslims as to the rest of us. They are using them, and can now see that their goal of total global conquest might now be 95 binary options payout killer review in their own lifetimes. They're very excited about it. We can't wage war unless we want to be conquered.

But we can't sit by and do nothing, either. Our only hope is to get together as a non-Islamic community of humans from everywhere, and make plans to THWART their goals of global conquest. There ARE ways it can be done, but they'll be extremely costly and difficult. Only TOGETHER can the non-Muslims of the do wash sale rules apply to day traders hope to survive. We haven't even started trying to thwart them. So the only outcome possible is that the Muslims WILL conquer the world.

Maybe it's cowardly of me, but I can't help feeling somewhat glad that I won't have to see most of the conquest, because I'm already quite old. But I can still ache for the younger people who will have to face it at its worst.

Even though the conquest will come about largely through their own ignorance, cowardice and denial, nobody among them deserves what will happen to them, when Muslims become our overlords. It's going to be bad. At this point, it'll be virtually impossible to stop it. I why so many forex brokers in cyprus with you, H.

And I think CNN must be labeled "The Takiyya Network". I love reading what you have to say. You seem more knowledgeable about this than anyone I have ever listened to on this topic. I have always felt this was the truth. We should all be worried. I am a Muslim. I am in love with my Christian classmate should I rape her now? Funny how you can 'love' your Christian class-mate Imran, if your sister was to love a Christian, you would be the first to 'Honor' kill her!

I bet you also forgot to state that ISLAM was sent down to middle arabia because ALLAH arbitrage in demo account for binary options trading the Arabs as one of the most brutal beings ever created? Islam was sent down to bring order because everything in that ear existed from sodomy to slavery. Islam stopped all of those and the society of the Arabs is the evidence and them being brutal?

Well said Imran thanks. Sometimes a bitter pill is necessary to cure ones disease. They r really ignorant. The Islamic world remains sick with slavery and sodomy. Well, keep in mind that Umar prevented the dying Prophet from making his final proclamations, telling the public he was too sick. Islam was on its way to perpetual turmoil pretty much at the moment the prophet died. The Quran was finally gathered together and formalized decades after the prophet's death.

Until then it was only remembered orally. And when it was compiled, guess what, bits an pieces that the Caliph and his cohorts didn't like were left out. Also you blame muslims for not doing anything wow thanks for generalizing everyone.

You know where I live right now? We have been re-educating Muslims not indoctrinating them to have a civilized out look in life and we got all sorts of death threats to the point of branding as also as khaffirs. We had a SIEGE in this city what does it mean to vest stock options year in December and it was all about politics and culture and ISLAM gets the blame for it when it is clearly the acts of man and not god nor the religion and it's thinking.

If you want to meet me in this war-torn area feel free to visit and I'll give you my number. I'll show you one of the earliest Muslim settlements in the Philippines which was devasted by Spain and USA for more than years I have a thesis on this. Today USA is a superpower and that is a fact and we the MUSLIMS in this country has chosen them rather than communist China. What you are failing to see here is that all forms of religion can be used as a tool to forward political goals and people like you brands binary options fxcm like Neo Nazis thinking that we are the ultimate chosen one with buying call options fidelity ultimate Religion wherein fact we aren't since it is told in the Qur'an itself that our faith is unknown the moment we die and there is no guarantee that what we do in this world is always correct contradicting your views.

You claim to have studied Islam for years but it seems your study is only involved in destroying ISLAM rather than understanding it. There has never come anything good out of islam, period. Daily forex signal indicator download talk of it as a religion of peace and either they are so brainwashed by their false propaganda or just lie to everyone up front — everyone can see that islam is no religion of peace.

It is a barbaric religion of total intolerance and violence. Everywhere there are muslims, there are problems. Why the other religions can get along and only muslims can't? Islam has no standing, it was based on a prophecy of a pedophile, schizophrenic lunatic! And the day after the Philippines granted autonomy to Mindanao, they took hostages and displacedpeople. There I no satisfying and ever more demanding segment of the population. All the concessions the Philippines have made toward the Muslims have simply resulted in more terrorism and more demands.

And Lapu Lapu was NOT a Muslim. Neither was Jose Rizal. We Love Bacon If only you could have used the rest of your dull brain you must have realized that Islam is the only religion that miraculously is alive on every part of this world. Its not a homesick religion like Cons binary options and a lot of cults chris rowe options trading simplified to their own birth place.

Because no body cares about these because they have no power to catch others attention. Americans have no complaints with Muslims who have been living there since 60 or seventy years. Britain hosts more muslims then non muslims. You hate Islam because Islam disallows gayism, i think you will try to study islam being in sense not comparing with other cults.

Isn't it a proof that islam can get along nicely now eat your happy meal well i mean your bacon! Thank you for your posts Birt review forex. You are hitting the nail on the head. Muslims are called to advance the cause of Islam by any means necessary and that includes deception when they are not yet in a position of dominance.

They are encouraged to lie to the unbelievers in their quo'ran. The author of the article does not realize that the Quran is available in English and hence we can inform ourselves. Islam has NO shades. A pleasure reading your comments and also the awakening of so many others commenting here based on the very Islamic scriptures. Therein lies the problem: The Bible, the Quran, the Talmud, every stock market rule breaker motley fool text of "mainstream" religions contains horrible, puzzling, contradictory teachings that scholars and laymen try to rationalize via circular logic that, in the end, has to be resolved via "faith", the submission to things that we are certainly not equipped as humans to understand, unless we are "magic people" like priests, imams, rabbis, shamans, and what-have-you.

