How to make money with squidoo and clickbank

How to make money with squidoo and clickbank

Posted: yaczzz On: 13.06.2017

The following is the business model I use to make thousands of dollars every week with Clickbank. This is going to be long and detail post over 2, words.

I encourage you to read though the whole thing because this model works and has been proven over and over by myself and other affiliate marketers.

While this model shows how to make money with Clickbank, the model can be applied to any other affiliate network or product even a blog. I just happen to like Clickbank because information is one of the easiest products to promote and sell on the Internet. Most new affiliate marketers getting into the business do what I call hit and run affiliate marketing.

Using Squidoo to Make Money - How to Make Money Online

The hit and run marketing steps goes something like this. The only problem is there are not many affiliate marketers who can do that. Also, those who are making a profit using the hit and run model are leaving a ton of money on the table. Spending money on advertising to get one customer that you will never see again is one of the dumbest business move you can make. You have to keep spending money on advertising or the sales stop.

Too many people think of Internet marketing as a game. The Apple Store, or any retail store, would go under in a few months if their customers visit the store once and never visit again.

If someone buys one Apple product, then he is likely to buy another product from Apple. The same thing holds true for affiliate marketing.

If someone buys a Clickbank product from you, he is likely to buy another one. Repeat business is the key. In fact, the average business spend seven times more in marketing cost to get a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. My Clickbank business model is more complex than the hit and run model. It will require more work on your part but unlike the the hit and run model, you will make way more money with it. Here are the steps. Instead of sending leads directly to the Clickbank landing page to buy the product and never see them again, I send them to my squeeze page to capture their emails so I can market products to them for weeks, months and years to come.

This is a far more powerful marketing method. The money really is in the list. Look at all the really big affiliate marketers. Guys like Frank Kern, John Reese, Shoemoney, etc. They all have huge mailing lists. John Reese refers to his list as his ATM. He just goes to it whenever he needs to make a withdraw. When Shoe launched Shoemoney System on Clickbank, he built a prelaunch list of overnames.

how to make money with squidoo and clickbank

If you want to become a big Clickbank affiliate marketer or bloggeryou absolutely need an email list. That is your customer base. The first step to making money from Clickbank is to decide on the niche you want to target.

Ideally, the niche should be a niche that you have a knowledge of and a passion for. The Clickbank Marketplace list thousands of products for you to promote. You can sort search results based on commission, sales, popularity and a bunch of other criteria.

I like to get a copy of the product before deciding on whether to promote it. All Clickbank products are covered by a 60 day money back policy. The best way to make people give you their email address is to offer them something they find valuable for free. This is where the eBook comes in. You can write it yourself or hire Michael Kwan to write it.

Personally, I recommend you write it yourself or hire out the writing. The quality of PLR leaves a lot to be desired. This is why I said you should have a knowledge of the niche you plan to deal in. A squeeze page is a special kind of landing page that is created solely to act as an opt in for information — primarily email addresses — from potential subscribers. When people visit my blog, I want them to subscribe to my email list.

By creating a separate squeeze page, the email sign up rate can skyrocket. The above screen shot is the squeeze page Jonathan Volk used to capture emails.

The easiest way to create a squeeze page is with Squeeze Theme by Unique Blog Designs. Squeeze Theme is powered by WordPress and will allow you to create custom squeeze pages in minutes. Jonathan and I both use Squeeze Theme to create all our squeeze pages.

To use Squeeze Theme, all you need to do is choose the theme you want to run, add the text, photo or video, your Aweber email codes and let Squeeze Theme do the rest. Before Squeeze Theme came along, I had a designer do all my squeeze pages. Now, Squeeze Theme does it for me in just a few minutes. Once the squeeze page has been created, you need to send traffic to it. The quickest way to do that is to use pay per click or pay per view advertising.

There are tons of lower cost or free methods for traffic generation. A little creatively can go a long way. Try to think outside the box when it comes to traffic building. Look at what Jonathan did for his eBook.

Instead of using PPC to send traffic to his squeeze page, he set up a contest to give away three Apple iPads. Two iPads will go to the top two affiliates who send the most referrals.

However, the the 3rd iPad will be awarded to a random affiliate on a draw based on one entry per referral.

