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Icicidirect com stock market news audio mp3

Posted: Lyubimov On: 24.05.2017

Need inteviews, audio essays, and news, MP3 style? GP's audio download has real news to turn your player into a brain-expanding truth-machine. Forget the MSM's spin zone; get the truth! NOTICE — Out of necessity, I have had to divert time to some personal issues. I will return to posting as soon as I can.

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Israel's counterproductive approach to Iran; US support for illegal Israeli occupations; Ukraine and the West's broken promises to Russia; how US strategy created a world full of terrorists; after decades of the US boot on Cuba's throat, restoring ties is least we can do; as Venezuela struggles to fix economy, US should stop trying to undermine its government.

Here, he even says at one point he can't think of any reason not to trust a pronouncement from the Israeli intelligence service. OMG, are you kidding??

But overall, in this clip, though he stays inside the envelope, he does address numerous important events and concepts, and does so with proper excoriation. The Federal Animal Killing Program — For more than a century, a US federal program called Wildlife Services has been operating in the shadows.

Funded by a combination of private and taxpayer money, it has killed millions of animals. Amy Atwood of the Center for Biological Diversity says the slaughter is done with little oversight or regard for humane practices, and is usually done in service of private business interests rather than ecosystem needs. I feel quite sure that a majority of Americans would oppose such massive routine slaughter of wildlife in the name of private enterprise.

Yet we allow it to be done in our names. How Obama and Venezuela's Right Wing and Are Conspiring to Destabilize Venezuela — As most of the world focuses on hot spots like Ukraine and the Middle East, tensions between the US and Venezuela continue to simmer. Miguel Tinker Salas, author of several books on Venezuela, says the US has been engaged in a continual effort to destabilize Venezuela, from the coup attempt against Hugo Chavez to funding of today's right-wing takeover efforts.

He calls the efforts by Western mainstream media to paint Venezuela as a backward, anti-democratic nation are provably wrong, though he admits the government does need to reform in some areas, such as the fuel subsidy that puts gasoline at 1 cent a gallon. Venezuala is guilty not only of taking care of its poor at the expense of its elites but also of fomenting a left shift in other countries in Latin America.

They don't play ball with the hegemonic agenda of the US, and that is not acceptable to TPTB. In the second part, Marshall focuses on the massive undertaking of reversing a century and a half of policies that have left the Mississippi River Delta region battered. Topics include the dominance of the petroleum industry in the region; the 50 year plan to fix the problem; and how Washington politics have proved to be a barrier to solutions. Once we humans are heavily invested in an approach that turns out to be problematic, good luck implementing a proper solution.

What Radio Can Teach The Internet — Net neutrality is a 21st century concern, but the policy debate that erupted between FCC chairs, the media industry, and citizens echoes an eerily similar fray from 70 years ago, when radio was the dominant medium and just a few corporations were the dominant players. Victor Pickard, author of America's Battle for Media Democracyreviews the FCC's attitude towards and actions upon radio in that era, and explains today's parallels regarding the FCC and the internet.

One important difference is that newspapers were still strong in that era, still doing a reasonable amount of investigative journalism. Today, in terms of finding truthful reporting, the internet is our last best hope, and we'd damn well better protect it from complete control by the propagandists.

Warfare's Sonic Dimension — In war zones, both combatants and civilians must cope with, and interpret, the sounds of weaponry and military machinery. While often thought of as ancillary to the violence inflicted by bombs and bullets, wartime sounds, argues Martin Daughtry, can become indistinguishable from violence itself; they can enact permanent physical and psychological damage.

There are some interesting angles here, but it mostly boils down to "war is loud. Finally, if you've never heard it, check out Kate Bush's very on-target Experiment IV. Internet Decision — "Free and Open" — The FCC has finally voted to reclassify the Internet as a telecom service to "protect the open Internet. Vaidhyanathan lists a plethora of privacy issues and challenges for digital consumers and comments that we are not yet mature enough to handle appealing-but-intrusive offerings.

Um, no, if we were mature enough, we would utterly reject such privacy-invading technology. Welcome to the Fee-ocracy — Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss our bureaucratic world, from the mountain of derivatives paperwork, which has added nothing to global GDP, to the piles of QE, which have added merely more paper gains to an over-bloated stock market.

In the second half, Max interviews David Graeber about his new book, The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity and the Secret Joys of Bureaucracy. They talk about the Sovietization of capitalism as more and more paperwork and contracts are required for even the simplest of financial exchanges. Max introduces the concept of a Fee-ocracy, which believes in the ideology of fee-ism, that spinning ever-more contracts and debt will make us all rich, as epitomized by the practice of Quantitative Easing, which is essentially printing paperwork.

They're reaching a bit on the framing, but it's still a good discussion. Original Show Pub Date: Sovietization of capitalism E We can be like they are Don't fear the reaper. Bail-In Scenario Puts Deposits at Risk — Ellen Brown and Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog discuss global financial machinations.

Topics include how the Swiss banking system is a publicly-owned system and why it survived the recent attack on its peg, as well as whether money-printing done for the public good can work better than money printing done for the banksters' good. Hunter predicts a bank holiday and bail-ins—where depositors hard-cash deposits' will be converted to shares in the bank—will come within Obama's remaining term and that a new war or some sort of false-flag asymmetric attack will likely be paired with the banking ripoff.

He says the financial blow-up has not happened yet because TPTB have proven that they are willing to go to extraordinary lengths to keep the system propped up. Hunter sounds like he drinks waaaay to much coffee, but his observations on the money system are apt. Its failure to materialize does not mean it won't eventually happen. But beware of fear promoted by The Powers That Be intentionally leaking misleading info to otherwise good journalists like Hunter.

The Guy McPherson Celebrity Roast — More than ten years into a career in the academic ivory tower, Guy McPherson terminated his do-nothing, six-figure arrangement and turned his efforts toward awakening the public about impending catastrophic climate change. McPherson says current science is now showing that enough climate feedback loops have been triggered that we are in a runaway climate-change scenario, where nothing we may try to do can possibly reverse drastic temperature increases.

The heating of the planet over the next few decades—unprecedented on a geological time scale—will result in the loss of many species, including humans. His assertions have, of course, come under heavy criticism from many mainstream thinkers as well as some climate scientists.

In this clip, Derek Jensen allows McPherson to lay out his basic case, and then starts hurling the zingers that have been voiced by critics, and allows McPherson to respond to the criticisms. The climate situation, as they say in the Hollywood scripts, is complicated. I think McPherson is more right than wrong.

Regardless, most climate activists believe in solutions that will never work because of physics or public resistance or the criminality of the planetary leadership.

So what's the difference? Be good, do good, and enjoy the ride. Pulling Energy From the Vacuum — This clip is from more than a decade ago but has some ideas that are still perfectly relevant. The following is from the description on the YouTube page: Thomas Bearden is a leading conceptualist in alternate energy technologies, electromagnetic bio-effects, unified field theory concepts, and other related areas.

He holds advanced engineering degrees and, at the time of this interview, was CEO of CTEC; Director of the Association of Distinguished American Scientists; and Fellow Emeritus of the Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advanced Study.

Bearden speaks extensively about how it is possible to derive useable energy from within a vacuum without violating any currently known laws of physics. He and others have built electromechanical devices which actually demonstrate this technology. He also explains how certain powers would rather keep this technology from becoming widely known outside of small esoteric circles.

Time is running out, however, because Earth does not have enough oil and coal reserves to last even for this generation, and threats from nuclear waste and climate shift add to the danger. This is essentially a "free energy" pitch, and Bearden is very convincing. Free energy is indeed an appealing concept, especially if mankind could put such an energy source toward solving knotty issues like nuclear waste, climate change, and peak oil.

But the Jevons Paradox is not likely to let that be our path, even if free energy could be brought to reality. So, sorry, I don't think free energy is our savior.

The fault, dear Brood-Us, is not in our energy but in ourselves. Thanks to Jane for pointing this video out! Help from the World Bank—War by Other Means — In this audio from his documentary film "War by Other Means," journalist John Pilger explores the gross lack of success the World Bank has had in achieving its stated mission of relieving global poverty.

Indeed, he points out that there is a net flow of money FROM countries with World Bank loans TO the countries that fund the World Bank. This is good, but Pilger stays safely inside the liberal envelope, decrying third-world debt and World Bank policy while failing to even mention the larger money-as-debt problem, banker control of the global money system, the infinite growth paradigm, or the Deep State and its use of proxy organizations like the World Bank.

How the Israel Lobby Took Control of U. Foreign Policy and Public Opinion — Jeff Gates is a former counsel to the US Senate Committee on Finance and has served as an adviser to 35 foreign governments.

Gates gives his take on how the influence of the Israeli Lobby on the US Congress has given rise to a systemic criminality in geopolitics. Topics include the distinction between Zionists and Jews; "the embedded consensus"; the simple math of campaign contributions; assets and groomed politicians.

Gates is careful to state that his views are not anti-Jewish, that Zionists have no real interest in Judaism, only in wealth and power by any means. But he overstates his case when proposing the Zionists as THE central cause of the global kleptocratic system. Has he never heard of banksters? To date, Walmart has earned a reputation for paying poverty-level wages to its workers, ensuring that a large percentage of them have to rely on government assistance to survive.

But in the past 2 years, union organizers have been working with some Walmart employees to agitate for better wages. Josh Eidelson talks about whether Walmart's move means the company has salvaged its reputation. It's a politically savvy move by Walmart, but you can be sure that it calculated the move based on what would be best for its bottom line. Lawless Leaders Manipulating the World — Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts says the world is increasingly being changed by our leaders through criminal behavior.

She adds that the dollar will be defended with covert ops and military action; its fate depends on the outcome. For the future, she predicts increasing financial and political volatily; more warfare; and more media fearmongering to promote public obedience. Sounds like Fitts has moved her scenario of "slow burn" to "somewhat-less-slow-but-very-nasty burn.

Lawless Leaders Changing the World - Catherine Austin Fitts. Plastics and Male Reproduction — A new study in the Journal of Human Reproduction finds that a common chemical used to create flexibility in plastics can affect baby boys' development in the womb. Shanna Swan talks about the affect that phthalates have on the developing fetus and the threat they may pose to male reproductive health later in life.

Hormone disruption affects all of us who live in the toxic soup sold as better living through chemistry. But hormone disruption especially affects development—fetuses, infants, children.

It's nearly impossible to rid your life of plastic, but the better you do on that score, the healthier your family will be. US and British Intelligence Hacked SIM Card Maker to Steal Encryption Keys to Enable Spying on Billions of Cellphones — A new investigation by The Intercept reveals the National Security Agency and its British counterpart, the GCHQ, hacked into the internal computer network of the largest manufacturer of SIM cards in the world, stealing encryption keys used to protect cellphone privacy.

The stolen keys give intelligence agencies the ability to monitor mobile communications without seeking or receiving approval from telecom companies and foreign governments. The report was written by Jeremy Scahill and Josh Begley, based on documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. ACLU technology expert Chris Soghoian explains what's going on and also discusses cell phone apps that can help users protect privacy.

The encryption apps—which apparently are largely designed by the US government and its contract researchers—MAY improve your cell phone security. To my cynical mind, though, it's hard to fathom the government building such apps and not putting a back door in them.

Malcolm X Remembered 50 Years After Assassination — This year marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X, one of the most influential political figures of the 20th century. He was shot dead as he spoke before a packed audience at the Audubon Ballroom in New York City on February 21, Details of his assassination remain disputed to this day.

El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, This is not a comprehensive review of the impact Malcolm X had, but there is plenty of worthwhile material here. FBI Harassing Keystone XL Activists — In Octoberthe FBI began contacting at least a dozen people who had been involved in protests against fracking and tar sands development, including the Keystone XL pipeline. In some instances, the agents visited—unannounced and uninvited—people at their place of employment, even though the people were not suspected of any crime or involvement in planned crimes.