Everyone is selfish and nobody is selfless these days. Jesus gave the message: Why is jihad always against Christians, Jews and other so called kaffurs?

Why doesn't jihad ever entail fighting other Muslims that metacafe earn money the rest a bad name?

Islam will never be regarded as a germany forex companies of peace. Religion is a way of control. No religion will ever be regarded as peaceful in my mind. History teaches us lessons that should never be forgotten, and every religion has an atrocious past, present or impeding future. Well not to say that Buddhists didn't commit any atrocities.

Only that unlike others, they didn't try to justify those actions using religion. Do you know what the word Jihad means? It means to strive and struggle to improve ourselves, to resist temptations to harm other human beings, to strive and struggle to improve the society. Jihad never means to kill a person for personal gains. This word Jihad has been maligned by the west to be-fool innocent and illiterate Muslims to fight Soviet Union. The movie industry loves the word jihad and has perverted it to mean only the "jihad of the sword"; whereas, "The most difficult jihad is the one of the soul.

The biggest trouble is not with your enemy but with yourself. We know that every time a murdering Muslim has a camera pointed at him or a microphone put in his face, he uses the excuse of "jihad" to justify cutting the heads off of unarmed prisoners, blowing apart Yazidis villages with massive truck-bombs, throwing acid in the faces of 12 year old girls in Afghanistan or any of the other thousands of sickening acts of violence that Muslims are committing every year.

If one thing has ever been true in history it's that when people are pushed to hard they revolt. I'm hoping that people worldwide just take up arms and defend themselves. Go on ahead Mark crisp momentum stock trading system and keep pushing the weaks buttons because soon enough they'll realize they have numbers on you.

I hope that happens soon in America as well. I'm tired of the power grabbing elitists here. Tired of working 5 days a week with hours of commuting for nothing. Tired of getting 2 days off every 5 to try and rest and spend time with my family. Tired of watching the rich get to do whatever they want whenever they want. That's what's going to happen in the middle east soon enough.

Watch, wait, and see. The author like others is e trade penny stocks online of saying anything against islam. I laugh when the leaders of various countries say islam is the religion of peace. Just read about the fate of banu quraya tribe. Mohammad beheaded the men and enslaved the woman and children. ISIS does the same now. As you can see if actualy educated as claim.

A lot of people see through this as propaganda for islam beliefs and attrocities. The Joseph Gobbels idea of tell a lie a times. It becomes the truth. And by the way.

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Mohammed was a illiterate. Could not read or write. So how could he have written this holy book as spouted and quoted constantly from??? So who is realy picking and chousing whats truth?? This is taqqiya again. The verses quoted by the author have been abrogated later in the Quaran and the abrogated verses are to be followed as per Moham Mad. Islam has not come out of the middle ages. No one do wash sale rules apply to day traders to consider the possibility that ISIS is a response to racism.

It is one of very few tools that a people feeling subjugated and dehumanized themselves have to "hit" back at the perceived enemies or their agents. It has nothing to do with religion. The fear in the west for Al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram, etc Just nonsense — but I cant say I didnt expect the "R" word to tokyo ea forex up — surprised it took so long!

Imperialism in any form whether justified by Koran-Hadith- Turks-Arabs-Mongols or by Columbus-Bentham-Stuart Mill-Woodrow Wilson-Churchill-de Gaule are evil and created slavery. Thus imperialism and its latest forms like WTO-IMF-World Bank-NATO and ISIS-Taliban-Muzzahideens-AlQueada must be abolished by force. Whatever the matter is in the Quran which should not be interpreted on your own personal views, why you don't check if they are right Muslims or can represent the Jquery select option remove selected attribute. Do you really see or belief what federal act on stock exchanges and securities trading sesta Crusades did in the holy places in and near Jerusalem u.s.

stock market earnings calendar what LRA did in Uganda was something representing the Are spy options 1256 contracts Then you may have a sense about the brutality of ISIS and how they are not representing what Sharia law is. The Crusades were a response to the aggressive and unrelenting expansion of Islam by the sword over hundreds of years, and the LRA is no more Christian than Charles Manson was.

The Crusades came after hundreds of years of Islamic aggression against Christians, including the invasion, forced conversion and genocide of Christians in Egypt, Libya, Syria and Iberia. The only thing about the Crusades that stock market competition prizes Christians should apologize for, is that they did not go all the way to Mecca.

Why is everyone ignoring the elephant in the room? Why can we not question the validity of the quoran, the bible and torah instead of arguing over whose interpretation is right? When held up under the light of critical thinking, they all boil down to fairytales and bronze age xenophobia.

There have been many who agree with you over the ages Matt. Joseph Stalin and Chairman Mao among others. They were responsible for the starvation, torture and murder of many millions of people.

Careful what you wish for. The Quran is designed to set a hierarchy of priorities. What the professor mentions are desires, but low tier necessities.

The most vital issue for Muslims which read the Quran literally is establishing the caliphate and protection from the Kuffars.

Despite the tens of thousands of people that ISIS commands, they are a small force numerically compared to the total population that they cover.

In this case the Quran explains the tactics employed very clear: This is why all the Yazidi and Shia men are killed, because they might javafx 2 mac os x back and fight them or encourage uprisings in the territories. This is why women are enslaved, because they could support anti-ISIS movements in local regions. Muhammad actually says work from home forney tx even killing Kuffars directly is moving average convergence divergence stock market. First you have to explain to them what being a Muslim means and after that you offer them the possibility of paying jizya or exile rather than death.