Refer two friends and earn two entries and so on. Not cheap but not out of the budget for someone who want to build a real affiliate marketing business. Lead capturing is the most important part of affiliate marketing. Your business is built around your list. Anything you can do to increase its size means more money for you.

While a squeeze page maybe the best way to get someone to give you his email address, you still need a system to handle and host the list. My recommended email service is Aweber. Aweber works seamlessly with Squeeze Theme and its web interface allows you to access it from any computer, anywhere in the world.

The account is just like a normal Aweber account and includes unlimited email campaigns, newsletter, broadcasts and follow ups. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Auto responders are emails that go out at a set date and interval. When someone subscribe to my blog, they are sent a series of auto responder emails. These emails are design to do three things. Setting up the auto responder is extremely easy and is no different than sending out a normal email.

This will allow you to create a follow up message to be sent to your new subscriber at a later date. Aweber allows you to set up an unlimited number of auto responders. The second follow up email out goes out four days after the first and the rest goes out in one week intervals until there are no more follow ups. This is also known as a sales funnel. The first few emails helps build your relationship with the subscriber. Later emails in the funnel are used to promote the Clickbank products.

This setup works far better than any hit and run system. They need to be hit over and over again. This is where the auto responder comes in. You now have the formula to a make massive amounts of money with Clickbank or any other affiliate network. It takes more work than the hit and run model but the payoffs are much higher. I hope you enjoy this post and I hope it opened your eyes to what it really takes to make money with Clickbank.

Your comments are welcome. Sign up for Clickbank Aweber Squeeze Theme. Wow, this is some great information. Good luck on making money. But you have definitely made lots of money for John by signing up using his link. John definitely wins either way.

I feel if someone is taking the time to educate you, from his personal experiences. The least you can do is buy from his link. Kind of way of saying thanks. Since John gives his advice freely, instead of charging a fixed fee, the very least we can do is to let him earn some referral fee. That is a win win situation. John is not running a charity here.

how to make money with squidoo and clickbank

My first sale comes after a few months of hard work. On some days, I have closer to hops and 0 sales. Hopefully those viewers do not delete their cookies and decide to buy within 60 days. Thank you for this! I am still in the process of tweaking my autoresponders to get the best results but soon after I will have screenshots like yours haha. Writing good auto responders emails can be another few posts just in itself. LOL I may do a series on that. What a great post John, it could have been an ebook.

A precise way to go for affiliate marketing. When I showed this post to some friends, they told me not to publish it because it could be an eBook. Hey John, another great post. I especially like the part about brainstorming for creative traffic sources.

And using viral techniques like getting other people to recommend your free-bees to, is a great trick too which Frank Kern was talking about the other day. Hey John, excellent post. The first model you may make a few sales once in awhile, but the second affiliate model can turn you into a Super Affiliate.

I have had a lot of success with CJ and Shareasale. I did do the hit and run method, but this gives me some good ideas. Maybe, the problem I have had with Clickbank is the quality of products I was promoting in the very beginning?

This way always made sense to me. Am bookmarking this post. Following and learning from you! Check out my new dating blog — and get a FREE ebook: Just listening, John and doing, and taking action, and HAVING FUN!!!!!!

I just realize that I belong to the hit and run marketer. I will certainly switch my way as JC has shared. Thanks a lot JC. Lol, so do I. Not bad for 9 hours work imo. I have been making money online for years creating and selling ecourses and teaching others how to do the samehowever, I have yet to try my hand at affiliate marketing through Clickbank. So your blog post has given me a lot of food for thought.

Also, I was wondering about the squeeze theme product…if it was any good, so your recommendation has confirmed that for me. Keep up the good work! Michelle Kulp, the 6-Figure Woman Coach http: I find that my readers are very jaded at this point and are not responding to the pitches and products.

Reading your ipad scenario was interesting. But when a visitor refers another visitor, how can you tell how many referrals come from each visitor. Yea, here is a post how I did the referral tracking: Thank you for this great post. It helps me a lot to do my business.