Reporter Becky Kramer and attorney Larry Hildes discuss the FBI's tactics and its history of surveillance against political activists. TPTB go to war with entire countries that threaten their agenda.

icicidirect com stock market news audio mp3

It should come as no surprise that they don't play nice with eco activists. FBI Questions Keystone XL Activists. The Rock and Roll History Show. King names all of his guitars Lucille; a review of the seminal live-aid concerts; the relationship between the Scorpions' "Wind of Change" and the opening of the Iron Curtain.

It's always good to craft ways of remembering not to repeat doing stupid things. A famous guitar, supersonic flight, and the fall of communism. Nothing short of complete collapse, they argue, can save the rest of life on earth from human rapaciousness and stupidity.

In a debate recorded at the 16th annual Sustainable Living Festival in Melbourne, Australia, six thought leaders weighed in on whether there is any sensible reason to advocate the collapse of the global economy. No one said "yes," and one person answered with a clear "no," but the rest gave nuanced answers that cannot be contained within a simple "yay" or "nay.

Very clear, very cogent. We actually are in that phase already—fracking is probably the clearest example of how increasingly unpalatable and long-term-unproductive measures will be taken when short-term needs demand it. If things were to get truly desperate, as they would in a true collapse scenario, then many ordinarily reasonable people will find themselves doing things that today seem patently unreasonable.

And they will not just support, but will demand, that leaders take actions to attempt to correct unsolvable problems, regardless of the collateral damage. Collapse may force itself upon us, but it will not be pretty, and we should not seek it. Just work on resilience and disengaging from the corporatist system. Media Double-Standards on the Use of "Terrorists" and "Terrorism" — In the aftermath of the Chapel Hill shootings of three Muslim students, Western media outlets are coming under criticism for using double-standards when it comes to who gets labeled a terrorist and which acts are deemed terrorism.

This clip includes several segments The Guardian's David Shariatmadari chronicles the fraught history of the word "terrorism. Scott Shane of The New York Times talks about criticism of the language President Obama uses when describing acts of violent extremism.

A new Southern Poverty Law Center study aims to get homegrown terrorism, and especially the threat of so-called lone-wolf American terrorists, back on the agenda.

As with all mainstream media reports—albeit from one of the better MSM outlets, in this case—the analysis here is a totally inside the envelope. We get standard framing, subtly slipped in—for instance, we hear that media outlets in Muslin countries are largely controlled by governments but that in the West they are not when in actuality they are totally controlled by elite interests.

And while the biases of media are explored, the use of Western media for propaganda—especially when it comes to the matter of terrorism and terrorists—is completely absent. Nonetheless, the topics presented stimulate useful thought. How This Little Piggie Went to Market — Ted Genoways discusses the devolution of the meatpacking industry through the lens of one of the biggest operators, Hormel. Genoways' book is The Chain: Farm, Factory, and the Fate of Our Food.

Don't you just love how corporations are masters of serving the bottom line at all costs? And hmmm, that unit was planned for renovation within a month and just happened to explode now? Can anyone say "insurance fraud"?

Oil and Energy Expert Analyses Latest Exxon Refinery Explosion. Want to Fix the Broken System? Think Like a Commoner — One percent of humans control half the world's wealth. This is the result of what author David Bollier calls "the market state"—a tight marriage of billionaires, mega-corporations, and political institutions.

A host of problems boil out of this paradigm of power, including unsustainable resource use, rampant pollution as "externalities," and a new economic serfdom. We've been told there is no alternative, but David Bollier says there is, and it's an idea we've been taught to hate: His most recent book is Think Like a Commoner: A Short Introduction to the Life of the Commons.

It is essential to have viable alternatives to point to when telling the masses cherished concepts like capitalism and the free market simply do not work. They designed and evolved the system to foster acquisition of the wealth and power they now hold. They will not see that system replaced without a fight—the mother of all fights. Nuclear Extinction Still a Threat — Helen Caldicott warns that with 16, nuclear warheads still dotting the planet—mostly owned by the US and Russia—nuclear extinction still looms as a threat.

Whether from nuclear winter, direct death from radiation exposure, or cancers due to radiation-mutated cells, a nuclear confrontation is a death sentence for human civilization. She is particularly worried about a US-Russia escalation in Ukraine. Overall, Caldicott gives an apt assessment of the ongoing nuclear-weapons insanity, but on one point, I don't think she is correct: She states that the US-Russia arsenals are the main thing to worry about, that smaller caches of nukes getting loosed would cause "nuclear autumn," killing perhaps a billion people—but not the whole planet.

She did not cite a reference, but I suspect she is unintentionally parroting one of those insane studies that says limited use of nuclear weapons is a survivable military strategy. I find that proposition highly dubious—if the radiation releases from Fukushima can make Northern Pacific fish unsafe to eat, what damage would be done by hundreds of exploded nukes distributing their radiation by wind and atmospheric currents?

Flight attendants on supposedly hijacked planes not following standard hijack protocol; the lack of scrambled intercepts; during passenger phone calls to loved ones, lack of background noise consistent with the supposed situations on the planes; lack of plane debris at the Pentagon crash site; eyewitness accounts that a windowless non-passenger plane hit the second tower. If passenger planes weren't really what hit the buildings, what did, and where did the passenger planes go?

Roth's fictionalized account of these and other issues is found in her new book, Methodical Illusionrecently rated 1 on Amazon for historical fiction. Some of Roth's concerns seem a bit ridiculous, such as a cell phone call supposedly made by a passenger 1 minute before the hijack was known. Even system clocks can be off by a minute or more.

Is a US-Russia Throw-Down in Ukraine Inevitable? Rozoff paints a distressingly bleak picture of the backstory on Ukraine, but he misses the most obvious reason why the US is doing what it's doing: Apparently these neocon maniacs took their childhood Risk marathons way too seriously. Rick Rozoff Warns Ukraine War is Inevitable. The Sixth Stage of Grief—Gallows Humor — Once people go through the other five stages of grief—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance—they may reach the sixth stage, gallows humor.

Or so think Guy McPherson and Mike Sliwa, who play a number of clips from well known comedians in that vein, including George Carlin, Louis C. After each clip, McPherson and Sliwa provide commentary about the clip and link the humor to contemporary events. This is worth hearing, but I thought the bit selection and analysis could have been sharper. My top nomination for inclusion of a missing bit would have been Bill Hicks' It's Just a Ride.

It's not wildly funny, but it's about the most sagacious, succinctly stated advice I've ever heard. The War On Heirloom Seeds Continues — A number of states have laws or regulations that govern seed-saving operations. The rules are generally meant to apply to commercial seed operations, but in some cases are also being applied to non-profit seed-saving clubs and seed libraries, the burden of which makes such local sustainability efforts unworkable.

Neil Thaper, a staff attorney with the Sustainable Economies Law Center, a legal organization working to defend seed saving and heirloom seeds, discusses the issue. Topics include examples of government action against seed libraries; how laws are threatening the future of heirloom seeds; recommendations for avoiding such pitfalls when trading seeds or starting a seed bank.

Having spent some time saving seeds myself, I strongly support doing so in a community effort. But I also support participants getting knowledgeable on problems like cross-pollination, viability, storage methods, and other seed-saving hurdles that have nothing to do with government interference. I Got the News — As three fabled faces of media are no more—one forced out, one stepped down, one tragically cut short—DJ Paul Cavalconte uses journalism as his theme for this show.

And, of course, the awesome, incomparable Beatles - "A Day In The Life. Like any narrowly targeted theme, plenty of songs are available, but song quality, um, varies. Overall, Cavalconte's playlist is just fine. There numerous other theme-appropriate songs that weren't included in this set, but the only missing track that causes me to wag my finger at the DJ is "Newspapers" by Stan Ridgway.

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. Blueprint for Armageddon V — Dan Carlin continues his series on World War I, this time focusing on the period between late and early Topics include the politics of peace offerings; the curious case of Rasputin and his influence on the Czar of Russia; how the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia played into WWI events; Germany's attempt to get Mexico to fight on its side; how Germany's submarine warfare was the decisive reason the US entered the war; the innovative solution that solved the problem of submarines sinking ships; the death zone created by the Germans in retreat across France; the disastrous Nivelle Offensive; the horrendous mud at Passchendaele.

Carlin does another fine job in the series, making facts from a century ago come to life. For that he gets a "4"; but for putting extra effort into bringing us the palpable horror of this war, this clip gets a "5". He says that half a century ago, he and other eco-activists were inspired by the direct-confrontation methods of the civil rights movement and applied similar energy and tactics in the fight to confront environmental issues.

But somewhere along the way, as groups like NRDC worked to reform the system, they became part of the system. And now progress on environmental issues has stalled or reversed. In his memoir Angels by the RiverSpeth calls for deeper challenges to the economic status quo as an approach that can solve problems of the environment, of working people, and of a broken political system.

The parasitic, plundering, predatory nature of plutocratic capitalism must be addressed. All other problems exist as a subset of that issue. Whether that can be done by trying to reform a political system that is totally captured and controlled by the benefactors of predatory capitalism is a dubious proposition, but worth trying in the absence of realistic alternatives.

Pension Funds Doubling-Down on High-Stakes Wall Street Bets — In a desperate attempt to keep current returns high enough to meet future pension obligations, cities and states have been increasingly investing worker pensions in hedge funds, risky equity funds, and other so-called "alternative investments.

Municipal officials in New Jersey, Illinois, Kentucky, and Rhode Island have faced criticism for how their pension funds are being handled. Journalist David Sirota gives specifics. I do pity today's pension fund managers, who are stuck between a rock municipalities that are under-funding pensions and a hard, crazy place called Wall Street which offers the illusion of high returns but the reality of financial chicanery.

If we don't enforce the rule of law for financial crimes already committed, why should we expect pension ripoffs and other Wall Street double-dealing to stop? As Public Pensions Shift to Risky Wall Street, Local Politicians Rake in Political Cash. Another HSBC Crime in the World of Big-Bank Baloney — HSBC is a recidivist criminal actor, so how exactly is it still the second-biggest commercial bank in the world? The latest scandal is that HSBC's Geneva bank has been helping millionaires and billionaires illegally shelter money from taxation.

Journalist James Henry says the most recent HSBC crime wave is really just part of a larger problem of bad banking behavior that get punished by fines but no jail time for the perpetrators. Yep, as long as prosecutors continue the pattern of no jail time for exectives and fines that are less than the haul from the crimes, criminal behavior on Wall Street will continue.

Either We Break the Bankster Alliances or They Will Break Us — Nomi Prins reviews the historical circumstances that led to the formation of the big-bank-controlled Federal Reserve; that is, how the financial foxes were put in charge of the public's hen house.

But some bankers were not of a mind to play the game this way, and Louis Brandeis warned: She says we must take heed of Brandeis' warning and take down the banker-corporate-politician-industrial complex. I have passed on a couple of Prins interviews earlier this year, but here she is starting to step outside the envelope and address the bankster power structure as the criminal enterprise that it truly is.

Warmongers, Media, and the Charlie Hebdo Attack — Why has the corporate media put such emphasis on the attack on the satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo, which killed only a tiny fraction of the number killed in the recent massacre in Nigeria, an event largely ignored by the media? What of the commercially-controlled media's claim that we need moderate Muslims to condemn the attack?

Where were the calls for moderate Christians to condemn the Christian extremists whose illegal war killed over a million Iraqis? What lies behind the simplistic official narratives pushed by corporate media? Dissident BBC reporter Tony Gosling examines connections between recent terrorist events and sketches out a highly compelling picture of darker forces at work.

Gosling and his interviewer occasionally go too far in their ruminations; for instance, I think the idea that financially troubled Charlie Hebdo might have murdered itself as a publicity stunt to avoid going out of business is plain stupid.

The attack as a black-op bitch-slap of France for its recent non-compliance with US geopolitical strategies is a much more compelling angle. Broadly speaking, though, most of the ideas presented in the two hours are fairly on-target. Corporate Media Handling of The Charlie Hebdo Attack. Jobs in the US, Change in Greece, and Money in Politics — Economics professor Richard Wolff says that the US continues to increase low-paying jobs and lose better-paying middle-class jobs.

He also reminds us that US employments statistics are greatly manipulated. He says that Greece serves as an object lesson for the elites—push too far, and the populace will finally push back.

As for money dominating politics, he says the problem afflicts both Democrats and Republicans and their agendas.