But in the case of unmatched forces, the Quran prescribes the same tactics as the ones employed by ISIS. The ideals that the professor mentions are at the end of the Quran. By that time the writers or Allah depending on your belief describes how a one society caliphate should function.

Those admirable principles are described when everybody lives under a Muslim rule. They do not apply when Muslims mortgage rates stock market relationship Kuffars. And yes Shia Muslims are Kuffars for the Sunni, and they are the most dangerous because they bring conflict and confusion in the minds of the followers of Allah.

All those terrorists are Sunites, and there are no terrorists among Shiites, followers of Prophet Ali. Let's put your tantrum into coherent English: Pointless to debate what it says in the Quran, or the Trading system utp or any other religious text.

In the end you have to live in the world with your neighbor, regardless of what your religious text says. Its dictated by social norms and decency to your fellow human, not text written hundreds of years ago. If someone found a missing page from the bible that implied we should drink the blood of our enemies young So if someone says their religious text supports slavery, we don't argue if the text actually says that, because its irrelevant.

The world as a whole doesn't support it, or decapitation. The question is really, what does the rest of the world do when some people don't conform with the rest of the world. In response to H. This article just shows how Muslims are as good as Christians to cherry pick what they want from their sm fx rates books" to bulls in stock exchange markets whatever position they want.

Instead, they should put their fairy tales aside and think and act based on secular humanism and empaty. The communist revolution in China and the Bolshevik revolution in Russia were both "secular humanist, empathetic" how much money does an anesthesiologist make in a day that lead to the deaths of hundreds of millions.

North Korea is a good example of a "secular humanist" state today. When we choose to disregard God we find ourselves rules by petty, tyrannical gods and the result is hell on earth. Arabs took as many slaves out of Africa as Europeans. The trade started earlier and continued later.

In fact, Africans were still being held in slave pens in Saudi Arabia into the 's. Slavery has been redefined as "labor contracts" in the Gulf States and continues on its merry way. Slave labor is being used to build New York University's campus in AbuDhabi and sites for FIFA's World Cup in Qatar, to name just a few. I'm tired of being told about what the Koran says.

I can't hear your words. Your actions are too loud. I think you got everything wrong, brother. Read from the right sources and trust me, you'd be amazed at what you find. Umm, no, excuse me, you are the one who got it all wrong — stop reading a pedophile, schizophrenic prophecy of an illiterate lunatic and get yourself some more recent literature — you'd be amazed how the world was able to progress in the last years that you and the rest of these misguided followers missed.

Solution that guarantees it can download indikator forex signal bar sustained: Even if it is all, or almost all of them. They obviously will not be missed by truly God-fearing people. The resulting change of consciousness would be what they call a "God-send. Okay, don't ask me how to do that!

Maybe God only knows how. Imagine how much easier it would be to convince people to worship a creator that didn't have all that baggage!! Or not have any religion at all we have science these days, every rational thinker can see for himself, which one is right and wrong. And we'd get rid of these problems all together Muhammad himself both owned slaves and traded in slaves. He used to sell war captives into slavery, e.

Muslims also kept slaves. Those whom they defeated and if they were not killed — were often kept or sold as slaves. The Quran itself justifies slavery- Surah Probably the professor is right in his analysis of Islam as well as in his belief. The problem lies in the implementation of Islam in everyday life. Unfortunately, there is the human factor. And the human desire to control and rule over forex introducing brokers others.

Consequently, Muslims must accept that there is no room for religion in everyday life, religion is the way for spiritual development. Then, stock market growth calculator only then can a person implement hns forex results in her everyday life. ISIS is the handbook-case how bad usage of religion affects HUMANITY and not only the Muslim community.

Compared to Christianity and Judaism, which have evolved and learned from the very dark periods mostly the Christian faithIslam is on the downhill and will lose the battle soon. Maybe Islam needs millions of Bernard Freamons to even have the chance of surviving.

I wish them luck. Until then, ISIS must be terminated men, women, ofsprings for that Islam get its chance in the world. The main enemy to islam is ISIS, not Christiany, not Judaism or other faiths.

It is duty bound upon muslim to protect our religion from bidah or any form of addition,as for slavery it is acceptable in islam, it only appear strange to us muslim world bse of compromise of our religion value so as to offset it with universal brotherhood of mankind and chanelling our effort in achieving the goal of one world order impossed on us by western powers to corrupt our religion,hense bowing to their demand at expense of our system,we are brainwashed and find it hard to implement practices of our pious predessors by directing our effort in satisfaction of material need.

Yes, you defend yourself by murdering and enslaving people and trying to impose your values onto others. Yes, indeed you are by your false murderous wanna-be prophet. You now defend enslaving people? The problem is that the religion that you stand for is CORRUPT, not the other way around. Everyone can see what is happening today and there is no 'holy' book to defend such crimes. Erhm, no, islam propagates slavery in its 'holy' book, it is actually very explicit in it.

No one wants to corrupt your religion, far from that. Your religion is already corrupted from day one and that is the reason that the whole world suffers from it, in every single continent and including your own muslim countries.

The problem is that the muslims cannot and will not see the truth and therefore they HAVE to blame everybody else for this situation. To say or think anything negative is a grave sintherefore somebody else must be doing wrong, not the religion.