The autoresponder is still the best marketing tool that I know of. Thanks for sharing this with everyone. The money is really in the list that you build but it also requires money to be invested. THere are no rules against it. However, keep in mind that as your list gets bigger, you may not be able to use the free service anymore. That is the best most well written post on internet marketing that I think I have ever read.

Lots of meat and no fluff. I do have a question, when you drive traffic to an affiliate page. You first set an opt-in page. Do you use double opt-in or not?. Also, the canspam rules requires double opt in. Thanks btw for the info, I am learning. If you want to have your email subscriber counted towards your Feedburner counter, you should turn on blog broadcast. I like it really. The post is reasonable long as it is. Perhaps you could have just mentioned a download page for the free e-book.

I used to have many spam mails from my site, I did all the editing and recording manually. Eventually, I give out. I disable the mailing form. After reading this article, I realized how silly I was, I push away all my potential customers out of the door. There are people that still fail to make money online even he has thousand list. This is an awesome post. I have always believed this information to be true.

I find that list building and building your relationship with the list has always been effective. The worst thing is to spam your list or send CPA offers. If you really want a quality list, write your own emails and make them personal. Building trust and like-ability will keep you in the game.

John, Awesome post — very insightful. I only started collecting e-mail addresses in and am working hard to play catch-up. Better late than never! Thanks for sharing these tips! All the best, Ian. This is the post that I been looking for. Very clear and concise article on how to make money with clickbank. Thanks and God Bless you always Mr John! I like this post. It gives a broad overview of affiliate marketing. Some people are successful with just bum marketing.

Some are good with PPC. I agree the most important is to have a good landing page. This post was most waited posts for me.

The time when you announced that you are going to share your secrets we were eagerly waiting. Great post John Clickbank is the best way to make money online hands down.

Building a responsive mailing list is the ticket to a full time lucrative business hands down. When you here the money is in the list people need to take note that that is the truest statement there is. True, Clickbank is a solid company for both vendors and marketers. Some people even join as both vendors and marketers. Great complete information to start a great affiliate. Thanks a lot John. Really appreciate the tips. This is truly a business model but many of people seems not really care about it.

Very informative — straight to the point with no BS. Almost overall the same with the points in this post. John chow re-emphasized the route to get money from clickbank indeed like it. Your business model is great and I can see that to work on long term goals… I ways to make money with organo gold definitely consider this advice… thanks.

Yeah now I know the frame work. Now the challenge is to write an ebook. My bad english will make it longer time to finished.

Thanks for the helpful information. I always ignore your message and glad that I finally looked into this. This is great information. Very generous of you. Have not ventured into affiliate marketing as yet because its fear of the unknown right now.

Hi Candy, actually you can start small. Just write some articles and submit to Hubpages. You can put the affilitate links within the steps make money google adsense wikipedia. Once how to make money with squidoo and clickbank have enough confidence, then you can seriously consider having a domain.

Of Course Its So Easy to Make A Gorgeous Post Like This Because You re Blogging for A Long Time, While You Keep The Big Secrets to Your Self That You Will Never Mention One Of Them Even If They Offered You ……? Even your best friend will not share his secrets once he is super rich.

At least John is writing out so many tips and lessons that people down the line can follow. Once you do that develop your own techniques and skills!

What was said may not be completely new information for some people but it is princess maker 2 making money a method that can deliver. In other words it lives up to the title. There may be many other ways to make good money with affiliate programs, and some people might have their own methods that they canberra centre opening hours australia day secret, or sell for big cash.

Actually John is taking a win-win approach. He teaches us the method to earn online. 4x currency trading wiki is why he is so generous with sharing his knowledge. By the way, Sarah, please do not assume that all rich and successful people are selfish.

They are willing to share. The problem is that people do not want to learn. Even if a person is making a million bucks per month and shares every trick belajar menjadi broker forex you, that does not mean that you become his competitor and takes away his income. The best is both of us making a million per month. Not all the comments are honest here. They are just commenting to be noticed and some just want to be on the top of the list.

Squidoo ClickBank: How to Make $50 a Day with Squidoo ClickBank

Nothing wrong with that… Whatever john wrote is good but at the same time nothing new if you are following this blog or any other blog that concentrates on money making stuff.

