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Here is a new scam: Profit In 60 Seconds! Sounds like a good name for a good service but this is clearly not the case. They are definitely shooting high when it comes to the cost of service. Not a single trader who downloaded the software was able to make it work. Your computer is just fine! Face it… this service is a big scam.

Another thing is the high price, for some this may seem like an indication for a quality service, maybe one with benefits that other services cannot provide you with. Last thing you want to do is motivate these scammers to stay in business. Help WatchDog put the Profit In 60 Seconds scam out of business!

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Share your comments and feedback below and help deter others from falling into this scam! Interested to learn about affordable binary options signals services? Hi Eugenia, Thank you for sharing your experience! Just the name profitin60seconds is somewhat of an Oxymoron.

Based on real testimonials from traders who registered with profitin60seconds. I am sure you have figured out by now what a scam Profit in 60 seconds is.

I am sure many of you are angry and would like to find out the brains behind this operation. The guy spear-heading this scam is none other than the popular Jason Sweezey who lives in Kitchener near Toronto and runs forextrendmaster.

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He is running this scam by making you fund accounts with scamming brokers who they have partnered with. The software does not work, obviously!

And, they are laughing at all of you. By the way, this trio have more scam softwares in the pipeline so I would watch out for them.

Hughes Optioneering

Okay, so more details about this guy Jason Sweezey. He is 44 years of age and was born on 1 June Now that you know this, god damn it take some action and bring these criminals to their knees.

60 second binary option trading demo account watch dogs

Write in forums and let the authorities know! Thank you for warning me. I was tempted to join, but having learned some things the hard way, I decided to best check them out. Glad I did and saved myself money and headaches. I just got an email inviting me on the free trial, it took less than 60 seconds to find your information here and that by all accounts is the only thing that works well.

I thank you for the information and my money will not be wasted on yet another scam on the internet.

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Why dont these bastards just make a decent business and make money that way way rather than going for huge scam profits. Thank you Watch Dog. This is their only objective, to convince you to pay, they get their share, and then you can F-off. They used you, now going to the next. The brokers participating in this scam are: This is a terrible business practice and will surely backfire on 24Option, I think that they should be held accountable for this! Once they start getting a bunch of credit card disputes, they might wake up!

Profit in 60 seconds is just another scam. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Profit In 60 Seconds SCAM! Posted on November 14, by WatchDog. Profit In 60 Seconds Review — Main Features Auto Trading Software: Find out why I am sick of Sycamore Options!

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