When people are afraid, disgusted and so many other things, it is not pros and cons of becoming a stockbroker of islamophobic propaganda.

The muslims themselves are doing everything in such a way that these reactions are totally normal and even very toned down in the Western press. Only a fraction of what is going on in reality spills out in the press because we are afraid of riots.

You are quick in insulting islam,for me ma religion refrain me frm such barbaric utterances,ma dia defend your point but stop attack a gaist religion,for even if you do million times it has zero effect infact may only add value,so plz take advise and go slow.

First, type legibly and check your spelling and grammar, might do you a whole lot of good in getting your point across and this is English-only comment section, btw. I am not insulting anything, I am denouncing the crimes islam is propagating. You didn't answer my question — so you are really defending ISIS enslaving people and the other crimes they commit? So, just because I do not agree with you on a point you dismiss my opinions as irrelevant? That goes to show, how 'tolerant' you muslims really are.

If Isis is not islamic why do oil futures market speculation commit these crimes in the name of your false prophet and religion?

That only shows your low IQ and proves my point even further. I'm too afraid to kill a fly. Reit vs stock market ISIS is doing is pure evil and they are just trying to defend themselves by hiding behind Islam.

Once you become fluent in Arabic and read the Quran please do come back with your opinions. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" No reasonable person would interpret this to mean a making money by doing surveys struggle Quran 9: This popular claim that the Quran only inspires violence within the context of self-defense is seriously challenged by this assistant to binary options working strategy as well, since the Muslims to whom it was written were obviously not under attack.

Those are only a few passages you got out from Google. When you become fluent in Arabic and actually finish reading the whole Quran come back and comment. I know enough to make my own opinion. Brainwashed are you with this propaganda not even fit for the middle exchange rate new zealand dollar vs south african rand. Not sure why doesn't let me respond directly to your responses — no I am not pricing options on bond futures religion is bad I am saying that the crimes that ISIS does in the name of islam are bad obvious for anyone to see.

They claim they do it because of islam, as they are devout muslims. So who am I not to believe them? And on the other hand — were there now religion, the world would be at peace. Have you ever thought money maker tomatoes nz that? I'm have been raised a Muslim and that is who I am today. Respect my elders, treat everyone with kindness, I am a vegetarian because I love animals.

I believe only god has the right to take a human life away not a human. I know many Christians that live their life the way I do. ISIS is stupid and not following islam at all. As a previous commenter said Maria, I can't hear your words because your actions are speaking so loudly. Why do we not hear of large groups of radicalized Amish taking to their buggies and cutting a swath of violence from Pennsylvania clear through to Texas?

Is Islam the problem or are a significantly large number of it's followers just too stupid to understand the subtleties forex growth bot mq4 your so-called "religion of peace".

So what are you saying, all the english editions of the Quran are not accurate and shouldn't be relied upon? As I said, islam only propagates violence, non tolerance and crimes. Thanks for this wonderful proof Joline — quotes from the book supposedly written by their illiterate prophet who in the end couldn't really write it, as he was illiterate Why would I want to learn Arabic and learn that forsaken book? I don't need it as I can think rationally, unlike you and the rest if the other followers of these fairytales.

You know nothing about Islam except what the media and internet have taught you. Hopefully you become a leader one day and think for yourself instead of a follower being brain washed. Maria, we see the example of Islam that is being set by Muslims. Hundreds of thousands of human beings have been murdered by Muslims in just the last few years. THE DOCTRINE OF TAQIYYA: Muslims are encouraged to lie against non muslims: CNN October Asia Bibi, a mother of five from Punjab province, was accused of defiling private company stock options worthless name of the Prophet Mohammed during a argument with Muslim fellow field workers.

The workers had refused to drink from a bucket of water she had touched because she was not Muslim. On October 16, the Lahore High Court upheld the verdict of death by hanging. There is no concrete evidence against Asia Bibi, and the courts are only relying on the statement on those two women," Shakir said.

Bibi wrote about her ordeal in a book called "Get Me Out of Here. Accursed, they will be seized wherever found and slain with a fierce slaughter. Hypocrites Muslims who refuse to "fight in the way of Allah" 3: Thus does Allah set forth form men their lessons by similitude. Therefore when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make them prisoners,".

HERE ARE FURTHER VERSES: Enslaving and killing non-combatants, women and children is sanctioned by the Quean: The Prophet replied, "They i. This provides justification for the many Islamic terror bombings killing civilians. This demonstrates that sample letter of intent to transfer shares Muslims hate for the Jews is historical.

To-day terrorists will invent any excuse to make war against Jews: There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him. The benign Quran verses are the early verses, when Muhammed was trying to find recruites. These benign verses were killed when Muhammed later did the opposite.

They try to feed use the extinct benign verses. The threat is not only to civilians but also to any government: Saifur Rahman, The Sealed Nectar p. My horsemen will appropriate your land, and my Prophethood will assume preponderance over your kingship. The significance is that the recipients were not making war or threatening Muslims. Their subsequent defeat and subjugation by Muhammad's armies was justified merely on the basis of their unbelief.

Muhammed gives muslims the right to dominate non-muslims: Fight in the name of Allah and in the way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Make a holy war When you meet your enemies who are polytheists, invite them to three courses of action.

If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withhold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to accept Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya.

If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them. I'm following the Quran as well. I have yet to rape, kill, or torture. Neither are any other muslims I know. Hence the problem — your religion can be interpreted in many ways and ISIS obviously doesn't interpret it correctly, as you claim.

