Global stock markets factbook and supplemental s&p data

It seems you are using an older browser. This site is optimized for modern browsers. Please upgrade to a modern browser for the best experience. The World Bank's Open Data initiative is intended to provide all users with access to World Bank data, according to the Open Data Terms of Use. The data catalog is a listing of available World Bank datasets, including databases, pre-formatted tables, reports, and other resources.

Access to Information Download Data Catalog Data Catalog API. The World Bank Pilot Study for Crowd-Sourced Price Data Collection through Mobile Phones combined the need for high-frequency data, recent developments in information and communication technologies, and power of crowd. Crowd-sourced data are data collected and reported by the user community using information and communication technologies.

S&P Global Equity Indices (annual % change) by Country

The objective of the pilot was to study the feasibility of crowd-sourced price data collection. Non-professional price collectors used personal computers and mobile phones for collecting data and entering it in a multilingual web microsite developed for the pilot.

Price data was collected for thirty tightly specified food commodity items on a monthly basis for approximately six months in eight pilot countries. Non-professional price collectors received compensation in the form of airtime rewards. The World Bank EdStats All Indicator Query holds over 4, internationally comparable indicators that describe education access, progression, completion, literacy, teachers, population, and expenditures.

The indicators cover the education cycle from pre-primary to vocational and tertiary education. The query also holds learning outcome data from international and regional learning assessments e.

For further information, please visit the EdStats website. This dataset includes procurement tender notices for World Bank Group financed projects. Learn more about the World Bank Group's operations in procurement at http: The Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic AICD has data collection and analysis on the status of the main network infrastructures. The AICD database provides cross-country data on network infrastructure for nine major sectors: The indicators are defined as to cover key areas for policy making: The analysis encompasses public expenditure trends, future investment needs and sector performance reviews.

global stock markets factbook and supplemental s&p data

It offers users the opportunity to view AICD results, download documents and materials, search databases and perform customized analysis. The Logistics Performance Index overall score reflects assessments of a country's logistics based on efficiency of the customs clearance process, quality of trade- and transport-related infrastructure, ease of arranging competitively priced shipments, quality of logistics services, ability to track and trace consignments, and frequency with which shipments reach the consignee within the scheduled time.

The index ranges from 1 to 5, with a higher score representing better performance. Data are from Logistics Performance Index surveys conducted by the World Bank in partnership with academic and international institutions and private companies and individuals engaged in international logistics. Respondents evaluated eight markets on six core dimensions using a scale from 1 worst to 5 best.

The markets are chosen based on the most important export and import markets of the respondent's country, random selection, and, for landlocked countries, neighboring countries that connect them with international markets. Scores for the six areas are averaged across all respondents and aggregated to a single score using principal components analysis.

Details of the survey methodology and index construction methodology are in Connecting to Compete Trade Logistics in the Global Economy This dataset does not list all contracts awarded by the Bank, and should be viewed only as a guide to determine the distribution of major contract commitments among the Bank's member countries.

Information does not include awards to subcontractors nor account for cofinancing. The Procurement Policy and Services Group does not guarantee the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any consequences of its use. The World Bank Group complies with all sanctions applicable to World Bank Group transactions. Wage Bill and Pay Compression provides data on public sector wage bills, pay compression, and government employment.

Wage bill includes both central and general government compensation as percentages of GDP, revenues, and expenditures. Pay compression is defined as the ratio of highest salary to lowest salary on the central government's main salary scale.

Public Sector employment includes both General Government and State Owned Enterprise's employees, but only general government employment is captured in this dataset. User should review the Wage Bill and Pay Compression Summary Note carefully prior to use. The data can be used for many purposes: The WDR OWW database contains occupation wage data for occupations in countries from to The occupation wage data are derived from the ILO October Inquiry database laborsta.

The normalized wages refer to average hourly or monthly wage rates for adult workers. SEDLAC is an ongoing project. All statistics shown in this site are preliminary.

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This web site includes statistics on poverty and other distributional and social variables from 25 Latin American and Caribbean LAC countries. All statistics are computed from microdata of the main household surveys carried out in these countries using a homogenous methodology data permitting.

SEDLAC allows users to monitor the trends in poverty and other distributional and social indicators in the region. In addition, the website visitor can carry out dynamic searches online.

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The dataset includes basic information such as the project title, task manager, country, project id, sector, themes, commitment amount, product line, procurement notices, contract awards, and financing. It also provides links to publicly disclosed online documents.

For older projects, there is a link to the Archives catalog, which contains records of older documents. Where available, there are also links to contract awards since July Latest poverty and inequality indicators compiled from officially recognized international sources. Ghetto fabulous money make the world indicators include the poverty headcount ratio, poverty gap, and number of poor at both international and national poverty lines.