Wolff says our best bet is to reinvigorate the working class through organization and political action independent of the entreched duopoly parties. The elites keep the left and right of the middle class busy pointing fingers at each other and, occasionally, at other factors like immigrants and terrorists. But the war never really was between left and right or liberals and conservatives. It's between up and down. And the ups are cleaning our clocks—and our bank accounts. Conversation with Richard Wolff: Jobs Report Reality Check, Greece, and Money in Politics.

Endless War, Endless War Spin — As Obama talks about a new major cycle of the war on terror—this time against the Islamic State—Norman Solomon of the Institute for Public Accuracy says Obama talks about not being interested in "endless war" but is doing more than any previous president to engage the US in exactly that.

Solomon also says Brain Williams' worst lies about war were not his exaggerations of his personal experiences reporting from danger zones but rather his parroting the war propaganda of both the Bush and Obama administrations and his failure to challenge any aspect of the corrupt endless-war agenda.

Of course, all the big names in media did the same. Finally, Solomon talks about the case of CIA whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling, who has been persecuted for exposing a dodgy CIA operation to the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Solomon is very good here. The title of his book gives some indication of his tone: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death.

A Poor Old Sot, Family Ties, and Crippling Depression Why Ian Anderson named one of Jethro Tull's most famous songs after an old diving apparatus; how the popular TV show "Family Ties" resurrected a little-unknown single by Billy Vera and the Beaters and pushed it to 1; the shocking story of how the most depressing song ever written—"Gloomy Sunday"—led to scores of suicides. The "Gloomy Sunday" story is truly shocking. I wish he'd played the Billie Holiday version of the song—Elvis Costello singing a torch song is enough to drive anyone to the window ledge.

An Antiquated Diving Apparatus, Family Ties, and Crippling Depression Understanding the Roots of Terrorism—Theirs and Ours — Much of President Obama's record-breaking defense budget proposal will fund proxy wars around the globe. The US is training and arming Sunni tribal groups in Iraq to fight ISIS, and it may soon begin supplying weapons to the Ukrainian military against Russia.

Drone strikes continue to take their toll in Yemen and elsewhere. Chris Hedges says most Americans accept the myth of American rightness and do-goodism while ignoring the obvious parallels in the terrorism practiced by the US and the terrorism practiced by ISIS and their ilk.

He says the empire is not only busy abroad but is also quietly pre-positioning suppressive-force capabilities on the home front, in preparation for the inevitable pushback from the masses as their impoverishment worsens.

Many excellent points in this one. About Coal — Coal is a world-class environmental wrecking ball, with impacts affecting climate, mountains, streams, air pollution, food quality, and more. But hey don't worry about that; American jobs are at stake. That's the message coming from the National Center for Policy Analysis, or the NCPA. It's a tax-exempt organization that's been pumping out the big-business message for over 30 years.

Here's an example of some recent NCPA coal propaganda: Coal, good for the environment? Not so fast, mister Despite all the talk about moving away from coal, the pace is slow and mostly driven by economics, not concern for the environment or climate change. US Withholding Thousands More Photos of Detainee Abuse — The horrific images from Abu Ghraib prison still linger in America's consciousness more than a decade after their release. But there are thousands more photos of detainee abuse and torture—some depicting scenes worse than those in the original release—that the government has long concealed from the public, stating that it feared violent repercussions.

The ACLU's Jameel Jaffer says the prospect of violence is a faulty argument for government secrecy about its own misconduct. Sunshine is the best disinfectant. Thousands of Secret Torture Photos.

Organic Eggs—What's The Difference? Organic eggs use better feed and have better growing conditions, but access to outdoors is sometimes more theory than practice in large organic operations. She rightly promotes eggs from backyard chickens as the best choice, with eggs from pastured chickens another good way to go.

All that is correct. But McCaffrey also asserts that most people who are use pastured hens to raise eggs are also using organic or non-GMO feed. I suspect not even a majority of them do. I agree that pastured eggs are a top priority, but shoppers should also look for the organic or GMO-free labels. And "cage-free" usually means "in a crowded barn," and there is no rule that cage-free chickens must have access to outdoors.

See the Humane Society's How to Read Egg Carton Labels for more info on terms related to eggs. Twilight's Reach — KMO and John Michael Greer talk about the two novels Greer published last year. The first is Twilight's Last Gleaminga geo-political thriller where a declining United States and a resurgent China come to the brink of all-out nuclear war.

The other novel is Star's Reach: A Novel of the Deindustrial Futurewhich is set in a world shaped by the exhaustion of fossil fuels, where new social forms have replaced our familiar institutions and where new ways of inhabiting the North American continent have been necessitated by centuries of climate change. I haven't read the books, but it's always interesting to get glimpses of possible future scenarios.

Zombie Banks Using Negative Interest Rates to Eat Depositors' Money — Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss whether negative savings rates will be applied to retail savers in Europe, where commercial bank customers are already having to pay to park their money. Do banks no longer need to receive deposits or make loans because they are no longer really banks?

Then Max interviews filmmaker and author Kerry-anne Mendoza about her new top selling book, Austerity: The Demolition of the Welfare State and the Rise of the Zombie Economy. The world of banking is getting plain weird. The urgency to keep revenue flowing in spite of the dead weight that should have many of these banks six-feet-under—and the complicity of regulators and central banks—mean there will definitely be another financial crisis in our future.

Legal Restrictions as Convenient Fictions—The Deep State's Consuming Passion for Big Data — This starts with a pair of talks from 31C3—the latest Chaos Computer Congress—by insiders with extensive experience on the subject of mass surveillance. First, NSA expert James Bamford on the relationships between the NSA and the big telecom companies. Then Caspar Bowden discusses the legal basis for the NSA's mass surveillance program, PRISM, particularly as it affects those in the EU.

Microsoft summarily dismissed Bowden from his job as head of privacy after he raised privacy issues related to Microsoft's products and services, and he has spent the last 3 years alerting people to the danger. I have a great deal of respect for these speakers and what they have to say. But, for whatever the reasons, they asciduously avoid or deny the deep issues of a the spies now operating with impunity; and b the NSA, CIA, and DIA operating in service of the US imperial operation, not national interests.

Host Robin Upton summarizes the problem nicely: Will FCC's New Rules Really Protect Net Neutrality? The approach would reclassify the internet as a public utility, like the phone system. The commision's vote is still weeks away, but questions remain. The FCC's oversight of industry to date might be described as having been "helpful"; so will this new proposal have teeth and actually maintain an even playing field on the Internet?

Craig Aaron of Free Press discusses. Since the FCC is stacked with revolving-door players from industry, it's hard to imagine the regulators are just going to "do the right thing" for the public. I note that Wheeler explicitly procalimed that the new rules would protect mobile broadband users. What about home internet service?

Craig Aaron on FCC Reclassification. Food Hubs — Erik Hoffner talks about the local food movement, focusing on the exciting development of "food hubs" that are springing up across the country. He describes the opportunities of scale and collaboration food hubs and related innovations are providing for local food entrepreneurs.

Also discussed are energy cooperatives, fair trade, and the prospects for sustainable agriculture to replace the industrial model. This is probably going to be of most interest to farmers and small processors, but these are good trends for everyone to be hearing about. Armageddon — The War Within — As framed here, Armageddon is not really about a final battle of the world's great armies, it is a process of resolving the investasi forex di bank conflicts in us humans.

Though the system run by The Powers That Be is palpably corrupt, we have become so dependent on it, we cannot voluntarily let it go.

Simultaneously, most people have lost their way, prioritizing materialism and self-obsessed goals over a peaceful, loving existence. The Armageddon process will break the system, and therefore begin the liberation process. Binary option in 60 seconds our time-limited physical form may perish, the inner heart-based eternal self will be renewed. This is an interesting merge of Christian end-times philosophy with new-agey consciousness and cosmic awareness.

There are a few points where the visuals help put the audio in context, but for the most part, you can get by just listening to the MP3, if that is your wont. The Real World of Money. The Exchange Stabilization Fund is part of the rigged game on the global exchanges.

You wanna go up against that, be my guest. Is the World Beginning to Rebel Against Wall Street Rule? Some of this is a dean graziosi make money real estate now speculative, but most of lake cumberland livestock market somerset ky is very on-target.

Russia, Belarus, France, Greece - The World Rebels Against Wall Street Rule, with Webster Griffin Tarpley. Is Ukraine a US-Russia Proxy War? A New Cold War? Will It Go Hot? Binary options on the indicator fisher fighting intensifies, the Obama administration is now considering directly arming Ukrainian forces against Russian-backed rebels.

Washington already supplies non-lethal military equipment to Ukraine, but top officials are reportedly leaning toward sending arms, from rifles to anti-tank weapons. Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has accused the West nordic stock exchange trading hours dragging Russia into a new Cold War—that could turn hot.

Stephen Cohen, professor of Russian studies and politics, comments. Is Ukraine a Proxy Western-Russia War? Weighs Arming Kiev as Violence Soars. The Planetary Peril in the IPCC's Lowest-Common-Denominator Science — Thomas Goreau's doctorate is in biogeochemistry.

He's an expert in areas such as coral reef science and global climate change. Two of the main points Goreau makes are that the IPCC's window of focus is much too narrow—most of the worst climate effects will be beyond its year window—and its conclusions are so "lowest common denominator" that they are greatly underestimating both the data trends and coming impacts.

He also says that the "" goal is far too high—if we accept even that currently politically unattainable goal, we are doomed to a temperature increase of degrees C. Goreau says atmospheric CO2 levels need to be rolled back to ppm. He says the essential solution—mostly ignored by global leaders—is to put carbon back in the soil using practices such as biochar.

Watch if you can—lots of good graphs. Tip o' the hat to Radio EcoShock for pointing out the Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference videos. Thomas Goreau - The Down-to-Earth Solution to Global Warming: How Soil Carbon Sequestration Works. The Latest Oil Glut—Once Bitten, Twice Shy — It comes as little surprise that the author of a book entitled Snake Oil: How Fracking's False Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future is a critic of the natural gas industry and a proponent of peak oil theory.

Host Alex Wise reviews the issues with Richard Heinberg of the Post Carbon Institute and gets his perspective on how plunging oil prices will affect the energy and transportation industries; the status of the North American natural gas boom; how the turbulence may icicidirect com stock market news audio mp3 consumer behavior in the near term; and the need for sound policy to forex optimal leverage us through the long-term challenge of living in a post-carbon world.

Heinberg is solid as usual, though if you have heard his other interviews in the last six months, you will not find much new here. Rock and Roll Ripoffs—Or Not — Songs and tidbit topics include whether Ray Parker Jr. The Chiffons' "He's So Fine" again, no ; the advent of the Motown smash group The Marvellettes; the non-inebriated reference for the Foreigner song "Double Vision".

Fun stuff if you're a fan of the music. Vanguard of the Revolution—New Film Chronicles Rise of Black Panthers and FBI War Against Them — A new documentary called The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution tells the history of the Black Panther Party through rare archival footage and interviews with party leaders, rank-and-file members, journalists, and even police and FBI informants.

This clip features extended excerpts from the film, as well as interviews with Kathleen Cleaver, who served as communications secretary of the Black Panther Party, and Stanley Nelson, the film's director. The Black Panthers were an important movement in American history and remain an important object lesson for those who would engage in the fight against empire. Transhumanist Man's Scientific Rise to Godhood — Artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, implantable chips, and life extension.

These and many other technologies are being promoted as the way for humanity to become something radically different. The transhumanist movement claims that by applying such technologies to our biology, we will become post-human—and that this would be a good thing. But behind this techno-utopian vision lurk the spectres of eugenics, mind control, police state propaganda, the end of privacy, and maybe even the end of the human race itself.

Is a new religion for a new age being born, arising from a scientific and increasingly sinister quest for eternal life? Guest Aaron Franz discusses. It forex trading fake money natural to like gadgets. But we're already seeing the information stream associated with our gadgets used inappropriately, and that is just the beginning of our descent into the control matrix, if the transhumanist vision is anything like out actual future.