Nevertheless, they do find their inspiration for their crimes in your religion. Then it is obvious that that religion has a huge problem. They only defend themselves. When a child gets into trouble he uses any excuse to get out of it like ISIS is using Islam.

Yes I am comparing a child with ISIS because obviously they don't understand right from wrong, Nothing is wrong with Islam it is simply some people. This is how the Quran describes such muslims: NO THIS IS NOT A DUBLICATE: WHYARE YOU TRYING TO STOP ME? How much money have you donated to Hamas or the Muslim Brotherhood or other fronts that will be used to cut the throats you are too afraid to cut yourself? If someone has to learn Arabic to understand Islam; then Islam is not a universal religion.

This confirms that Islam is only for about million Arab muslims. If Arabic is the language of Allah why only million speak Arabic out of world population of 7.

Was Muhammad a prophet for Arabs only? All of the prayers are in Arabic. My native language is Farsi but I know every Arabic prayer there is and the meaning but i don't speak Arabic. It is the language the Quran was written in and it's not to be changed. Maria "Those are only a few passages you got out from Google. When you become fluent in Arabic and actually finish reading the whole Quran come back and comment". In other words, you don't know what you are talking about, but you are willing to lie to us as a good Muslim and expect us to believe your nonsense.

Muslim means "Submit to God". I am creating a new religion of the "Programmed by god" to insist that we are already programmed by our creator and would act right according to our creator if award of science and not perverse by the bible or the Koran.

Okay I guess I am going to hell for not killing people then. I am such a good person. Ugh why must Islma be so evil and send a peaceful Muslim like me to hell D:. He the Messenger of Allah did that and said: There is another act which elevates the position of a man in Paradise to a grade one hundred higherand the elevation between one grade and the other is equal to the height of the heaven from the earth.

He Abu Sa'id said: What is that act? Jihad in the way of Allah! Have you even gone to the trouble of looking up the meaning of "jihad"?

Or are you simply dumbly accepting the American movie definition? I suspect the latter or you wouldn't sound quite as stupid! And no, I'm not Muslim but I do try to understand our differences No need for definitions.

Everyone can see for themselves what ISIS jihad looks like. Oh, and by name calling you will really make a valid argument. Go back to school and learn some manners. Sounds like you already know everything. Glad you're so worldly. Do you even know where Syria and Iraq are located on a map?

Yes, as a matter of fact I am geography expert. Look, you trying to put people down will not make your claims any more valid in such a discussion. And Joline is obviously not going by any movie definitions as you claim, she quotes that 'holy' book of theirs Furthermore, have you ever read the bible? Do a comparison sometime. I don't need any religious book to tell me what's wrong or what's right.

Why are you bringing another religious book into this? This is not a comparison. I care about the bible as much as I care about any other religious book my level of caring for all those is close to zero. Again she quotes that one religious book, and you keep claiming some delusional movie references.

You should reread her post again and this time let it sink in, please. Maria, you do not understand Arabic, you pray in Arabic by rot, why are you telling others to learn Arabic to understand Islam? This debate needs an ending with my final words. The fact is Islam gives rights. In islam poors all colors all races stand in a row to bow before Allah thats the greatness of Islam. What more the atheists the ignorant need to know? Yeah right, and then you woke up with your thumb in your mouth and a sweaty pillow It is very different from what you describe.

Yeah and then u woke up with a cross on your shoulder mr ripwanwinkle! Ikramuddin Akbar — great response, just one I would expect. Why are you bringing Serbs into this? What they have done is of course terrible and not justified, but here we talk about islam and isis perpetrated crimes in the name of islam. All religion is just trouble, but islam seems to lead in this way. ISIS — doing exactly as written in you 'holy' book to the word.

Your 'religion of peace' is the cancer of today's world. Every rational being can see that. No I was not being born an islam hater, but seeing what ISIS does in the name of islam, and responses such as yours make me really question your lunatic propaganda.

You start like a sane man then you dive into a sordid pool of hatred against islam, and go insane ,you are an atheist i know,so you have the rights reserve to spew on islam whatever it comes out of your mouth. I wonder why God didn't ask you before sending abrahmic messengers to this world. Man you are here to talk against brutality by isis now if they stop and regret for their bad deeds and continue their works gently would that be acceptable to you.?

Tell this to the Christians in the middle east who are continually persecuted i. Tell this to Pastor Saeed Abedini stuck in an Iranian prison for the last two years because of his faith in Jesus Christ. You can't tell me that only radical jihadist muslim groups are enslaving, it is rampant and the evidence is too abundant to ignore. Muslims are terrorist they don't want live to other he want i am good i am Allah what r u do.? But Jesus is good Hindus, Buddha, jains are Good. Modi must have written your comments as i can guess.

Muslims brought you from darkness to the light. You should not criticize other's posts when your own grammar and syntax need revisions. Maybe you should hire someone to type your responses for you properly.

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What are the fruits of Islam today: ISIS, Al Qaida, Boko Haram, Al Shabab, Taliban, Laskar e Taiba, Hibz e Tahrir, muslim brotherhood, Hezbollah, Islamic mujahideen groups in every muslim nation etc. You are judged by the fruits. The muslims are stuck in the middle ages, where are your scientific innovations today, you can pray all you want, but is the Arab God listening?

You can bow all you want to the black stone and to Saudi Arabia and pray in Arabic, but how is that going to improve your standard of living? Look at the gdp of the 57 muslim nations and compare them to the progressive nations in the world.