Inequality indicators include the Gini index global stock markets factbook and supplemental s&p data income or consumption distributions. The database includes national, regional and global estimates. This database is maintained by the Gloabl Poverty Working Group GPWGa team of poverty measurement experts from the Poverty Reduction and Equity Network, the Development Research Group, and the Development Data Group.

Mapping for Results aims to visualize the locations of Bank activities and to provide access stock market investor simulator information about indicators, sectors, funding, and results.

Users can overlay disaggregated poverty and human development data i. This dataset is no longer updated. The Global Financial Inclusion Database provides country-level indicators of financial inclusion summarized for all adults and disaggregated by key demographic characteristics-gender, age, education, income, and rural residence.

Covering more than economies, the indicators of financial inclusion measure how people save, borrow, make payments and manage risk. The reference citation for the data is: Demirguc-Kunt, Asli, Leora Klapper, Dorothe Options open interest put call ratio, and Peter Van Oudheusden.

Measuring Financial Inclusion around the World. The Trade in Services Database provides information on annual bilateral services trade flows in Mode 1 cross-border trade and Derivative indian stock market live 2 consumption abroad for countries across a multitude of sectors and years spanning and The collection of data on cross-border trade in services is notoriously difficult, in large part due to the intangible nature of services but also the high capacity needed to record such data.

This is particularly true for developing countries. This database tries to fill this gap by consolidating multiple sources of bilateral trade data in services using mirror techniques, including the OECD, Eurostat, UN and IMF, as to provide a broader coverage of developed and developing countries over time. Mirror-technique is a method to retrieve export trade flows of a reporter by using information on imports of the partner country. Due to the long tradition of global stock markets factbook and supplemental s&p data revenues, trade data for goods have been collected with quite high quality and accuracy.

Due to intangibility and non-storability of services, at-the-border-duties cannot be applied to services, thus having resulted in much weaker compilation practices with considerably less accuracy. Thus, services statistics has ample space for improvement in terms of measurement. In particular with respect to modes 3 and 4, measurement is up to date difficult and incomplete.

Ongoing revisions and refinements of the BOP classification put command in ftp for folder towards solving these issues. As such, the Trade in Services Database should be seen in this light as the best currently available approximation to a comprehensive picture of global trade flows in services.

The BEEPS underwent changes from the previous round in Two new countries, Kosovo and Montenegro were included in the cycle. The new survey instrument also allows for better cross-regional comparability with Enterprise Survey results for countries outside of ECA region.

Agricultural Public Expenditure Review and supporting material: The Corporate Scorecard was designed to provide a snapshot of the Bank's overall performance, including its business modernization, in the context of development results. This archived version has been superseded by a re-designed Corporate Scorecard for pdf only. The World Bank has systems—on which it continuously improves—for measuring and monitoring both development results and its own performance.

These systems are complemented by independent evaluations. With the Results Measurement System, which was adopted for the 13th replenishment of the International Development Association IDA13 inthe Bank became the first multilateral development institution 5 minute binary options brokers use advantages and disadvantages of stock market investment framework with quantitative indicators to monitor results and performance.

The Corporate Scorecard expanded this approach to the entire World Bank covering both the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBRD and IDA. The Corporate Scorecard used an integrated results and performance framework, which was organized in a four-tier structure that grouped indicators along the results chain. Two of the tiers tracked elements of development results Tiers I and IIand the other two captured elements of performance Tiers III and IV.

The Corporate Scorecard monitored, at an aggregate level, whether the Bank was functioning efficiently and adapting itself successfully Tier IVand whether it was managing its operations and services effectively Tier III to support countries in achieving results Tier II in the context of global development progress and priorities Tier I.

It presented a high-level view and was not intended to real estate earnest money returned country- or activity-level information. Quarterly Public Sector Debt QPSD database, jointly developed by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, brings together detailed public sector debt data of selected stock broker jobs maryland. The QPSD database includes country and cross-country tables, and specific public debt components.

The data represent the following sectors on an as-available basis: General government; otherwise Central government; otherwise Budgetary central government; Nonfinancial public corporations and Financial public corporations and a table presenting the total public sector debt. Changes recording call options in quicken any of the three can affect an economy's relative size and, therefore, its ranking in comparison to other economies.

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Of the rankings presented here, nominal GDP, perhaps the most familiar measure of aggregate economic activity, is most subject to price and exchange rate effects. Rankings are based on available data only. Sum of all cash flows represent the net changes in unrestricted cash.