Keeping Food Clean—Overseeing the Organic Food Industry — Mark Kastel of The Cornucopia Institute talks about agribusiness' constant attempts to weaken the USDA organic standard—and what uae money exchange indian rupees can do about it.

The Cornucopia Institute and the Organic How much money does an anesthesiologist make in a day Association—not to knock in binary option confused with its evil name-twin the Organic Trade Association—are among the few things that keep the agribusiness juggernaut from crushing the value of the USDA organic standard which is already a lower standard than it should be!

Powerful Counterforces and Ugly Anz burleigh stockland opening hours Ahead for the American Empire — Geopolitics analyst Jim Willie discusses world events in the context of the monetary wars that continue to unfold.

A lot of what Willie says sounds dead-on. But he's one of those guys who has "deep sources. In this case, I'm thinking of Willie's discussion of the powerful "Eastern white hats" that are poised to take down the Western black hats and restore peace and ecological balance to the planet. Sounds like a classic "external savior meme" to me—that is, we who are worried about totalitarianism and might otherwise rise up can relax and feel reassured that heroic forces will save us.

Beginning of the End For Oil Production — Gail "the Actuary" Tverberg discusses the recent sharp down-trend in the price of oil, the unfolding collapse in the shale-oil industry, and why this is ushering in a permanent turndown in oil production. Sees the global economy caught forex stupid guy system the Scylla and Charybdis of too-low or too-high oil prices, with central banking games and Wall Street derivatives the highly combustible factors that will light a brush fire that will burn through the companies in the oil industry and eventually blow up the rest of the financial world too.

I found this a bit dense and difficult to stay interested in, but there is some good info here. This Is The Beginning Of The End For Oil Production Why the shale collapse is ushering in a permanent turndown. Dispatches from Weimar America — This show features various authors and activists talking about state surveillance and unchecked power in the US.

First, Mark Crispin Miller discusses Project Censored's "forbidden bookshelf" project, which aims to republish in electronic form books that governments have tried to suppress. Then Alfred McCoy explains the extent of the surveillance systems underway, saying they far exceed the Snowden disclosures. Naomi Wolf explains why the Snowden story may be something other than what we think it is. Heidi Boghosian talks about the death of democracy", followed by Chris Hedges offering a personal reflection on the psychology of the super-rich.

Finally, we get a radio adaptation of "The Strange Case of Phillip Marshall," a CIA insider who publicly questioned the official story of He and his family then died loblaw stock options what has been officially called a murder-suicide. Lots of really good stuff here. On the Snowden question, he made the public aware of at least part of the illegal government spying on citizens that's been going topeka livestock auction 2016. Now, if the public does not rise up and put a stop to it, then those doing the current illegal spying will know they have carte blanche to do whatever they want in the future.

Whether they put Snowden up to it because they wanted the question answered or whether Snowden is a legitimate whistleblower is far less important than whether Big Brother gets the green light.

Anit-Inflammatory Properties of Glycine — Because most of us don't cook bones and cartilage into soup as previous generations did, we're missing essential nutrients, glycine among them. Joel Brind talks explains why the amino acid glycine is essential to regulating your body's inflammation. He recommends glycine supplementation, and talks about a study that suggests this can also be helpful for those facing type II diabetes.

I've had some heston option pricing matlab with one specific form of magnesium that include glycine.

Now I know why. Food—Can DIY Conquer "OMG! The solution should be equally obvious: James Corbett reviews some of the evidence against the industrial food model and then explores growing your own as a simple, natural solution to one of our most fundamental problems. This is a good primer for those who are relatively new to these issues.

If you've been grappling with the issue of industrial food for a while, you probably won't hear much new here. See GP's page for gardening and agriculture audio for additional shows on those topics. Episode -- Solutions: Early On, Comedian John Cleese Says, He Had Good Timing But Little Else — John Cleese co-founded the Monty Python comedy troupe and co-wrote and co-starred in the hilarious TV series Fawlty Towers and iconic Python movies like "Holy Grail" and "Life of Brian.

Classic comedy clips pepper the show. Cleese is probably one of the top 10 comedians of all time. But this is still mostly for fans of Cleese, Monty Python, and Fawlty Towers. Publishing hacked emails showing bad corporate ethics.

Supporters say Brown has been unfairly targeted for investigating the highly secretive world of private intelligence and military contractors. Three years later, after admitting to being the story's source, he was fired. Based on this case, the US Supreme Court has upheld the right of federal employees to become whistleblowers. You have to admire Brown's belajar menjadi broker forex sense of humor: After his sentencing on Thursday, Brown released a satirical statement that read, in 60 second binary options secret free demo The US government decided today that because I did such a good job investigating the cyber-industrial complex, they're now going to send me to investigate the prison-industrial complex.

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Coffee—A Surprisingly Healthy Brew — Herbalist hays travel euro rates alternative health guru Susun Weed talks about the many benefits of coffee. There are a few potential downsides, she says, but for most people, the data overwhelmingly show that coffee and caffeine help reduce risk in just about every major disease category.

I was actually surprised there weren't more cautions against coffee consumption here. But I love coffee, so YEAY! I do have to wonder, though, how much of the protective effect is merely counterbalancing other bad habits. Nonetheless, since we are indeed creatures of bad habit, carry on with the slurping!

Weed does add that while the coffee itself is good, the other things some of us put in it are The Grand Manipulation — Trends forecaster Gerald Celente talks about where things are and where they are going. He thinks the current political parties and leaders are beyond redemption, though he thinks a new, completely unaffiliated party is worth trying.

He says four words killed capitalism: Too Big To Fail. Celente has said most of this before, but he's always worth a listen. One point of disagreement: I don't see how a third party makes it when the Republicrat duopoly controls the election rules.

Smarter Cities — Many planners agree that a more centralized population is a good thing for long-term environmental responsibility. But as people all over the world continue to flock to urban centers, the challenge of creating sustainable cities becomes more pressing.

How can cities be improved to ensure that their billions of residents have energy-efficient transportation, housing, waste-stream management, as well as clean air and water? Ecological urban planner Melanie Nutter walks us through some of the emerging policies and practices to promote smart, sustainable, resilient cities. Nutter has good ideas, and they seem to be fairly successful in San Francisco. But the success largely depends on the target city fxunited forex review highly prosperous in general and green-minded specifically.

Many of these programs simply would not sell politically or economically in, say, Atlanta. I'm not saying Atlantans shouldn't get on board with such ideas; just that it's not likely to happen on nearly the same scale as it has in SF. Obama's SOTU—Contradictions and Missed Opportunities — Ralph Nader points out some easy forex erfahrungen the many inconsistencies in Obama's State of the Union speech; for instance: Obama stressed civil liberties but was silent on renewal of the odious PATRIOT How to get signed to young money records he said there should be more domestic oil and gas production but also warned of climate change, which would be worsened by that production; Obama stressed workers rights and unions but then emphasized the need to fast track approval of the anti-worker Trans-Pacific Partnership trade act.

Nader also criticized Obama for ignoring issues like commercial fraud on Medicare and Medicaid; a DoD audit; and corporate tax evasion. And, as Nader points out, Obama—almost unbelievably—talks again about closing down Gitmo, after six years of broken promises on that very issue. No doubt he has a bridge to tomorrow he'd like to sell us. A "Renewable World" Built options open interest put call ratio Fossil Fuels is Not a Renewable World — The message for green-energy lovers and haters alike is simple: We can't keep this crazy civilization running just on the sun and wind, let alone on high doses of fossil fuels.

When we stop being able to milk the billion year-pile of concentrated solar energy in the form of oil, gas, and coal, obamas stock market planets affecting WILL change.

Energy expert David Fridley of the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and the Post Carbon Institute talks about the energy dilemma, diving deep into the specifics. Our energy matrix cannot be renewable until the renewable-energy technologies and sources can replicate themselves.

Wind turbines, solar panels, and electric cars are all hobbled by the limitations of fossil fuel money maker tomatoes nz for their creation and maintenance as well as by brokerage for options icicidirect specialized minerals needed for their creation.

He acknowledges the psychology of the American energy consumer as a key problem, referencing former Energy Department Secretary James Schlesinger's axiom that the American people only have two modes: This is one of the best reviews I've ever heard of the problems we face as demand for energy keeps rising but technology finds itself unable to compensate for the peak in global net energy.

Green Dreams - Future or Fantasy? The Deep State and the Paris Attacks — Michel Chossudovsky looks at the circumstances and backstory of the Charlie Hebdo attack, with an eye towards poking holes in the official story. Interesting factors include the "suicide" of a French detective a few hours after being debriefed on the attacks; whether the supposed perpetrators were in some way involved with French intelligence agencies; the hypocrisy of the French government decrying attacks on press freedom while engaging in suppression of reporting themselves.

Chossudovsky also talks about state-sponsored terrorism by the major Western powers; the larger geopolitical game as it pertains to France and the US; and the new inquisitorial age, where the general public does not question the need to eliminate those labeled "enemy" at any cost, using any means. Chossudovsky reaches a bit on some of his speculations, but there are many points that need consideration here, no matter how odious the implications are.

Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine — The folks behind Class War Films are on a mission to expose, explain, attack, nifty option tips intraday dismantle the myth of American Exceptionalism and the mask of Predatory Capitalism. Try to watch this one—cool graphics. Frombut still perfectly relevant. The Skinny Gut Diet — When it comes to digestive disorders, Brenda Watson has dedicated her career to helping people achieve lasting health through improved digestive function.

She's good, but for me, too much time was spent on "fat bacteria. Cash, Bank Accounts, Homes Since then, many states have passed laws forbidding seizure for that reason, but abusive practices are still happening. Phil Applebaum of adsthatmakesense.com home make money online Institute for Justice discusses the case of a small Indiana town where the mayor proposed taking over an entire housing willows shopping centre townsville trading hours for an unspecified future development plan.

This may not be widely applicable—yet. But it's always good to keep an eye on government overreach. Climate and the Collapse of Western Civilization — Science historians Naomi Oreskes of Harvard and Erik Conway of CalTech have taken earning money online for students in pakistan climate science and extrapolated it into an apocalyptic new science fiction book, The Collapse of Western Civilization—A View From the Future.

Oreskes discusses how democracy, the free market, and science are all failing to protect our future. This dance doesn't 10 minutes list of binary options strategy much climate apocalypso, but Oreskes ably lays out the inside-the-envelope view on climate status and action.

In reality, any progress made on transitioning out of fossil fuels will come too slowly to make a difference in our future climate. Stock market witching it will make a difference in many other environmental areas, so it's still worth doing.

Should Nuclear Energy Be Expanded to Help Create a More Sustainable Future? This was the forex and options expo 2013 that Hofstra University posed to a debate panel in late Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds was among the debaters who discussed the environmental, fiscal, and policy issues pertaining to the expansion of nuclear energy.

Even if one commercial bank qatar foreign exchange rates sufficient additional nuclear capacity could be brought online in time to make a difference for climate mitigation—it can't—the answer is still "hell no.

Nuclear proponents have faith that humans are smart enough to figure out how to store radioactive nuclear waste for a quarter million years. Alternative energy proponents have faith that humans are smart enough to figure out how to store electricity overnight.

Dmitry Orlov brokerage for options icicidirect Collapse, US-Russia, Oil, and What We Can Expect in — WRT the various stages of collapse, Dmitry Orlov vets the US: He sees an emerging Asian bloc centered on Russia and China cooperation. Orlov also talks about the large jump in numbers of people paying attention to the truth of what's going on via his blog and other alternatives to mainstream media.

Other topics include the energy-money game going on between the US, Europe, and Russia; why Grand Chessboard master Zbigniew Brzezinski is punking US interests for his own agenda; and the non likelihood of a major conflict between the US and Russia. He clearly gives a pro-Russia slant, but his details seem convincing enough. Economics of the Anthropocene — Joshua Farley discusses how the human dominated epoch—the anthropocene—has evolved an economic model that is unsustainable—it's hitting resource and environmental limits—and he outlines the need to shift the basis of the economy from competitiveness to cooperation.

A reasonable proposition, but Farley seems hurried and slightly out-of-focus here. Circus of Hypocrisy—World Leaders Simultaneously March For and Oppose Press Freedom — In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, more than a million people marched in Paris, including more than 40 world leaders.