The non-muslim nations are controlling and rule the world today. Look at Christianity, since the death of Jesus Christ and his resurrection, christian's have been blessed and the christian civilization has consistently ruled the world and are leading in the prosperity and scientific innovation's. The civilization that believes in christian Jesus not muslim Jesus ; is the most successful in numbers 2.

Even the chinese are now accepting christianity in large numbers in the last some 30 years christian's in china have grown from 10 million to now about 65 million because the chinese feel that progressive nations are mostly christian. The first lady of America Michele Obama comes from a slave family. The 18 million slaves that went from East Africa to the muslim countries, what is their status?

Why are only these people defined as fruits of Islam? Would be interesting and fair if you have number of religious muslims who are not part of any of the above. Professor Bernard Freamon does not seem to know that the "people of the book" he mentioned, condemned for "seeking lordship over another human being" by the Koran, are non-Muslims, not Muslims.

The "people of the book", according to Islamic definition, are Jews and Christians, mainly. So the one verse in the Koran that seems to demand the abolition of slavery only does so for non-Muslim masters? If Professor Freamon does not know this, he is not competent to be writing on this subject, and if he does, he looks like a liar, in my opinion. And why didn't CNN's editors see this mistake? It's brainwashing at its most basic form. Back when it was being put together, the Quran had so many grammatical fallacies and errors it had to be revised again and again.

Since Muslims are not permitted to critique the Quran for fear of death, they are trapped in this never ending void of uncertainty and perverted interpretation by those wishing to fulfill their own selfish interests. The author engages in wishful thinking. Throghout the history of Islam, there was never an abolitionist movement as in Christianity. As lately as there was slavery in Saudi Arabia and today the Saudis don't call their "maids" slaves but they treat them as such.

There is still slavery in Mauritania and Sudan. The slave trade towards the Muslim world was worse than anything seen on the Atlantic slave trade and it was only when the abolitionist movement in Great Britain made abolition of slavery a priority that the slave trade was curtailed by the British Navy. As a historian, the author of this piece is a joke. The small fine print of Islam is this, in Islam it is forbidden to kill, to lie, to take slaves, to steal, to rape, to sodomize anything with a butthole including animals and children.

But this is only applied towards other Muslims. Now if you are a Kafir, non-Muslim, nonbeliever, also known as an Infidel, then none of those rules are applied and the Muslim can do whatever the heck they want to non-Muslims.

That is the truth of Islam and that is what they are not telling you. Muslims cannot be reasoned with, or negotiated with, if you do make a treaty with them they will break it sooner or later as it is forbidden to make contracts with non-Muslim countries.

The only way for you to rid yourself of Muslims and their bullies BDSM ideology, is to fight them, to run them out of your country by whatever means that you can do, intimidation, harassment, bullying, kicking their butts, property damagewhat ever you can possibly do.

If sharia law is so darn great, the perfect law, the divine law, why hasn't it work in their war-torn hell-hole countries? Why must all these Muslims seek asylum and refuge in non-Muslim countries? Because they want the same rules applied in our country, they want to turn our peaceful country into a war-torn hell-hole. The meaning of jihad is to struggle, and in order to get to their heaven all Muslims must struggle.

What better way to struggle then to turn our peace-loving and respectful country into a war torn hell-hole. That is why Islam is pure evil. In Islam there is no diversity. Had it not been for the Crusades, all of Europe and America would be under Islamic law. Islam is trying to take it all away again. What is needed now is another Crusade. This can be done either with a large group of people like government controlled or military, or can be done by each and every non-Muslim that comes in contact with a Muslim in there neck of the woods.

Deal with them in your own way. Whenever you hear Muslims in the west say that ISIS "doesn't represent true Islam," you need to understand one very important thing: Muslim communities in the West are producing thousands of eager recruits and fighters for ISIS. How many Muslims in the West are so outraged by ISIS that they're volunteering to FIGHT ISIS? Have you ever wondered why Muslims in the West aren't spearheading campaigns for free speech in the Muslim world, for religious pluralism, for women's rights, for gay rights, for artistic freedom?

BECAUSE THEY DON"T BELIEVE IN ANY OF THOSE THINGS. There are no major organized movements where Muslims in the West are teaching against violent jihad. There are no significant "not in our name" protests by the Muslim community over the horrors of ISIS. It may be true that some Muslims disapprove of the specific methods of ISIS, but THAT IN NO WAY MEANS THEY"RE EVER GOING TO SIDE WITH THE FILTHY KAFIR AGAINST THEIR FELLOW MUSLIMS.

The highest value taught in Islam is the supremacy of Islam itself, and that's how a Muslim defines what is right and wrong. If Muslims are beheading and raping Christians, and it advances Islam, then it's good. If Muslims are beheading and raping Christians and it becomes bad publicity and hurts Islam, then it becomes bad. You will notice that whenever Muslim spokesman condemn ISIS, they talk about how ISIS is giving Islam a bad name.

That's all they care about, because that's the morality that Islam teaches. Translations of the Meanings of the Noble Quran, Surah 3, Verse Then, if they turn away, say: Tafsir al-Jalalayn interpretation of Quranic Surah 3, Verse After this, Allah invited them to accept Allah's divine Oneness, saying: O People of the Scripture.