The values are expressed in millions of U. Amount in millions of US Dollars, rounded. The Service Delivery Indicators program is an application of the principles of the World Development Report Making Services Work for Poor People. The Service Delivery Indicators project is a new Africa-wide initiative that tracks service delivery in education and health across countries and over time. The project collects nationally representative data that focus mainly on performance and quality of service delivery in primary schools and at frontline health facilities.

This partnership between the World Bank, the African Development Bank and the African Economic Research Consortium brings together development economists and sector specialists. The objective is to reposition the dialogue on human development in Africa within the context of effectiveness of public spending and accountability for service delivery.

Why such an agenda? Accountability for public resources: Demands for accountability for the efficient use of public resources—from citizens and tax payers in developed or developing countries alike—are gaining in prominence, in part, because of the global economic situation.

Accountability depends upon measurement: There is little robust and representative evidence of what teachers and health workers do during a typical work-day, their levels of ability, knowledge and skills, how teachers perform their teaching activities and how well health workers diagnose and treat their patients.

The Export Value Added Database provides information on the domestic value-added content of domestic output and exports for countries across 27 sectors of the economy, including 9 commercial services sectors, 3 primary sectors, and 14 manufacturing sectors, spanning intermittent years between and Trade data is usually measured at transaction values, which are gross values, or value added plus domestic and foreign intermediate inputs.

This is particularly true for services or manufacturing exports. Measuring trade on a value-added basis, as achieved in the Export Value Added Database, overcomes this shortcoming.

Thus this alternative measure to trade makes explicit the direct value-added contribution of a sector to domestic production as well as exports, as well as the linkages that the sector provides to all other sectors of the economy in terms of value added. Enterprise Surveys provide firm-level data from overestablishments in countries. Data are used to create over indicators that benchmark the quality of the business environment across the globe. Each country is surveyed every 3 to 4 years.

In addition to country-level aggregated data, firm-level data are available to registered users on the Enterprise Surveys site at http: The Global Financial Development Database is an extensive dataset of financial system characteristics for economies.

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The database includes measures of 1 size of financial institutions and markets financial depth2 degree to which individuals can and do use financial services access3 efficiency of financial intermediaries and markets in intermediating resources and facilitating financial transactions efficiencyand 4 stability of financial institutions and markets stability.

For a complete description of the dataset and a discussion of the underlying literature, see: Wealth Accounting supplements macroeconomic indicators, such as Gross Domestic Product GDPby measuring the comprehensive wealth of a country.

While changes in GDP tell us if growth is occurring, changes in wealth i. So, just as private companies are assessed by looking at both income and balance sheets, countries need to start accounting for wealth and not just income. Related annual indicators also include natural resource rents, which underlie the wealth accounting data.

Global matrices of bilateral migrant stocks spanning the perioddisaggregated by gender and based primarily on the foreign-born concept are presented. Over one thousand census and population register records are combined to construct decennial matrices corresponding to the last five completed census rounds.

For the first time, a comprehensive picture of bilateral global migration over the last half of the twentieth century emerges. The data reveal that the global migrant stock increased from 92 to million between and South-North migration is the fastest growing component of international migration in both absolute and relative terms. Migration to Western Europe remains largely from elsewhere in Europe.

The oil-rich Persian Gulf countries emerge as important destinations for migrants from the Middle East, North Africa and South and South-East Asia. Finally, although the global migrant stock is still predominantly male, the proportion of women increased noticeably between and Despite recent progress, obstacles to trade and regulatory heterogeneity still leave the regional markets for professional services fragmented.

It notably offers an opportunity to: Carmine Soprano, csoprano worldbank. Indicators compare actual values observed against targets, as set in education sector plans, joint sector reviews, and GPE grant applications.

Indicators present key education outcomes and service delivery data; domestic, external, and GPE financing; learning outcomes; the composition of the Local Education Groups; and aid effectiveness in the education sector. This supplemental dataset contains two spreadsheets: Information on each project is entered at the time of Board approval and is not updated.

A new tool that allows users to visualize sources and uses of development funding, by country. AidFlows offers new transparency about the flow of development funds — from countries providing the resources to countries receiving these funds. Beyond global aid data, there is information about development funds flowing through multilaterals.

The World Bank and Asian Development Bank have windows on AidFlows for institution specific data on flows. The Inter-American Development Bank has joined the partnership, and AidFlows will soon go live with its window.

Browse by Country or Indicator. Menu Microdata Data Catalog DataBank Browse by Country Indicator. Data Catalog The World Bank's Open Data initiative is intended to provide all users with access to World Bank data, according to the Open Data Terms of Use.

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