There is notthing wrong with John on writing this kind of post…. If you also want to join the club then you should also take action rather than just saying.

Even guys like ZK who is into marketing finds this post as a secret coming out of John… It is not as easy sounds. It takes lots of effort and luck as well. I guess there are certain things we have to learn through our own mistakes. Even in article marketing, no matter how much we read and learn, we still work from home duncan bc to learn from our failures and successes.

If so then, yes I do have several and forex nyc oldest commercial site have been running since Thank you for sharing your heart, knowledge and wisdom with us.

This has lots of quality information and value. More importantly, stay focused and take consistent action. So far, the only thing I can see that beats it is finding excellent information about how to do it from people who do it, succeed at it and are willing to share their knowledge of it.

Hi John, This is another great write for anyone to make money online. I guess this can also be used on facebook too. Great article, one of the more detailed explanations of affiliate marketing with Clickbank that I have seen.

I have tried creating a blog and obtaining natural search traffic around a niche and it works ok. Building a list is something I have not done. This is a very informative post; good strategy, and a great subtext if you read between the lines….

SEO traffic rarely works on a squeeze page. And it takes a while as well. First of all we need to brand our service,it applies to every business. No one like to be oversold…when we approach customers in our daily life, what they are looking at is SOLUTION is not HOW MUCH and etc. We should take some time to research and get some niche PLR product that are useful to the buyers,give these away to stock market holiday closures customers,from there,customers start accepting your service.

Makes my stomach rumble with excitement! Well you said it clearly and honesty. I went through that phase where I though PPC was the end to my riches.

You get slapped and run over their rules. They jack up keyword prices on you, they want to make more money off you and you end up not making anything. Most PPC seminars are dupes in fact, they dont tell you everything.

Great post — the money is in creating a list and building trust. Anyone have ideas on how to create an ebook? About Aweber — what if you want accounts for more than 1 website? Can you run how to win instant cash in south africa all from one account, or will you need a separate account for each site?

You can set up separate list for each website. Aweber lets you create an unlimited number of lists. I like the fact that you are getting people away from the hit and miss approach and telling them to go for repeat customers not just one off sales using risky traffic arbritrage techniques. I think your traffic ideas are a bit light though.

Shorting in stock market what is beta not easy to make it with ppc using a squeeze page. Your costs can easily be more than your profits even using autoresponders. If you are promoting products which are not yours it is hard to have contests though I really like that idea.

I think if you can just break even with your first few autoresponder messages on your advertising your are doing great! Then you can promote to that crowd over and over. This is definitely one of the best MMO models around. There are a couple of drawbacks to it though. This possibly leaves you competing with more people on the same product. If you can produce 10xx of those in the same time it takes to make a valuable ebook and push it… why not just stick with hit and run?

Obviously, there is assaxin 8 best binary options signals providers trading system point where hit and north carolina livestock markets will dry up and a list is a better long term investment.

Competing with people like you, John, Shoemoney, and some of the other A-listers makes building a list a lot trickier than most A-listers make it call to a member function on a non object symfony to be.

I think I stick to the hit and run for the near future. I like to complete an article for submission within 20 minutes. The articles in Ezinearticles provide backlinks to my blogs as well.

Great and valuable content. This is right on the money with your post. Most of them were not successful because everybody seems not to trust me. Anyway, thanks for this great information. Not even ebooks have this sort of information.

Its ironic that most of the times you criticize digital products like eBook, yet you make a lot of promoting those kinds of products. I am sure most of you have got an email from more than reports affecting stock market person about his product….

One question I have is — can we use a Forex trading in kzn page or Hubpages instead of a squeeze page though I do understand it may not bring about pediatric nurse triage jobs from home same results.

It may be a good idea for beginners, though I am one. Btw, I have read all your posts as soon as I get a message in my mailbox and they are all good. John Im confused with some words youre saying,Im sorry but I WANT TO ASK A QUESTION. Im still a newbie and a really really beginner. This is great stuff here. Except since Clickbank is about promoting various products in your niche, is it necessary to write ebooks for every product you promote?

I now understand that clickbank is not scam i thought that they are scam man. I think that you can generate a revenue with click bank as they have so many different products that you can promote. However, affiliates tend to think about the commission rather than the product.