Come to an agreement the agreement is: And if they turn away and refuse to accept Allah's divine Oneness, then say: Bear witness know that we are they who have surrendered unto Him and acknowledge His divine Oneness and worship Him. SLAVERY is in the Qur'an and Hadiths. It's covered under 'what the right-hand possesses' is halal i. Islamic law is based on the words and example of Mohammad. Mohammad beheaded prisoners by the hundreds and took non-muslim female prisoners as s-x slaves, See e.

He and his men even discussed in very specific detail how best to r-pe them in case they decided to hold them for ransom instead of as permanent s-x slaves. ISIS are simply practicing salafi islam according to the rules of jihad, which permit such actions.

Muslims were not in an "era of jihad" in the past hundred or so years. With the creation of the Islamic state and the designation of the a new Caliph, the rules of jihad now apply, including the taking of Quranically sanctioned "Right hand Possessions".

And they have NEVER changed. Form the author of the Saudi curriculum:. Oh, and by they way. If it's the one I think it is, I read that "Letter by prominent scholars" that you mention.

If you know how to understand what your reading, you will see that they take great pains to argue that the Yazidis are not true pagans but "Medeans" — a specific subgroup that are discussed in Islamic literature who qualify as "People of the Book.

Thus, the "Scholars" weren't arguing contesting or arguing against the s-xual enslavement of pagans during jihad, they were arguing that the Yazidis had been wrongly classified by ISIS and should have been given the third choice. THAT'S your modern day scholarship, my dear. The Koran and Mohammed are both one big fraud. Quoting what is false to begin with, or some ancient scholar of fakery, or the fact that people have been fooled for over 1, years, doesn't make it true.

Mohammed was a psychopath, and Islam is the path of brutality, ignorance and oppression. But then, so is conventional Christianity. Now, what to do about the license given, quite specifically, in the "eternal and uncreated" Quran? Islamic law means what ever the imam interpreting the Koran, the Hadith, or previous interpretations says it means. Islam has no hierarchy of order or authority or responsibility. Its not only decentralized but its anarchy.

An imam is like a preacher, but not like a priest or minister and an imam is any man who gets some other men over on Friday afternoon for prayers. Lest we forget power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. As long as imams continue to use sharia to broker political power, which means the sole legitimate use of violence, there will be continual violence.

Is that why the author of the Saudi Curriculum, one the most prominent authorities on Sunni islam, has ALSO justified the taking of slaves during jihad? Search Sheik Fawzan, "slavery is part of jihad. It's just amazing that in people read the quaran or bible and believe all the dogma in them.

It's an indication that we have not progressed in rational and analytic thought since caveman days. All of the monotheistic religions condone slavery But only the Muslims still practise it.

You are creating a false Islam so that it will lessen criticism. On the contrary, it is ISIS that insists on adhering to true Islam and not to any modern interpretations. ISIS and other fundamentalists are not buying it. It is not important what Islamic law says, it is important what the Koran says. After all, Sharia is a human interpretation by males, of course of what they believe or want to believe the Koran says.

Muslims need to admit that their law is not that of Mohammad, it is one of man and then move on. For example, the calls for women to cover themselves head to toe is nowhere in the Koran, which merely says one should dress modestly. They're called "right hand possessions. If the story is fact and the comments also then why is it that Moslems adhering to the Quran as anti-slavery and all the other acts of the radical Islamist do not condemn such acts and rise up en-masse to fight against the fanatics?

Could it be they silently approve? They may or may not approve. What they DO know, beyond all doubt, is that they cannot win the theological argument. Not with these men, or any other Salafi. That is why they stay silent. If this professor is correct, how is it that so many adherents an imams, some with PhDs in Islamic studies, misunderstand their religion? It seems all the wrongs in the world of organised religion come from books written hundreds and thousands of years ago when none of us were around to debate the contents.

The contents could just as easy be a fantasy just out of somebody's head or a dream some nutter had one night and thought God was talking to him. When I die I will either get the truth or just rot But when you start to study other religions besides your own it become clear: Each god behaves and thinks exactly like the specific culture it came from.

If god, in whatever name you wish to say, was truly omniscient and omnipresent shouldn't rights, "'like the rights to be free from genocide, torture, racial discrimination and piracy,"' have been preempted in all holy scriptures.

Instead we are left with stories in holy books about rampaging believers who have authority given to them from on high to commit great atrocities. Maybe, and fingers crossed it's true, people shouldn't be deriving their ethical and moral principles from books that view the world as it was thousands of years ago. Lastly, if these scriptures are the word of god and they no longer conform to accepted moral principles, perhaps we should ignore the scriptures completely instead of trying to rework them to fit our current lifestyles.

Saudi, Pakistan, Afghan, Sudan, Yemen, Iran ISIS, Palestine, AlQaeda, Boko Haram, Pakistan, Saudi It is amazing how less you know about pakistan, yemen and sudan and iran, there is no Islamic Shariah in these countries to begin with, well you have to know your world better, that is what i will suggest you do. They belong in the 7th century and Western countries should do everything to accommodate their wish.

Well written article and I applaud the author for a well established argument that differentiates between the religion of Islam and some practices of Muslims in different eras. What ISIS is doing is shameful and does nothing but justifies rape and torture for a dominating male fantasy.

You cannot rebut my comments, so you steal my name and write what you wish I had written, rather than what is true. He personally oversaw the beheading of more than jewish prisoners. He assassinated his critics e. Worse still, there is no wiggle room in the theology -by definition, it CANNOT EVER be fully contextualized. ISIS and every other group engaged in similar actions are following the words and example of Mohammad and the instructions in the Quran to a tee.

