How jews make money

How jews make money

Posted: kok88i On: 11.07.2017

Jewish Agenda ArticlesCongress Articles. HERE Or Send Your Contribution To: Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box ; Priest River ID E-mail: For The Best Alternative News CLICK: As if the powerful Jewish Lobbies from without are not enough for American Jewry to gain total control of the US Congress, Jews have infiltrated the halls of Capitol Hill with more seats than ever before in American history - in both the Senate and in the House.

In fact, Jews chair many of the Senate and House committees which oversee every aspect of American affairs. Beginning in January45 Jews took the oath of office: Names like Adler, Cantor, and Levin now appear in Congressional rolls usurping Christian names like Findley, Ryan, and Byrd.

Sampling of Jews Ruling The Senate: Joseph Lieberman I CT 2. Diane Feinstein D-CA 3. Charles Schumer D-NY 4. Barbara Boxer D-CA 5. Benjamin Cardin D-MD 6. View Entire List Here. Sampling of Jews Ruling The House: Gary Ackerman D-NY 2. Robert Wexler D-FL 3. Allyson Schwartz D-PA 4. Debbie Wasserman Schultz D-FL 5. Henry Waxman D-CA 6.

Every Jew in the th Congress supports the gangster state of Israel, whose billion dollar funding by Congress is taking money from the American jobless. It has all been spelled out in the Protocols…. JEWS TAKE COMMITTEE CHAIRS.

Indeed, Jewry has taken control of the most strategic and most important of the House and Senate Committees:. A Sampling Of Committee Chairmen: Armed Services - Carl Levin 2. Environment And Public Works - Barbara Boxer 3.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Members - Russ Feingold, Benjamin Cardin, Barbara Boxer 4. House Committee On Foreign Affairs - Howard Berman 5. Energy And Commerce - Henry Waxman 6. Banking And Finance - Barney Frank 7. Joint Committee On Taxation - Sander Levin 8.

Senate Committee On Homeland Security - Joseph Lieberman 9. House Judiciary Committee - Jerrold Nadler House Intelligence Committee Members - Jan Schakowsky, Adam Schiff. View All Committees Here and Here. How did they do this? With billions of dollars at their disposal to pour into Jewish candidates through a plethora of Political Action Committees known as PACS, Jewry has the financial edge over the Gentiles.

And, with their synagogue buddies who own ALL of the mass mediaJewry gets their Jewish candidates a good press while Gentile opponents are either smeared or ignored. Money and media are the keys to Zionist political hegemony. In other words, America has the best Congress Jewish money can buy…. How The Jews Took The White House Click Here.

How The Jews Took Washington Click Here. Who REALLY Owns The Media In ? The Protocols For Goys - Yesterday And Today Click Here. Christ-Hating Jews rule our nation. Freedom-Hating Jews control Capitol Hill. The Constitution is hated by these wicked people who have NO loyalties but to their own tribe. And they WILL wake up once the 1. To JEWS in Israel. And to fight JEW WARS in Afghanistan, Iraq, and preparing another JEW WAR in Iran. Then the jobless will WAKE UP to the machinations of their enemies — JEWS!

I am a man of my word. I promised that The Brother Nathanael Foundation would be up and running in July and HERE IT IS! I am also a MAN OF ACTION and we WILL — Together — Fight The Christ-Hating Jews At Their Own Game. We will begin our OWN Media outlets to bring FACTUAL NEWS to the American people who are being DENIED this by the Freedom Hating, Censoring Jews. We will start an education program to bring WHOLESOME sexual ideology to Public School Students and DRIVE the Pervert-Promoting ADL Jews OUT OF THE SCHOOLS!

We Are Going To FIGHT THE JEWS Now AT THEIR OWN GAME! Getting involved Politically, Legally, and Media Operations - to DEFEAT the Jews BEFORE they TAKE OVER THE WORLD and our VERY SOULS and the SOULS OF OUR CHILDREN!

They have control of the most strategic and important of the House and Senate Committees, and that is just the topside of the iceberg. What about all of the dozens and dozens of Congressional Subcomittees that operate under the purview and interlock of these same Committees and the rest of government? What a nasty den of Zio-vipers when the pictures of all of their greedy, power-hungry, Shylock faces are assembled on one page.

