How much money did harry potter and the sorcerers stone book make

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So, we know Harry inherited his money from James. By descriptions from the books, it looks like he had enough money to spend during his school years with plenty to spare for later life.

50 Mistakes in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Is there an estimate on how much money he had? How much would that be in muggle money? Was he extremely rich?

I'm thinking here that he could have received more than just an inheritance. For example, anonymous supporters could have given him money through the bank while he was a baby, or when he was about to go to Hogwarts, and he wouldn't have known not even Dumbledore would have known. Slytherincess has given an excellent answer if we could figure out how much Harry has.

Let me give you a few clues as to how much that might be, and then let's estimate.

Here's what we know. This is enough to do quite a bit, but while someone could potentially live off of it for life, it wouldn't be a particularly well off lifestyle, and many people would continue to work to earn money even with that income. The exact amount is never stated in canon, and it's impossible to estimate without knowing exactly how many Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts Harry owned. But it was a considerable amount:.

Griphook unlocked the door. A lot of green smoke came billowing out, and as it cleared, Harry gasped. Inside were mounds of gold coins. Heaps of little bronze Knuts.

All Harry's -- it was incredible. The Dursleys couldn't have known about this or they'd have had it from him faster than blinking. How often had they complained how much Harry cost them to keep? And all the time there had been a small fortune belonging to him, buried deep under London. Hagrid helped Harry pile some of it into a bag.

Right, that should be enough fer a couple o' terms, we'll keep the rest safe for yeh. It is estimated Harry had quite a lot of money, which he inherited from James and Lily. I'll see if I can find an estimate of Harry's wealth in Muggle money. Yeah, I'd say he was quite wealthy, but probably not as wealthy as the Malfoys.

How much money did Harry Potter have? - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange

There is no canon evidence that there were any charitable funds set up on Harry's behalf to receive funds for him. I'd say that would be pure conjecture.

The Harry Potter Lexicon has the following:. This gives us approximate values as follows: There is apparently some kind of foreign wizard money that consists of gold coins the size of hubcaps seems impractical to me, LOL!

So if we had any way of knowing exactly how many Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts Harry had, we could estimate his net worth. Unfortunately, I can't find a specific number quoted by a reputable source, but admittedly I didn't look super hard.

It would be hard to really know, but I am sure it was a lot. I think James Potter probably inherited from his parents as well. The Potters are an ancient wizarding family, and they James parents were already old when they had him. Lily and James would have eventually contributed to the money they inherited from their jobs.

Although they likely didn't work for too long because they had to go into hiding, but likely they did work for a little bit. So Harry probably had quite a bit when he finally started at Hogwarts. After Sirius died, he inherited all of Sirius's money as well, who got money from his uncle. Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count.

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how much money did harry potter and the sorcerers stone book make

Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask how much money did harry potter and the sorcerers stone book make question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. How much money did Harry Potter have?

Janoma 4, 2 25 Harry had a visibly large amount of money, but not so much that he could afford to spend stock for benelli supernova on whatever he wanted. In particular, the Firebolt seemed out of 95 binary options payout killer review reach, although he could have bought it, it would have used a considerable amount of his cash.

Estimates for the Firebolt's cost is around Galleons. Harry stayed for 2 weeks at the Leaky Cauldron. Rates were never mentioned, but it seemed reasonable to guess it would cost a few galleons. It seems likely that it was more than the galleons he won during the Triwizard tournament.

It seems that Harry pulls around galleons equivalent per school year. This seems to be enough to leave him with a considerable, but not insurmountable, amount after everything is done. Everything in this case is paying for his books, supplies, and other general spending money for the year. EDIT- It seems there is no tuition at Hogwartsmaking the cost quite a bit less.

PearsonArtPhoto 34k 26 If the Ministry wanted him there and were willing to do favours for him, might they have paid? For point 3, he gave his Triwizard winnings to Fred and George.

No mention of profit sharing or anything like that, but I would imagine that after HP: DH he probably got a cut.

Unrelated, but 1 million USD is more than sufficient to live off for life. Also, if you're a wizard, your cost of living is much lower; no need for a car, electronic gadgets or other expensive stuff.

The Sorcerer's Stone in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

You can repair your things clothes, furniture etc so they last longer. I can't see Harry as a "gentleman of leisure" though: Jayraj Adult humans have enough problems investing their money wisely - you think a year old wizard would be able to pick wise investments in a wizarding world he barely knows?

NiceOrc's comment seems correct. My wife is currently reading POA to our kid and I'm pretty sure that Fudge told Harry that he Harry wouldn't have to pay the bill.

But it was a considerable amount: The Harry Potter Lexicon has the following: Slytherincess k 69 If you haven't found it, it doesn't exist! Likely JKR didn't want to put a whole dollar amount to it on purpose. Harry had enough money to be comfortable and for it to be a stark contrast to his living with the Dursleys; that's all that matters - IMO.

Typo, or math worse than JKR. Kate Gregory 1 5 Geo Proctor 37 2. Can it be confirmed by anything in the books? Because it is on the Internet. If it is there, it must be true. Harry never graduated, by the way. In it, you'll get: The week's top questions and answers Important community announcements Questions that need answers.

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