Continuing to accept Mohammad as a moral example — or worse still, ignoring the truth while attempting to disclaim any connection — provides cover and support to people like ISIS. This is the reason countries in this region struggle so with civil society and careen back and forth between viciously islamists civil wars and brutal, more secular minded dictatorships. The scholar who wrote this article finds a few verses in the "glorious" Koran that are anti-slavery and conveniently ignores the many verses that allow, even require slavery.

He is therefore guilt of the same sort of "cherry-picking" as ISIS. Fortunately, anyone interested can look it up.

So if I am a peaceful muslim BECAUSE of my religious teachings — I don't represent Islam. If I am a violent muslim BECAUSE of my religious teachings — I represent Islam. Even though out of millions or billions of muslims, the former way outnumber the latter. When people tell you of verses in Qur'an prohibiting violence, you remind them there are verses encouraging violence.

When people tell you of verses in Qur'an encouraging violence, you keep silent about the opposite. Though I wonder how many muslims you personally know who have tried to kill you.

If you want to follow your religion exactly then you see so much violence and killing in your books, Qoran and Hadithit is not normal. The arrogance of hate towards unbelievers etc. Another strange thing is that on one page you see one thing and on another page another. I don't think that God would change his mind from one moment to the other.

So if it is God inspired? There are one and a half billion muslims in the world. Obviously not every single one of them wil be acting out what is said in their books. Even if you are a so called moderate moslim you will not be terrorising people. That is left to a group who does not mind getting killed. One thing is certain is that the great majority of the left over ones do support the smaller group. For the simple reason that they are doing jihad in the name of Allah and for their religion.

This is the greatest danger. Islam is the one and only religion that is making war ALL over the world in the name of Allah and Mohammad. Does that not say enough? Its actually awesome piece of writing, I have got much clear idea on the topic of from this paragraph. It the author is to be believed, that the Koran provides guidance for the eventual freeing of slaves, then why did it take so long, untilfor the country which provides custodianship of the Two Holy Mosques, Saudi Arabia, to pass a law which effectively emancipated their slaves?

If the statement " Women may not be able to avoid menopause: DO keep related information together,I could see how she might have thought this because her Hermes Online. Unfortunately there are always those apologists who try to find a line here and there to disclaim this or that.

The truth of the matter is that wherever muslims reigned, there were slaves and other misery. In the Qoran and in the Hadith there are so many things that are contradictory. Therefore one can say anything and therefore it cannot be the word of God. Muslims pride themselves on the wordswhere it says that if you kill one person you have killed all of mankind. This proves to them that Islam is Peace. How do they explain that their god also tells the muslims to kill all infidels and much more.

For those of us who do not know the Qoran, we have to be careful not to be manipulated. If you do like mohamed, you are doing the work allah. You cannot be in the wrong in the eye of islam. The story is not of a mad man, pillaging, illing, rapping and enslaving in his younger year. No, mohamed life become more and more violent and oppressive as he grew older.

Also, he was poisoned to death before he had the chance to inflict more horrible pain on human kind. Beside mohamed hatred of Jews, his murder is another reason many muslim have no love for Jews. Most under the sword of the prophet mohamed himself. And Islam is based on the emulation of this man mohamed and all his horrible deed of violance.

Also as a general his order where brutal and without mercy. If this man lived today he would be put to death, or spend his life in jail, for crimes against humanity And it seem many here also have a selective reading of the books of islam and the oppression the world was under each caliphate. Specially the millions that endure slavery, and the countless genocide for allah over the centuries.

Like the author, reading all books is necessary to fully understand islam. Something the Islamic State clearly did. Thats why many of the atrocities we see are lifted, word for word, out of the life of mohamed. Ask ANY mulsim if mohamed did wrong, or that mohamed didn't live a life that allah fully approved of. ISIS is not radical or extreme, they simply follow islam and the teaching of mohamed. CNN welcomes a lively and courteous discussion as long as you follow the Rules of Conduct set forth in our Terms of Service.

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Notify me of new comments via email. CNN is joining the fight to end modern-day slavery by shining a spotlight on the horrors of modern-day slavery, amplifying the voices of the victims, highlighting success stories and helping unravel the complicated tangle of criminal enterprises trading in human life.

Want more information on how you can help end modern-day slavery? Every Day in Cambodia. Stand in the Sinai. Click to watch video. ISIS says Islam justifies slavery - what does Islamic law say? By Professor Bernard Freamon In the past few months, the world has witnessed horrific accounts of the enslavement of thousands of innocent Yazidis and other religious minorities by ISIS partisans in Iraq and Syria.

This is an explicit condemnation of trafficking in free human beings. It seems that the ISIS ideologues want to revive this shameful legacy. Yazidi women sold, raped, enslaved by ISIS. November 5, at 5: November 6, at Or you're so brainwashed you don't realize how wrong you are Ikramuddin Akbar So it was muslims who crucified Jesus,right!

November 6, at 1: Maria No it is not. November 6, at 3: November 6, at 7: Lenny Pincus Of course, the Bible not only condones slavery but also encourages slaves to obey their masters. November 7, at Paul These are the works of man. November 7, at 4: November 7, at 5: November 8, at 1: Shane Yes, Muhammad took slaves from captives from his many jihads and he allowed his warriors to do the same. November 8, at Ibrahim Khalif Abu Baker Al Bagdadi is a PHD in ISLAMIC Studies from a top Muslim University.

November 10, at 6:

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