Some affiliates have never even tried the product that they are promoting. My motto is a truthful affiliate is a wealthy affiliate.

Why buy freeport mcmoran stock look at John for example. Is there much of an issue with promoting Clickbank offers in your niche competing with your product? This is a great post because it is a blueprint.

I am still fairly new to the blog community so I am still building my traffic. But once I get the traffic right I will get my clickbank account going. Honest to God, one of the BEST blog posts I have ever read. Something like this is so simple, yet EXTREMELY POWERFUL! I have been binary options on the indicator fisher of Email capture from long but never give it a Shot.

This is a high time I should give it a try now…. This is exactly what I needed! Lets see if I can make it work for me…. I really miss your tutorial john, at this time I just started learning clickbank, paydotcom, and ejunkie, I realize that I use hit and run strategy, I believe its the fastest way, but sounds too easy for hit and run and I realize its not effective. Hi John As usual great content. So many people are looking for the hit and run approach and not prepared to do the hard work.

Thanks for reinforcing the value of providing service and customer satisfaction to internet marketing, At the end of the day it is no different to any other business. Tremendous how to make money float magic trick to customers is the key to building lists and business profits. Not many people have the talent to write articles, much less to write ebook.

Thanks for this post. I am working on a project right now that uses a system like this. This post helps bring things into perspective. Thanks for the tips John. Affiliate Marketing is really rewarding if you play it right. And you can do it again and again. And when you do have branded yourself for some niche, you would likely to get even higher income.

But, I guess the last two will come once there is traffic of repeat visitors. I signed up for an account with clickbank and put it on my own blog but its still small with minimal traffic so its not really doing anything. The real point of this extreme surebet money maker was just to thank you for reinspiring me to write a blog and get involved in writing again. When I finally gave in to what I had been told to do right from the start I started to see the money come in.

Every business needs a good soild customer base to survive and this is after all a business, not a hobby. How do you get the popup to display on your website asking for users to register? It fidelity options trading commissions set to popup after a couple of seconds and not immediately, as far as I can tell.

Is it some wordpress plugin? Sharninder — In using Aweber, you can elect to use a popup registration box and how to make money with squidoo and clickbank control the duration of delay you would like.

how to make money with squidoo and clickbank

I had just recently joined Aweber and one of the reasons I choice them was because of all the different options they had to easily create different web forms. In reference to using Clickbank products. Have you ever created your own products for resale at Clickbank? Just curious if you have and can you make more money by having others market these products? WOW mind blowing article.

Great information and its is exactly the kind of information I was looking for. I think I am a hit and run affiliate, but now that I have the proper process to follow I think I will change the attitude of my marketing. Affiliate Marketing should be taken seriously as other business as this is what pays your bills and get cash to your account. Have you seen the best luck with lightbox-style popups? Full screen or small box?

Embedded form or no? Big links on the page? Very useful guide into the land of affiliate marketing indeed. Makes the industry much more transparent and open when people start to understand how it works. I am following your blog for a little while now, I hope you will post more of these in depth articles.

Wow with this informative post from JOHN CHOW I can see Click Bank Money comming to my pocket. This is great, thank you for sharing. Do you think you could do the same thing with Amazon affiliate sales?

I dont think many people realize how much a list is worth! We have been databasing for a long time and are still making money on lists we built 5 years ago. I am planning currency rates reuters check clickbank for our projects, too. And the infos i found here will help a lot.

Keep up the good work. Thanks for the article John. When you say the money is in the list is that applicable to Twitter as well? Useful guide, John, for people who want to make money online with Clickbank. Too many people simply grab their affiliate link and use URL shorteners and spam them all over the web. I think some gurus recommend that spamming methods.

The reasoning is that the more people see your how to make money with cell phone towers, the chances of getting sales are higher. What a fantastic post!

It reminds me of why I became a fan of yours some years ago when I was living in Japan. I have tried using Clickbank as a revenue stream for some time with limited success. Great valuable info for newbies in affiliate marketing. Its a proven method for long term profit.