But Jeremy Scahill calls the leaders' attendance a "circus of hypocrisy" since those same leaders have waged their own wars against journalists.

He recounts numerous examples ranging from media suppression to whistleblower prosecution to outright murder. Scahill is, as usual, on-target. Sometimes I wonder what more he'd say in a quiet one-on-one conversation over a beer. Futuristic Predictions That Came True in — Futurist George Dvorsky talks about 's "breakthroughs" in science, technology, and culture, some of which seem right out of a sci-fi novel.

This year, humanity landed on its first comet, a child was born to a woman with a transplanted womb, a fossilized sea shell forced us to reconsider our conceptions of human culture, and two people achieved silent brain-to-brain communication. Are we finally heading to the brave new Star Trek world? No, we're in total denial about the deep, perhaps unfixable flaws in the human experiment on this planet, so we compensate with increasingly complicated and weird experiments in science.

Charlie Hebdo and the Muck-a-lot Factory — Charlie Hebdo magazine is notorious for its irreverent satirical cartoons, attacking all sides, particularly those who finger-wag their conservative values. In the wake of the murderous attack on Charlie Hebdo, professor Laurence Grove reviews how French culture has held political cartoons in high regard for centuries. The attack on Charlie Hebdo employees may certainly be just as it's been reported.

But I also note the alignment of other possible interests: The Future how much money do echl hockey players make Energy—Green Tech or Green Illusions? In part 1, Ozzie Zehner makes the case that high-tech greening of our civilization is a pipedream. In particular, he targets solar PV as a technology that causes many more problems that it's worth, and is often use as a "green badge of honor" when other, less sexy approaches do far more to reduce energy use and pollution.

Both Zehner and Miller engage in excessively vague statements, and bless Alex Smith for spending time at the end of part 2 to try to make sense of it all. Even as a supporter and heavy user of solar technologies, I'm much more in the Zehner camp on this one, despite the obvious problems with some of his statements. We're headed for a resource cliff at some point because we cannot reign in our desires for more—more energy, more land, more stuff. Green tech cannot cure that.

The Most Underreported Stories of — Project Censored is out with a new addition of their annual "unreported stories" book. On the empire front, their most-underreported stories include "Top Ten US Aid Recipients All Practice Torture"; "WikiLeaks Revelations on Trans-Pacific Partnership Ignored by Corporate Media"; "Corporate Internet Providers Threaten Net Neutrality"; "Bankers Back on Wall Street Despite Major Crimes"; "The Deep State—Government Without the Consent of the Governed"; "US Media Hypocrisy in Covering Ukraine Crisis.

This clip includes an interview with Zara Zimbardo, who recently penned "It Is Easier to Imagine the Zombie Apocalypse Than the End of Capitalism. Cancer—Environmental Factors and Genetics vs.

Plain Ol' Bad Luck — A new study has found that 22 types of cancer are the result of sheer bad luck, blaming the cancers largely on random mistakes in tissue-specific stem cells and stating that the cancers arise in a manner unrelated to genetic or environmental factors.

This is a pretty tepid report, but the takeaway should be that the defenders of corporations' toxic products and processes market forex economics maker list have a study to point to and say, "see, no problem" As Mark Twain cautioned, there are lies, damn lies, and statistics.

The Science of Health: Cautions Against New Cancer Study. The Temptation of The Technofix — In this audio of speeches from the conference "Techno-Utopianism and the Fate of the Earth," we hear seven speakers who, despite contrasting styles and material, manage to jointly conclude that technological development has become unhinged from our true human values.

The speakers, in order, are John Michael Greer, Gar Smith, Mary Reynolds-Thompson, David Ehrenfeld, Lisi Krall, and Stephanie Mills. Topics include technology's history of broken promises; how technology is devastating life; how technology has tamed us, as we use it to unintentionally destroy life on earth and ourselves; challenging the idea of "de-extinction" as a solution; the economic evolution of dominion.

This starts out strong, but I found my attention waning in the latter half, where we stock companies list in the philippines heart-felt analyses of how far humans have strayed from the path. That is true, for sure, but I don't think it's fixable—at least it won't be volunteered for—so why keep rehashing it?

For Big Pharma, Money Talks, Science Walks — The film Money Talks: Profits Before Patient Safety exposes the way the pharmaceutical industry has come to dominate medicine. This clip features snippets from the film and interviews with filmmaker Holly Mosher, medical investigative journalist Jeanne Lenzer, and family doctor John Abramson.

We all are well advised to stay away from the products of the pharmaceutical industry as much as possible. Once they get their claws in you, it's a downward spiral of "drugs to cure ills and other drugs queensland trading hours anzac day cure side effects. America's Battle for Media Democracy — Sometime in earlyFCC chairman Tom Wheeler is expected to unveil his decision on the crucial issue of net neutrality.

Wheeler's earlier proposal for a two-tier system outraged consumers, advocacy organizations, and even some corporations. Media professor Victor Pickard discusses the history of "media in the public interest" going back to the s rise of radio and details the political decisions and turning points that led to our present-day corporate-dominated media system.

The historical information here is interesting. But the trend towards concentrated media monopolies that do not operate in the public interest is merely reflective of the increasing alignment of the goals of government, corporations, and elites. Speculation about other reasons—such as a "corporate-libertarian paradigm" or a throwback to the McCarthy era—are just silly. World-View Propaganda — Jay Dyer writes on the deeper themes and messages found in our globalist pseudo-culture, illustrating the connections between arbitrage betingarbitrage betting betting book free freemoneyloophole.com maker risk, metaphysics, secret societies, Hollywood, psychological warfare and comparative religion.

Dyer explains how philosophies can be engineered and used as forms of psyop—a trap of empiricism that ultimately leads to false presuppositions. Dyer does us a service by presenting the concept that a deep, deep level of propaganda is used to shape the world view of the masses, which then makes it easier for the elites to sell specific-issue propaganda that allows them to maintain their wealth and power. But the discussion here is mostly lost in esoteric topics of philosophy.

We would have benefited more from a discussion of how the concepts manifest in today's increasingly totalitarian world, where most people are so propagandized they will actively defend a system that exploits them. The study finds that tight-oil production from major plays will peak before Byproduction rates from the Bakken and Eagle Ford will likely be less than a tenth of that projected by the EIA.

The overall tight-oil production forecasts by the EIA from plays other than the Bakken and Eagle Ford are in most cases highly optimistic and unlikely to be realized.

Hughes observes that on the oil fields, in the battle between technology a guide to forex trading geology, geology always wins in the end. This gets a bit down in the weeds, but such data diving is necessary to be able to convincingly refute the rah-rah shale oil hype in the US. Post-Capitalist Democracy and Independent Media — Hosts Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff spend the hour in conversation with media scholar Robert McChesney.

McChesney offers plenty of apt observations, but his overall framing is limited to the issues that might be considered "safe for NPR listeners. Solar EMP—Beautiful Skies with Devastating Repercussions — Sometimes the most beautiful natural phenomena can have devastating consequences.

When the sun ejects hot charged particles into space, the Northern Lights are created here on Earth. Occasionally, the sun erupts with such huge quantities of particles—a coronoal mass ejection—that electronics and electrical grids can be damaged.

Mat Stein and Arnie Gundersen discuss the dangers to our electrical systems and nuclear power plants worldwide from a large coronal mass ejection. Stein reviews a number of little-know previous major coronal-mass-ejection events and gives us the math that shows that we are overdue for another one.

The Pitfalls of Getting Resilient forex micro lot This report features Jan Steinman, who cashed out from his IT gig to start a resilient eco-village as a response to a post-peak oil future and civilizational breakdown.

Steinman appears to have pursued the project with a great deal of intelligence and personal energy, yet he's had a hard time finding people with a similar level of commitment. He observes, "Things just aren't bad enough yet.

This is must-listening for anyone who thinks they need to go all-in on getting resilient to isolate themselves from future collapse scenarios. Buy penny stocks etrade just not that easy, regardless of how smart or dedicated you are, even when you start with sizeable financial resources.

It is important to get resilient. But if you can, keep one foot in the world run by TPTB while you do it. We Can't All Go Back to the Land Or We'll Kill Tradersleader binary option no touch strategy Left. The New Guardian stockbrokers reviews Barons — Washington continues to reward wealthy donors and Wall Street at the expense of everyday Americans.

Author and historian Steve Fraser says the US political machine has been completely captured by moneyed interests. The situation has plenty of similarities to the robber baron era of a century ago. Fraser is quite good, though he misses the fact that part of the reason people are hesitant to rock the boat these days is because they are still benefiting from the safety-net programs and wealth accumulated during the past 70 years. As the pile evaporates and more societal benefits are withdrawn or degraded—and living circumstances get more desperate—the complacency of the masses may change.

Are Our Screens the Stuff of Nightmares for Good Sleep Patterns? The brainwave effects of screens are just one more problem to put on the pile.

Screens Really are a Nightmare for Sleep. Feierstein's predictions for include QE4, the collapse of GDP, the end of US commsec buy international shares hegemony, and big moves 1929 stock market chart compared to today in gold and silver prices.

Negative interest rates are indeed a form of wealth confiscation that people are volunteering for because they recognize that the banksters appear determined to steal whatever planetary wealth isn't already in their coffers. Bail-Ins—Another Global Bankster Coup — Guest Ellen Brown talks with host James Corbett about her article, "The Global Bankers' Coup: Bail-In and the Shadowy Financial Stability Board.

In fact, it's pretty obvious that his is just another elite op, and the end game will happen in the financial markets. Perhaps she has a reason, but I'd like to hear it. All that said, this is good listening. Tolkien—The Success of Mythic Proportions That Almost Wasn't — Professor Devin Brown discusses his book Tolkien: How an Obscure Oxford Professor Wrote The Hobbit and Became the Most Beloved Author of the Century.

Topics include how The Hobbit evolved out of bedtime stories for children; why The Silmarillion failed to interest the publisher even after the success of The Hobbit ; the influences of Tolkien and C. Lewis on each other's writings and personal philosophies; what Tolkien might have thought of Peter Jackson's movies. Interesting for Tolkien fans. The Farmers Union and the Future of Food — Tom Giessel, honorary historian of the National Farmers Union, talks about the history of the Farmers Union, which was started in the early 20th century by cotton farmers in Texas.

Giessel discusses the stock for benelli supernova of community organizing and collaboration; the impact of technology on the Farmers Union; and visionary leaders throughout the Union's history.

He advises listeners to beware of threats to uniform cooperative law, and the further danger of wholesale privatization of cooperative assets. The discussion concludes with a look at the role of commodity groups in the political landscape and the dwindling role of cooperative extension in money management in forex trading face of persistent budget cuts.

An important topic, though not the most scintillating of presentations. Oil Prices, US-Russia, and the Global Game Of Tetris — In this wrap-up edition, David Collum and Chris Martenson discuss how energy and fact-free rhetoric have played into the West's maneuvers in Ukraine and against Russia.

Collum says we know that the big financial players and their political minions are pathological liars. Our failure as a society is not bothering to prove their crimes They miss the parallel in how oil price depression was used a generation ago to take down the USSR, but otherwise this is quite good.

We're Now Stuck In A Global Game Of Tetris. John Michael Greer's Review — John Michael Greer comments on how interlocking systems make specific technological tools far more useful—and in some cases, useable at all. He examines the fracking boom as a financial scheme that will likely blow up big in and talks about how society is now experiencing the slow breakdown of infrastructure such as roads as governments experience chronic cash-flow problems.

Greer predicts a continuing slow move towards a highly unequal, totalitarian society that comes to see science as part of the problem because it enables TPTB to control the impoverished populace. Greer's takeaway joke on why he avoids social media: If a potter makes pots, what does Twitter make?

Current conditions, circumstances, and collusions suggest possible economic calamity in the not-too-distant future. I think the banksters have more control over the system than Snyder gives them credit for, but perfect control is never a sure thing, and he is right to suppose that black swans could be the banksters' undoing.

