Statutory vs nonstatutory stock option

Statutory vs nonstatutory stock option

Posted: Notebooker On: 13.06.2017

I worked for a company that was purchased and I had shares vested to me, these were bought and sold same day. You will likely get a B for that stock sale sometime in February from whatever financial institution handled the sale. And you will enter that exercise as a sale of stock. BUT it is important to note Result is zero gain The IRS will expect to see that information on your tax return. Taxes were withheld on yoru W-2 for that income Thank you for explaining this.

I have a different twist on this same situation. On my B, my cost basis and proceeds are very different.

statutory vs nonstatutory stock option

Everything else is the same and the W2 reported the income and I paid taxes on the money. For some reason I feel like I need to report the gain, but that doesn't make sense. UNLESS you sold the stock on the same day as you exercised the options it's unlikely that your proceeds and basis, and I'm talking about how you report the trade on your income tax return, not how the broker reports the trade , would be the same. The amount you paid for the exercise of the stock plus the compensation resulting from the exercise are your basis for all the stock received.

Since the compensation is calculated as: Even if you had a same day sale it's certainly possible that the broker reported a basis that amount to only what you paid for the stock, in which case you'd have to report a basis figure different than the broker reported.

Thank you for explaining. It's becoming less muddy The B is what confused me as it has me taking on a huge gain. The Supplemental Stock Plan Lot Detail makes a lot more sense and my cost basis and proceeds are only different because of commissions and a wash sale. I also want to thank you for this information. I am wondering how I enter this within TurboTax or directly on the tax forms. Does this information just go onto the Schedule D form as one line item? I actually had a total of three transactions last year, but my W-2 just has the total from the three transactions not the individual transactions.

Differences between Incentive Stock Options (ISOs) and Nonstatutory Stock Options (NSOs) - California Business, Corporate, Securities & Startup Company Lawyer

Therefore, I am not sure how I enter the dates that you mentioned from your above example or from the example in the link you referenced. People come to TurboTax AnswerXchange for help and answers—we want to let them know that we're here to listen and share our knowledge.

FAQ: Stock Options non-statutory options employee options

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What is Non-statutory Stock Option? definition and meaning

After you register or sign in, we'll return you to this page so you can continue your participation in the community. Submit a question Check notifications Sign in to TurboTax AnswerXchange or. Back to search results. I had a nonstatutory stock option sale reported in box 12 as a V in my w2 do I need to do anything else when inputting data into turbotax or will import my w2 be enough. Asked by dennisona Options Edit Ask for details Archive. Answer 9 people found this helpful Yeah A full explanation of your procedure is shown on situation 2 here: Was this answer helpful?

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statutory vs nonstatutory stock option

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