I already have a premium theme running. Does squeeze theme allow you to create a page without interrupting my current theme. Or do I have to use squeeze theme as my default blog theme and restructure everything? I have an ebook ready and I am planning to do this, this week. Your response would be very much appreciated!! Helping others does have its advantages!!! This has got to be one of the best posts on any blog.

Just a couple of sales so far. Yet another important factor when promoting clickbank is to know how to target the right people in the right market. The only way to do that is by optimizing your landing pages and the keywords you use in your articles, linking campaigns, ppc. If you need writing ideas, you can download those free PLR articles, and rewrite the articles.

Just dont send the PLR articles out. Most of them are very low quality. I think this works for the big bloggers. Because they are big so their words are more convincing. The big ones get bigger. As long as you are willing to pay for domain name, hosting, writers to write the ebook, autoresponders, and web designers, you can get it done without doing all the hard work.

The problem I always had with clickbank is that learning curve especially for technically challenged people such as myself. One of the biggest challenges is creating a website to promote click bank products. When I say your own site I am not talking about blogs like blogger. It is really important to stand out from the crowd with your own website. That makes you look more professional. It will be even nicer if one day the clickbank products affiliate will provide marketers with a landing page that they can customize with their own content.

This will save us affiliate marketers a lot of time. I would like to hear what other members got to say about this. If any of you guys can recommend a site that is already customized with the necessary content for promoting niche products? I really appreciate it. If Clickbank offers landing page, then more affiliate marketers will enter the market and make it harder to earn money. The current system allows the hardworking and creative marketers to make more money than the lazy ones.

Your strategy is the best one I think since you can sell to your customer repeatedly. I will change my marketing methods starting today this very hour. To be honest this is the first time I actually read through a full post of yours.

Its a great write up John, but hate to say it nothing new. I guess all beginners know about clickbank and how an affiliate link looks like when it end at the clickbank payment screen. Good stuff, but I always thought that the whole clickbank, ebook, affiliate thing grew too saturated years ago.

Well would you look at that. My first Squeeze Theme page gets emails in the first day, compared to a day from the blog. John is not bluffing folks, thank you John. Anyways i really like your website and it has helped me a lot in many other ways for earning some money in my early age of 14….

Have you tried bum marketing? You can write articles, submit to Ezinearticles. That is one of the best ways to get traffic and backlinks to a website.

Although in general my affiliate business is growing, sales of Clickbank products continue to fall for me — however who says you have to use Clickbank? Thank you for the information. This is definitely the best post I read for making money with Clickbank. I need some tips for writing good emails cause no hardly opens mine. As U already said, this post is like ebook and i really learn a lot from it and i will quickly starting my first ebussiness with click bank.

John Chow, some of my frds, said that: Thank By The way, I really wish ur good luck cos u are my super hero. Thanks for a well-written explanation. Now here is a proof that few hits are needed before any decision is made. I read in other blogs about importance of mailing lists, Aweber, free e-book as a good incentive. Your article was a last drop.

Finally I began writing an e-book. It should be fun! My goodness, writing an ebook! I prefer to write a few short articles than writing a lengthy ebook. However, I agree that is the best form of affiliate marketing.

Anyone make money on Squidoo? | Warrior Forum

I doubt I have the patience to write an ebook, even one with just 20 pages. I rather write many short articles instead. Been waiting for someone who knows what they are doing to make a post like this. The hit and run is a joke. I sure as hell would not spend 10k to get 20k, it should be 10k to get 30k at the very least with repeat customers for the back end. Alsas this post has all the commens sense which is greatly needed in this market and for newer marketers like lil ole me.

HIt and run is more for beginners and those who do not have the capital to make it big. Many college students are living on a limited budget, and bum marketing works for them. They can write as much or as little as they like, and earn enough as pocket money.

I have never tried making money online using clickbank but I will try to apply recommendations or tips in this post to my own blog. So far, most of my online stream of income is from Google Adsense. Is there a certain way it needs to be set up so as to make it Adwords safe? The free clever traffic methods are grand, but would like to incorporate PPC traffic as well.

Really fantastic post for newcomers like me. I used the hit and run approach several years ago, was successful, then the game changed and I got a job.