Just remember, though, that "crises" are often manufactured by the banksters. You will know only in hindsight that a crisis was real: If the big banks are still in business after the dust settles, the crisis was likely another con job. The proper metaphor for today's Wall Street is not a casino but rather a rigged numbers game.

Oil Prices and Our Crony Congress. Pocket Utopias — KMO and author J. Harpignies kick the tires on the value of utopian thought and ambition as well as the dangers. KMO and JP agree that the idea of Earth as just the cradle of humanity, a place from which we are meant to leave to establish an interstellar civilization, is a dangerous conceit.

This is pretty good, though sci-fi fans will appreciate it more. Man's Last-Ditch Effort to Save the Northern White Rhino — A year-old northern white rhino named Angalifu recently died of old age at the San Diego Zoo. Now only five animals remain in this subspecies, all in captivity. The lone male lives in the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya.

So it would seem the northern white rhino is doomed to extinction. But there may still be a way to bring back this 2-ton creature. The villain in this sad tale is crazy-ass Asians who apparently think nothing of killing an entire forex com co uy tin khong for one desirable part, all in the name dubiously of better longevity and sex. We're Down To 5 Northern White Rhinos: Is It Too Late For Babies?

The banksters will not stop, ever, until they have it all—or until they are stopped. Health Effects of Cinnamon — Cinnamon phlx world currency options brokers been used as medicine since biblical times.

Today it is even being studied for possible protection against viruses and diabetes. Dee McCaffrey explores whether small amounts of cinnamon every day can help you be healthier. This report conflates results of studies using high-dose concentrates of cinnamon's essential oils to long-term use of small amounts of cinnamon powder.

That's an inappropriate extrapolation. That said, the evidence is strong that cinnamon is a good thing when included in the diet—assuming you tolerate it. My other complaint here is that they do not discuss the different varieties of cinnamon—I know there are at least two—and whether the health effects vary. New York Moves to Ban Fracking — Officials in New York have announced that the state will ban hydraulic fracturing within its borders.

The move follows years of efforts by environmentalists, who cite dangers like earthquakes and potential contamination of New York's renowned pristine water supply. This report is rather superficial but adequately conveys the excellent news that a major state is going to ban this odious practice.

Chris Martenson on Wall Street Games and Fracking Bombs — Chris Martenson guides us through the swamps of financial lingo so we might all develop a clearer notion of the jargon used in financial sectors of the chatter-sphere. Topics include credit default swaps, derivatives, margin calls, shorting and going long. A lot of esoteric financial trading techniques are discussed here, but it's important evidence of just how insane the Wall Street games are.

If we do not rid ourselves this parasitic "over-layer," we will never solve any of the other problems that plague us. Icicidirect com stock market news audio mp3 Diagnostic Nutrition for Solving Health Mysteries — Reed Davis talks about his "functional diagnostic nutrition" approach to solving health mysteries. When allopathic doctors fail, this Columbo of health problems steps in and doggedly pursues the solution.

Functional medicine is the only sane approach to chronic health issues. Classic Comedy Bits — Clip 1 has several classic stock broker explained bits: Abbott and Costello's "Who's On First"; Monty Python's "Argument Clinic"; Tom Lehrer's "Periodic Table"; and a very funny string of jokes from Rodney Dangerfield.

With the exception huat stock in indian share market the lame "Immigrants" bit from National Lampoon Radio Hour, clip 1 is must-listening.

At the other end of the quality spectrum is "Perry Shriner Court Appointed Lawyer," again from National Lampoon Radio Hour, and again lame. But also decent in clip 2 are Stan Freeburg's "Banana Boat Song" bit and Tom Lehrer's acerbic "National Brotherhood Week. And I had forgotten just how brilliant "Who's On First" is. AGs Driving Environmental Politics at State Level — US Attorneys General are not usually big players in national policy-making, but in recent years that's changed.

Democrat AGs have previously teamed with environmental groups to move on issues that were stalled at the national level; now Republican AGs are allying with fossil fuel companies to challenge federal environmental regulations in court. Political scientist Paul Nolette discusses this development. To put this in context, the Republicans are excelling at selling out on environmental issues forex current foreign exchange rates the Democrats are excelling at selling out on Wall Street issues.

They are Scylla and Charybdis and we are a Greek tragedy. Republican AGs Fight Environmental Regulations. Democrats Bow Down to Wall Street — Bill Moyers talks to outspoken veteran journalist John R. MacArthur, president and publisher of Harper's Magazine, about the problems with the Obama-backed Trans-Pacific Partnership being negotiated in secret. They also conclude that the Wall Street sellout means working people can no longer count on the Democrats to look out for their interests.

Just as Republicans are the tool of the oil-industrial-polluter-warfare complex, Democrats are the tool of the Wall Street bankster-parasites. Not that either party really objects to the other's agenda on those terms. Sure—it's fight, fight, fight when it comes to social issues, but when it comes to the bankster-dominated corporatocracy, there is one rule that both stock market guru watch software free download india adhere to without exception: Don't fuck with the money.

Pesticides—Beware the Drifter — Attorney Amanda Heyman's job is providing legal counsel for independent farmers and food businesses. Here she discusses the legal aspects of pesticide drift, GMOs, organics, and "natural" labeling. Pesticide drift may sound like a boring technical topic, of limited interest to anyone but farmers.

But it affects a wide variety of issues, from air quality for residences around non-organic farms to the integrity of organic foods. Catastrophic Failure of the Planet—Satire or SITREP? Here he discusses his fictional post-apocalypse books, which include the Black Dawn series, which extrapolates from our real-life era when corporations are literally sucking the earth dry of its high quality resources; and Meatwhere a combination of powerful corporations and organized religion completely control the food supply, with living standards for animal welfare and human rights falling by the wayside.

Real-life climate scientist Michael Mann gives his take on our climate prospects. Given humans' demonstrated inability to elevate their actions above their parochial interests, I think the "we're screwed" conclusion of the fictional EPA official will prove more likely than the hopium-based "we can still take meaningful action" assertion expressed by Michael Mann.

That said, Alex Smith does a nice job at the end mediating the two extremes and adding more scientific—and psychological—context. Is "The Newsroom" Climate Doom for Real? CIA Torture Report Lands with a Dull Thud — Baher Azmy, legal director at the Center for Constitutional Rights, discusses the recently released Senate report on CIA torture.

Topics include the nature of the torture worse than has been admitted to by the CIA ; the lack of repercussions for those who directed the torture strategy; the US torture activities in light of international treaties; the media response to the report; the general lack of accountability of the CIA to the normal power structures of government.

The report on CIA toture is a classic rendition of the "mistakes were made" gambit—criticize past behavior without exacting punishment. What's amazing is the ferocious denunciation of even a no-impact report like this by the pro-torture lunatics and their allies in the mainstream media.

Girls Hitting Puberty Earlier, But Why? Two doctors have written a book called The New Puberty that looks at the percentage of girls who are going through early puberty, the environmental, biological and socioeconomic factors that influence when puberty begins, and whether early puberty is linked with an increased risk of breast cancer.

Authors Julianna Deardorff and Louise Greenspan explain. This starts off with an interesting discussion of the science of possible factors in why girls are starting puberty sooner than they used to, but about half-way in it devolves into a generic discussion of parenting topics. How Girls Are Developing Earlier In An Age Of New Puberty. A Debt Meteor is Headed for Planet Earth — Max Keiser explains why negative interest rates are state-sponsored confiscation and how centripetal force is creating the conditions for a financial blow-up.

Whereas TPTB think exponential debt growth is a lever with which they can move the economy, Max thinks it's a meteor that will wipe us out. Can crowd-funding and crypto-currencies combine with a grassroots movement to rip out the dark heart of the kleptocractic financier class?

A Short History of Personal Computers and the Internet — As told by Walter Isaacson, the story of how the digital age came to be involves a cast of more than 40 people, ranging from a 19th century English countess to a WWII codebreaker to California hippies. In his book The InnovatorsIsaacson profiles many of those characters, focusing on how their collaborations helped bring us into the digital age. Many familiar names and milestones, but generally well told, with some interesting nooks and crannies.

How The Cold War And George Orwell Helped Make The Internet What It Is. Sloppy Fracking Practices Result In Large Methane Leaks — Faulty equipment and maintenance procedures in natural gas operations can inadvertently release large quantities of methane, new research reveals. Scientists say most of the problem can be pinned on a relatively small number of "clunker" wells. The report implies that just fixing the low-hanging fruit will eliminate the majority of the methane leaks.

That sounds like a "see, things aren't so bad" result, just as one might expect from an industry-funded study. But even if the study's conclusion is correct, and even if the worst of the leaks are fixed, methane is such a potent greenhouse gas that the remainder would still be an issue.

JFK, the Deep State, and the Darkening Shadow — Author Andrew Kreig talks about the JFK assassination plot as a pivotal point for the shadow government operating in the US—it proved that they could do big things with no consequences. This is why it's the conspiracy refusniks who are the nut-jobs.

If the bankster-CIA cabal will kill a president, what won't they do? But if you think of Bhopal as a tragedy from the '80s, you're missing the point: It was a crime and it's far from over. Amitabh Pal of the Progressive talks about the ongoing disaster of Bhopal and the potential progress finally being made to clean up the area and properly compensate victims.

It's important to remember that Bhopal was not an unavoidable accident, it was a manifestation of corporate pennypinching on maintenance and upgrades at an industrial facility that handled deadly reagents. It's extremely rare that we put corporate executives or board members on trial for such failures, but that should change. Their personal fortunes are made by reaping the revenue from such operations in good times; their liberty and wealth should be at risk when it goes wrong due to their mismanagement.

The US Role in Illegally Logging Peru's Forests — More than half of Peru is still covered by tropical rainforest—an area the size of Texas—which plays a crucial ecosystem role and is a significant carbon sink.

A new report documents how more than 20 US companies have imported millions of dollars in illegal wood from the Peruvian Amazon since Guest is Julia Urrunaga, Peru programs director for the Environmental Investigation Agency and author of the new report, "The Laundering Machine: How Fraud and Corruption in Peru's Concession System Are Destroying the Future of Its Forests.

You can see why these logs are coveted—they're huge compared to the re-growth trees available for lumbering in the US. Nonetheless, this is just another example of how most people in the West are fine with not asking too many questions about where wonderful but illegally sourced products come from. Gladio B and the Battle For Eurasia — Operation Gladio B—the continuation of the old NATO Gladio program—comprises a tangled web of covert operatives, billionaire Imams, drug running, prison breaks, and terror strikes.

In this presentation, James Corbett lifts the lid on Gladio B, discussing the evidence, the key players, and the secret battle for the Eurasian heartland. A rather eye-glazing level of detail is necessary to understanding Gladio B, but Corbett does his best to wade through it without getting us lost in the skunkworks.

The Seed Underground—A Growing Revolution to Save Food — Janisse Ray discusses the threat to seed sovereignty posed by multinationals like Monsanto, which are endeavoring to lock up the food-related profit stream from field to fork by owning the means of production. She explains how activism and seed saving both play a role in the fight. A simple solution would be to pass a constitutional amendment banning patents on life forms.

Um, did I say simple? Coal Baron Indicted in Mine Disaster — Inin one of the deadliest mine accidents in US history, an explosion at the Upper Big Branch Coal mine in West Virginia killed 29 miners. Now Don Blankenship, the CEO of mining company Massey Energy, has been indicted on federal charges, which accuse him of directing company policies that were contrary to mining regulations and laws and that contributed to the disaster.

Law professor Patrick McGinley talks about the case.

Page | American Association of Police Polygraphists

Couldn't have happened to a more bastardy bastard. It's Not Nice for Financial Systems to Ignore Mother Nature! So says Jamie Brown Hansen, an international researcher who studies bio-mimicry to understand how economic sustainability can be derived and adapted from ancient systems of nature.

Ah, the charming, naive brilliance of the young. The people currently running the financial system don't want it to be stable, efficient, and sustainable. They have fought hard to devise a system of "managed instability" that allows them to profit from both the ups and downs in the seemingly chaotic cycles, which are in fact just meta-manipulations. Don't expect any change in their goals or the system until we take it from them. This point is thankfully addressed here in the excellent epilog by Gwen Halsted of the Public Banking Institute.