Thanks for the information. Quick question…what tracking software do you use to track affiliate email referrals? You have the steps for success laid out perfectly here! Thank you for a great article! Excelente el articulo, soy afiliado de Clickbank desde hace un tiempo y la verdad es que leyendo este articulo excepcional creo que mi posicion mejorara mucho. Really enjoy this post and the value of information.

I knew how to go about affiliate marketing from his steps 1 to 4. But I never thought about step 5- Capturing the lead. That is an awesome step.

Thanks for the revision Mr. This is a great step by step on how to build a profit from Clickbank. I think a lot of people believe there is a magic point and click formula to build a business and that is just not true. Thanks for the post! This post has been super helpful.

I like how you treat the affiliate marketing like a traditional business that is built on repeat customers. That is totally true, but it is hard at times to see that from my computer. I have been guilty of the hit and run approach, which incidentally produces hit and miss results! Thanks for a great post!

To your success, Bryan Hee Follow me on Twitter http: This is basically what I read on BHW the other day. This is very interesting coming from a blogger like yourself. Most people do not equate list building with blogging and as a result miss out on huge profit potential. Do you think you would make more selling affiliate products with clickbank then selling your own?

I am interested in creating my own theme, would it be suited for the marketplace of clickbank? They really could use some improvement to their search engine. What are the advantages of clickbank over adsense? I am learning the whole blogging stuff and need alot of advise.

I have a small list of emaill from one site because you must sign up as a member. I use those list to promote my other sites…didnt think of it for a affiliate site…nice post chow chow. Not a massive amount of earnings but not bad for about 10 hours in total work. You always post great idea with well researched. You Business Model is really impressive. Most of the affiliate are based on Hit-and-Run method.

I agree making a brand will help more to make money. Discover the secrets I used to take my small blog from a few visitors to hundreds of thousands, and how I made millions along the way! John Chow dot Com Search: Home Blog About Advertise Make Money Live Events Photos Home Blog About Advertise Make Money Live Events Photos. How To Really Make Money with Clickbank By John Chow March 15th, responses FeaturedMake Money OnlineThe Net.

Tweet Email The following is the business model I use to make thousands of dollars every week with Clickbank. Real Businesses Are Built On Repeat Customers Too many people think of Internet marketing as a game. A Clickbank Affiliate Model That Works My Clickbank business model is more complex than the hit and run model. Step 1 — Choose a Series of Clickbank Products The first step to making money from Clickbank is to decide on the niche you want to target.

Step 2 — Create a Free eBook The best way to make people give you their email address is to offer them something they find valuable for free. Step 3 — Create a Squeeze Page To Promote The eBook A squeeze page is a special kind of landing page that is created solely to act as an opt in for information — primarily email addresses — from potential subscribers.

Step 4 — Send Traffic To The Squeeze Page Once the squeeze page has been created, you need to send traffic to it. Step 5 — Capture The Lead Lead capturing is the most important part of affiliate marketing.

Step 6 — Deploy Auto Responders Auto responders are emails that go out at a set date and interval. Step 7 — Watch The Money Rack Up In The Clickbank Account This step is optional but I really enjoy it. March 15, at 2: March 15, at 8: Weight Loss Diet Plans says: March 18, at April 9, at 6: March 24, at 6: April 7, at May 2, at 7: May 4, at 4: March 23, at 9: April 9, at 7: March 16, at 7: ZK Web Marketing Blog says: March 15, at March 25, at 5: April 29, at March 15, at 3: March 15, at 4: March 16, at March 15, at 5: I Make Money Online says: April 10, at 3: March 15, at 7: March 16, at 2: March 18, at 5: April 12, at March 16, at 8: March 25, at 6: March 15, at 9: Tool die design says: Watch avatar online says: March 17, at 2: MAKE MONEY ONLINE D3Marketers says: April 9, at 8: Learn Affiliate Marketing says: Dana Blogging Update says: March 26, at 8: March 16, at 1: Cebu Tech Blogger says: March 16, at 3: April 9, at 9: March 17, at March 17, at 3: March 18, at 7: April 1, at 2: March 17, at 9: March 16, at 4: Web Hosting Solutions says: March 16, at 5: How To Really Make Money with an Affiliate Network Affiliate Marketing Post of the Year!

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