Better Listen to Your Mother. The Con Artists Take the Media — In Octoberwhen the news was All Ebola All the Time, you could scarcely avoid the media presence of Sal Pain, the Chief Safety Officer of Bio-Recovery, the company that won the emergency bid from the city of New York to decontaminate the apartment of Dr. But BuzzFeed's Investigative Team took a look into Sal Pain's past and discovered he wasn't who he claimed to be.

Alex Campbell talks about this and other cases of con artists using the media to help create the illusion of credentials. Yes, the media should better investigate those they give a platform to. But realize that the mainstream media is not there to inform people; they are there to push their buttons.

In their world, minor lapses in credibility are unimportant compared to keeping viewers off-balance and engaged. Russia's Patience Is Wearing Thin — Having lived in the former USSR before immigrating to the US, Dmitry Orlov has an invaluable perspective on US-Russian geopolitics, as well as the recent wrangling over Ukraine.

It's more important than ever to cut through the propaganda to learn what we can about the most feverish geopolitical tensions in recent memory. Orlov offers a clear-eyed assessment of the game in the Ukraine and the general nonsense the US calls foreign policy.

Cop Inconsistencies and the Oswald Frame — This clip offers numerous tidbits from a recent JFK Assassination symposium, all indicating more troubling inconsistencies in the behavior of police and other officials at and around the scene of the JFK murder.

Why rust in barrel of the supposed murder weapon means it was never fired; other ballistics inconsistencies; why the official timeline of the cops hot on the trail of fugitive Oswald does not compute; the oddity of so much background information on Oswald being provided in press releases almost immediately after his arrest. The more evidence like this that we see, the more amazing it is that the conspiracy could have been covered up at the time.

Could You Survive Without Modern Medicine? Joe Alton and his wife Amy Alton—better known as Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy—talk about which techniques we need to know and which supplies we need to keep in stock to stay healthy when help is not on the way.

They are the authors of the Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Handbook. Topics include how to get started in putting together a medical kit; whether you should concentrate on natural medicine, traditional medicine, or both; and why you can't trust what the government says when a pandemic hits.

Supplies and basic training are a great idea Banksters, Corporations, the CIA, and the Mainstream Media — Andrew Gause's topics this time include As usual, Gause offers several excellent insights on how things really work.

He is also "sort of correct" on his assertion that if you live debt-free you are not understanding how to use the system to best advantage in the way the elites do.

But if you are not an elite who gets inside info, has deep pockets, and employs a team of financial tricksters to help you navigate the currents, then proceed with caution into the Sea of Debt! Tis The Season For A Good Guide — It's that time of year, again: When you're perusing the shelves, be they virtual or actual, what matters to you? Beyond price, quality, and value, what about knowing how the company that made the product treats its workers, the extent to which production depletes natural resources, and what impact this product has on the environment?

Many of us care about these things in the abstract, but it's difficult to put our tenets into practice. If only there were an app. Dara O'Rourke explains the Good Guide, a website and smart phone app that consumers can use to make informed "green" decisions on what they're buying. Few of us can resist the draw of consumerism, so you might as well ka-ching your purchases in the right direction.

Michael Klare on Cheap Oil and Geopolitics — With the price of a barrel of crude oil having fallen almost 40 percent compared to its peak in June, filling your gas tank has gotten cheaper. Analyst Michael Klare talks about the impact lower oil prices are having.

Topics include the reasons for falling oil prices; the effect on oil producers like Iran, Venezuela, and Russia; the psychology of car buying; boosts to American, Japanese and European economies; Keystone XL; wither peak oil? Yes, we peak oilers were wrong. While we knew the people in charge would be willing to turn the planet into an industrial wasteland to keep the petro-circus going, we didn't realize a majority of the populace would be OK with that.

What Are Cheaper Oil Prices Really Costing Us? Genetically Modified Chestnuts — A century ago, the American Chestnut was a tremendously important species in the forests of Eastern North America, representing more than a quarter of all forest trees in a swath from Georgia to Ontario. But a fungus introduced on imported Asian chestnut trees turned out to be catastrophic for the American Chestnut, killing billions of trees and essentially wiping out the species by the s.

Breeding a blight-resistant tree has proved laborious and difficult, so now a research team has developed a genetically modified American Chestnut that uses a gene from wheat to resist the effects of the fungus.

Lead researcher William Powell explains. As GMO applications go, this would seem to be one of the less objectionable ones. But beware anytime a GMO proponent says "this is for the people and for the environment. The Anthropocene and Techno-Utopia — Environmental journalist Christian Schwagerl discusses some of the concepts of assigning human impact as the dominant force of the current era, now being called "The Anthropocene" by many in scientific circles.

Can the planet survive the wave of human modification washing over it? I once believed in the idea that humanity must be awakened to the dangers of environmental destruction. That's still a worthy goal, but it is a subset of the need to awaken to humanity to the disease of financial parasitism, that we simultaneously are exploited by and are willingly participants in.

In the end, the real question is whether the masses are psychologically capable of dealing with either of these problems even if they grasp them. New Film Tracks How Immokalee Farm Workers Won Fair Wages from Corporate Giants — A new film, Food Chainsdocuments the groundbreaking partnership between farm workers, Florida tomato farmers, and some of the largest fast-food and grocery chains in the world.

Participants agree to pay a premium for the tomatoes in order to support a "penny per pound" bonus that is then paid to the tomato pickers. Soon, the Fair Food label will appear on Florida tomatoes at participating stores.

Gerardo Reyes-Chavez, a farm worker and organizer with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, discusses the issue. Like all industrial products, modern food corporations do their best to put their "externalities" on the shoulders of others. Farm workers have always gotten more than their share of the unfairness.

Films of the New World Order 21 — Tora! FDR's insistence that the Pacific Fleet be stationed at Pearl Harbor, despite strong objections from the Navy; the interesting fact that mostly US ships of lesser military value were at Pearl Harbor at the time of the attack; what was known before the attack and who presented it to whom; the smear campaign against the admiral in charge of Pearl Harbor and the attempts to suppress public analysis of what happened there; how the movie paints Pearl Harbor as a tragic accident rather than a devious deception, and the historical revisionist behind that tack.

Generally speaking, don't worry about trying to winnow out which things our leaders lie to us about. Just assume they lie about everything, and then we can focus our energies on disrupting the continuum of elite psychopaths rather than arguing about their press releases. Money—Avarice, Politics and Madness — Douglass Everett talks about recent news item that, collectively, show the broken mindset of the elites and the minions that serve them.

I usually avoid "news" stories, but Everett does a nice job of stringing these together to show a pattern. Lakes Turning to Jelly — The problem of acid rain is often touted as one of the few success stories in controlling pollution, as the industrial emissions that cause it have been cut substantially.

But the environmental damage and disruption caused by acid rain still echo in the wilderness. One example discovered is the "jellification" of temperate lakes, where acid rain has reduced calcium content, an essential element for most lake organisms.

This has caused some crustaceans at the base of the aquatic food chain—the ones that make their exoskeletons from calcium—to be at a disadvantage, and they're now being displaced by species that have a jelly-like coating.

These jelly organisms are inedible to many predators and thus are disruptive to the lakes' ecological balance. And what do geoengineering proponents most often propose to push back global warming? Why, of course, to blast sulfate particles—the most toublesome of the old acid rain pollutants—into the atmosphere. Pandora's New Deal—Different Pay, Different Play — The Internet radio service Pandora made its name by creating personalized stations by having users "like" and "dislike" songs and by tweaking playlists based on the relationships between artists and songsrelationships that have been established through its massive Music Genome Project.

But a deal between Pandora and a group of record labels has raised concerns that the company will now start favoring certain songs over others because it can pay a smaller royalty to the musicians behind the favored songs. I personally have never found Pandora very helpful due its simplistic binary rating system. A Bowl of Soul. Nothing flashy here, but mostly solid. The Inflation Genie Is Out of the Bottle — Andrew Gause explains why the inverted yield curve means that a lot of companies and players are in financial trouble and are trying to borrow furiously to fend off disaster.

Meanwhile, the top players predators are taking advantage of the weaknesses and are on a buying spree, purchasing all depressed assets and commodities.

Gause reviews how the setup for the current harvest started inexplaining who got the Fed-created money, what was done with it then, and what's being done with it now.

Other topics this time include Remember that when the inflation comes, it's the final phase of the crime. Wall Street banks speculated wildly, reaping vast winnings and getting bailed out on vast losses. Then the Fed made all major financial institutions well again by creating money and parking it in the banks. The final phase is for the printed money to be released, which will unleash inflation, which has the effect of making all us peons pay to fix the imbalance caused by all the money printing, which helped fund the original crime.

Healing Green Despair — Todd Wilkinson, author of a new biography of eco-billionaire Ted Turner, talks about Turner's attention to green issues. Is this proof that the wealthy can lead on environmental challenges? Species that have been able to adapt have prospered; most have not. Working on environmental issues without solving the problem of the central banking-corporate-warfare complex will only get us so far. We've back-slid since the major green successes of the s. Is it coincidental that the central banking-corporate-warfare complex has grown much more powerful in that same timespan?

What Reading on Screens Does to Our Brains — Paper or screen? There's a battle in your brain. The more you read on screens, the more your brain adapts to the "non-linear" kind of reading we do on computers and phones. Your eyes dart around, you stop half way through a paragraph to check a link or a read a text message.

Then, when you go back to good old fashioned paper, it can be harder to concentrate—unless you can develop your 'bi-literate' brain. The screen itself is only part of the problem, and the terse format of web content is only part of the problem. We are, in general, HUGELY distracted in life, and that degrades any function that requires concentration.

The Psychopath Inside — When UC Irvine neuroscientist James Fallon was studying the brain scans of known psychopaths alongside the brain scan of a "normal" control—himself—he discovered something fascinating and troubling: This forced Fallon to reevaluate what psychopathy means, both in clinical terms and in practical terms. He talks about his odyssey and the conclusions it led him to. This is insightful and entertaining. I do disagree, though, with one of Fallon's conclusions: He says we need "good psychopaths" as enforcers against the "bad psychopaths.

One liberal columnist told readers not to listen to the "yes but" naysayers. But critics of the deal are worth listening to; for one, Daphne Wysham of the Center for Sustainable Economy, who says the goals are timid, the timing is suspect, and the enforcement mechanism is weak.

Understand that the hoopla from the corporate media is designed to put the public at ease because "now something is being done. But that's not the same as true progress on climate change, so in the end, this is a lot of noise about what will largely turn out to be a stalling tactic.

A Conversation with George Takei — George Takei has taken his fame as Mr. Sulu on Star Trek and used it as a platform from which to speak about important social issues, including marriage equality and redressment for Japanese-American internment during WWII, which he personally experienced. Here he talks about his personal odyssey, the issues, and the fun he's having in his new late-life career as a social-media darling.

Hawken talks about the challenge of taking society to the next quantum level in the face of political factionalism and environmental immaturity.

Topics include corporate social responsibility; the evolution of the open-source-economy and sharing-economy movements; and how communication technology has transformed global human interaction, holding promise for future green activism. Hawken vacillates between keen insight and delusional hopium. In the end, his conclusion that we need to try hard but also just live in awe of the spectacle is quite apt.

No Debate—Antiwar Voices Absent from Corporate TV News Ahead of U. Attacks on Iraq and Syria — An analysis of corporate TV news has found that the public was given almost no debate about whether the United States should go to war in Iraq and Syria. The group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting found that of the more than guests, just six voiced opposition to military action.

On the high-profile Sunday talk shows, out of 89 guests, there was just one antiwar voice—Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of The Nation. Peter Hart of FAIR discusses the issue. Controlling the message is not a new concept, it's just that it has never been done so seamlessly or completely. We are not quite in Orwell's world of yet, but we are getting there.

Stolen Future, Broken Present — David Collings discusses the epochal environmental crisis that is unfolding.

Climate change is a centerpiece, but this is a many-faceted problem with no easy solutions. Overcoming the psychology that fathered the problem may not be possible, but it's still worth trying. Yep, the problem is one that is internal to the human makeup. It is indeed important that we keep trying to minimize the damage—it will make life more pleasant for longer.

But we should always make the basis for discussion facts, not hopium. Voting Machines—Computerized Election Theft — Jonathan Simon explains how Republicans have engaged in vote rigging via electronic voting machines over the last 10 years. Exit polls consistently disagree with election results, and Republicans are winning close races at a much higher rate than statistical probability would allow. Though some important issues are raised, this clip is mostly red meat for blue voters.

Election theft started long before electronic voting machines, and while the Republicans may indeed currently have the upper hand in the legerdemain, the Democrats are not without their corrupt ways.

Among other things, they sold their soul when they colluded with Republicans to change election rules in a way that de facto excludes valid third-party candidates from the process, ensuring the Democrat-Republican duopoly. And now, as their partner in crimes against democracy executes a doublecross to gain even more advantage, the Democrats cry foul. Any US citizen who still hopes that this mess can be fixed at the ballot box—or that it's "that other party" that is causing all the problems—is not paying attention.

Global Research News Hour. Dismantling the Pro-War Cult—The Myth of the Soldier as Guarantor of Freedom — The myth of the soldier as the guarantor of a nation's security and freedom has become widespread and reinforced in the imaginations of citizens, particularly in America. Unthinking devotion to all things military has largely trumped public concern over the idea of war as an end unto itself or the effect war has on global stability or the amorality of US involvement in particular conflicts.

Two US veterans, Stan Goff and Joshua Keydiscuss the problem. Insights on Hormones, HCG and Getting Back to Good Health — Dr. Jonathan Wright is a "medical detective" who has perused over 50, research papers about hormones and other body systems; diet, vitamins, and minerals; botanicals, and other natural substances designed to heal. He specializes in non-drug treatments for chronic health problems.

Topics in this show include This is a firehose of information. Each individual's ears will find the things that may be relevant to him or her, so put on your slicker and listen up.

Hoover's FBI, the King Suicide Letter, and War on Subversives — The attempts by late FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to discredit Martin Luther King Jr. Perhaps the most monstrous example was the so-called "suicide letter," which threatened to expose King's sexual activities to the world unless he did "the one thing left" to escape shame.

Yale Professor Beverly Gage discusses a recently discovered redaction-free version of the letter. Bob talks to Rosenfeld about some of the stunning revelations from his new book, Subversives: The FBI's War on Student Radicals, and Reagan's Rise to Power.

Rosenfeld states that the FBI is more accountable today. Sure, because many of the heart-of-darkness operations have been migrated to other agencies, known and unknown. This Changes Everything Or Not — Naomi Klein argues that while it's too late to stop climate change, we can still take action to save our civilization. Klein offers her vision of how we can foster a global movement to counter climate change. This is worth listening to because Klein does correctly identify several culprits in the current ecocidal ruling system—the financier class, excessive military spending, corporate hegemony, and the fossil-fuel-friendly political system—as barriers to doing anything real about climate change.

But she's got it backwards: The climate crisis is not the threat that will unite people against those elite forces. Instead, uniting the masses to take back power from the elites and reestablish a fair economic system should be the stated political goal. That is Job 1, and trying to superimpose a divisive issue like climate on top of it is brainless. Chicken Big — Chickens raised for meat have quadrupled in weight since the 's, thanks to selective breeding.

The meatier chickens are also being produced with much less feed, which makes the process of raising and marketing chicken more cost efficient. Martin Zuidhof, Associate Professor of Poultry Systems at the University of Alberta, explains how we got here. This is not a bad thing, but it says nothing about animal welfare in the industry, which is generally appalling.

Whistleblower Alayne Fleischmann—JP Morgan's Worst Nightmare — Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the trend in some parts of the world where people are showing just how sick they are of a corrupt elite that holds itself above the law.

They also look at the headlines of students in India who believe in the right to cheat, and at innocent people in America who plead guilty to crimes they didn't commit. They talk about fraud in the mortgage backed securities business, the statute of limitations on wire fraud, and what exactly it is that Jamie Dimon wants. As long as the fines—regardless of whether they are "huge" and "record-breaking"—are less than the profit made from the illegal activities, the banksters will continue acting according to the dictum "crime pays.

Big Banks Pay Big Fines But Grab Bigger Piles of Loot — Andrew Gause's topics include It's surprising that a smart guy like Gause, who has a very clear vision of reality when it comes to the way the Ponzi money system works, doesn't seem to grasp that the science of global warming can be correct at the same time the proposed solutions are a scam. Anyway, pay attention to him on monetary issues; ignore him on climate science. Steeling Ourselves Against the End of the World — Ina solar storm threw an electromagnetic pulse at Earth so strong, it fried the telegraph system.

A whole lot more is on the line now. Rocky Rawlins of the Survivor Library talks about his efforts to make sure we are prepared for getting zapped back to a time before computers and an electric grid. A killer asteroid, for instance. The Last Policeman trilogy imagines what we would all do if we knew the world would end in six months.

Author Ben Winters explains. It's insane that the US does not harden the grid. Survivor Library, A Trilogy About the End of the World. Obama Presses FCC on Net Neutrality — President Obama has called on the Federal Communications Commission FCC to protect the internet as a free and open communications platform by applying an already-existing regulatory classification. FCC chairman Tom Wheeler had previously proposed a set of rules, yet to be voted on, that would create a two-tier system where companies who can afford to pay extra get faster service, leaving non-payers in the slow lane.

Craig Aaron of Free Press comments on the coming battle. I doubt it will be much of a battle. What Obama SAYS always sounds great; what he actually makes happen rarely is great. In this case, he has already telegraphed the out that will let him say one thing and do another: Obama Pleasantly Surprises Progressives For OnceOn Net Neutrality. Economists on Oil—Hubris and Substitution — Richard Heinberg offers a good refresher on the basics of peak oil in light of recent trends in petroleum production, particularly the boom in the US.

He also discusses the delusions that economists engage in when it comes to matters that are more governed by physics than finance, such as energy and the climate. In particular, he responds to Paul Krugman's recent piece on "climate despair," which claimed that anti-environmentalist right-wingers and anti-capitalist environmentalists are both wrong to think that the world can't have economic growth without increasing greenhouse gas emissions.

Heinberg says Krugman either misunderstands or misrepresents the very reports that he cited to support his argument. Alas, Paul Krugman was the last best hope that mainstream economists had just one individual among them who was not an idiot.

Higher Learning, Higher Debt, and The System — Guy McPherson talks to Karl Klein. Much of the conversation centers on how our higher-learning institutions are not training our students correctly at the same time they foster high levels of post-graduation indebtedness.

McPherson contrasts his decision to leave academia with Klein's decision to stay within the system. A decent general discussion. Robots at War — Can replacing human soldiers with robot warriors save lives and make war more humane?

The consensus seems to be that the laws of war are not written in computer code, and modern warfare is not ready for killer robots that "decide" without human input. Let's remember that humans already sometimes act inappropriately on kill decisions. And yes, everyone go watch the Terminator movies again. Dealing with Salination in Modern Irrigation Agriculture — Accumulation of salt in soil is a problem that has plagued irrigation agriculture for millennia—and still does today.

It's happening all over the world, from Australia's Murray Darling Basin, to America's San Joaquin Valley, to the Indus valley in Pakistan and India. Every day, the world is losing 2, hectares—almost 5, acres— of valuable farm soil to salt damage because of inept irrigation practices.

Manzoor Qadir explains the problem, and the solution. Just as net energy declines as energy exploiters pursue ever-lower-quality resources, so too does "net agriculture" become a problem as we try to grow in soil that is ever-more depleted of nutrients and inundated with salt and pollutants. Losing Farm Land the Size of France, Due to Faulty Irrigation. India's Mega-Coal Plants — Targeted for 4, megawatts, the Sasan Ultra Mega Power Project UMPP in India is ten times the size of the average coal power plant in the United States.

Worse still, we find ourselves in an Orwellian world, where a mega coal plant in India is classified as "environmentally friendly technology"; where electricity customers in Europe can buy credits from a coal plant as a "clean development mechanism"; and where hundreds of millions of US taxpayer dollars help build a dirty coal project. Nicole Ghio of Sierra Club International explains. The project in India is just another example of our collective inability to sacrifice power demand for carbon reductions.

It's just not going to happen. Alex Smith plays a brief sidebar at the end of this interview that sums it up perfectly. Listen, and awaken to climate reality. Time Monk Radio Network. No Struggle, No Progress — Former Blank Panther Larry Pinkney talks about the need for continued struggle against the oppressing elites. The fight, he says, is not one of race or similar characteristic—but rather a challenge of critical thinking so that we may correctly perceive the web of deception, understand the oppressors' tactics, and find common ground with the many who are jointly used and abuse by the elites.

Pinkney has the creds to talk this stuff. He's not an overly polished orator, but that seems to give his words more force.

Then he reviews the math on how available technologies can have the world well on the way to running on clean energy by I found Jacobson's attempts to clarify the effects of various types of particulate pollution on warming and cooling to be rather confused. But his rapid-fire solution list for a clean-energy transition is well worth hearing. Two Shots from Different Directions — Josiah Thompson discusses his groundbreaking research on the Zapruder JFK-assassination film.

Topics include evidence for two shots from different directions; acoustics evidence; the importance of the on-the-scene observations of grassy knoll witness S. Anyone who still thinks Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated JFK is just not paying attention. Green Issues in the Election — Steve Curwood and guests review how environmental candidates and issues fared in the recent US election.

Other stories in this show are Don't expect politicians to lead on green issues. You may be able to drag them to the water, but you'll probably have to throw them in before they drink Iraq, Islamic State, Kurdistan, and the Continuing War for Oil — More than a decade after the start of the second Gulf War, the United States has embarked on a bombing campaign targeting Islamic State forces inside Iraq and Syria.

But the reasons for the new war keep shifting, from protecting ethnic and religious minorities, to preventing terrorist attacks on the US. As independent producer Reese Erlich reports from Northern Iraq, this latest conflict—and the future of the region—is tightly connected to the oil industry and international politics. What a confused mess over there. It's no wonder most of us Americans tune it out.

Still, without the oil under those embattled lands, the continuing US presence would not be what it is. Solving the Problem of Ecocidal Capitalism — Frank Rotering is quite sure that capitalism is killing the planet. In the past, he has advocated a voluntary shrinkage of the industrial economy as a way to reduce pollution and resource pressures and let the planet come back into balance. But he now realizes that few are willing to join that quest, so he has a new strategy based on converting true conservatives of the capitalist class to a non-ecocidal posture.

Rotering is an excellent logician, but he seems blind to the emotional traps that keep people locked into unhelpful mindsets. And don't look to the elites—from either side—to take down the system that made them. The only possible solution I see is a public education campaign that carefully distinguishes a market-based economy from a capitalist economy.

Capitalists must be separated from entrepreneurs. The latter must be heralded and promoted; the former must be excoriated and squashed for being the financial parasites that they are. How Can Harsher Winters Be Related to Arctic Sea Ice Loss? Rutgers University climate researcher Jennifer Francis explains how loss of Arctic sea ice can lead to harsher winters in some regions at the same time it causes warming-related phenomena such as drought or increased heavy rainfall events in other regions.

Francis slips in an important fact: Arctic ice melt is in an unstoppable feedback loop. Of course, she then also softballs it at the end by saying we're in trouble if we can't figure out how to reduce greenhouse gases. She should have just stopped at the word "trouble.

Then Max interviews Professor Steve Keen and artist Miguel Guerra about their new crowdfunded graphic novel series Crash, Boom, Pop!

They also discuss the metaphorical godzilla in Japanese central banking that is consuming any debt the population throws at it and where this might lead for the final global debt showdown.

Most banksters are not murderers in the direct sense, but make no mistake—their actions do result in deaths. Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian defense minister, describes a harsh reality: Hellyer discusses the increasing threat facing democratic institutions in the age of global finance.

Hellyer is generally correct in his framing of the problem, though he's a little to quick to believe every little "dark truth" he comes across. For example, he recounts the story of President Clinton telling a reporter that there is a government within the government that he did not control. An accurate framing, but it's highly unlikely that Clinton actually said it.

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