The cook is getting goosed, and we need to get these Jews out of the White House Kitchen, pronto! Robert Wilton, a long time Russia correspondent for the London Times, said in his book The Last Days of the Romanovs:.

As the decades past by — after the fateful year — Judaized Khazars kept a firm hand on the helm of the government in the occupied land of Russia. As someone from the ancient nation of Scotland it is always interesting for me to visit, virtually, the many-sided aspects of the young nation of America.

While I have no political voice in your country I do like to offer another point of view from time to time to some of your more outspoken groups which are a particular feature of American life. One such group is this Real Zionist News website which has a particularly focused message to proclaim.

This latest article is making the point that Zionist Jews are now in control of the levers of power in Washington through their chairmanship of important committees, and by means of their support for Jewish candidates, and Jewish-controlled candidates in the Jew-controlled media and entertainment industries.

This control would not be controversial if the objectives of these people were benevolent. The suggestion here is that such control is quite otherwise and this website is alerting the American people to the existence of an alien malevolent power at the centre of their political life. Is this a fair assessment of the substance of this article and indeed of this organisation, Real Zionist News?

If so then I would tend to agree that there is such a power at work both in America and here in Europe and in my own country of Great Britain. However I also believe that this power is even more ancient than my own nation and indeed reaches back in time to the foundation of the first post-Flood empire under Nimrod and the efforts of the men at that time to build a technology to open a portal into the other dimensions of Reality known to us as the Heavens. These efforts were frustrated by God, the language of the people was confused, and they were scattered over the whole Earth.

Since that time men have been unconsciously influenced by a desire to return to the unity and cooperative nature of that early civilisation and indeed to develop a way into the other dimensions of Reality and achieve, by their own efforts and ingenuity, the immortality which is a characteristic of these other dimensions.

The name of that ancient civilisation became Babylon which is derived from the word Babel where Nimrod directed efforts to build a tower to reach into the Heavens. In Hebrew Babel means confusion but in the ancient Babylonish tongue it meant the Gate of God.

God has sealed that particular gate permanently but he has opened another Gate which we can access through the Cross on which Jesus of Nazareth was crucified and died. This Gate of God is His Way into the other dimensions of Reality and He calls us to enter into it and has confirmed to us His promise of immortality through the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

No man can come to the Father except by Me. All other efforts are destined to fail just as the zealous efforts of the Zionist Jews, and their followers, to build a Kingdom for their God are destined to fail.

Real Zionist News describes in some detail how the Zionist Jews and their followers are attempting to achieve their aims and I believe that RZN is correct to assume that they do not care how many millions are sacrificed to this ambition; including those millions of their own people who have already perished. Each of us must do what we believe we are called by God to do.

Only God knows the ways of a man, only our Father can know our hearts. How did the Jew break white S-Africa? Who demanded this international boycott? The Jew-controlled labour union. At that time l worked in a factory. One thing that struck me as odd was that it was held in a small nobody town in nowhere.

But l got a feeling that it was odd. What are you then? A possible future leader. You can read, you can speak, you want to change some things you think is wrong in the world.

Trust me, l can speak. And l can speak very forcibly. So what am l? A possibly future leader. What l did when l signed up for that week introduction was that l told the Jew l was a possible future leader. So how do you control a possible future leader - or threat to the Jew as a Jew? You take me to some isolated place where you can supervise me How many Jews do it take to supervise say 25 people in one room?

One Jew is all it takes. The Jew who controls the union has your file, name, adress and occupation. When the Jews invaded Poland during WW2, the first thing the Jew did was to force every single Pole to vote if they wanted to be a part of the jew run Sovjet-UNION.

The big Q here is: Why make the Poles vote? How many Jews does it take to supervise the entire population of Poland? Probably less then There was 3, three millon Jews in Poland at the time. Any contempt of Sovjet and the Jew made an X on the Pole-file and off to Siberia they went. The introduction course to the Jew-run union is exacly the same thing, to spot all possible future leaders and all possible useful idiots to the Jew. The useful idiots are good for the Jews so the Jew wines and dines them.

The rest the Jew expell, or shoot. The labour UNION is how the Jew supervises the rank and file of the population. They got better housing, better food, better everything then the m asses.

How was l treated during the one week introduction to the Jew run union? Ohhh … l was wine and dined alright. We ate like royalties. Servants, wine and beer, good food as much as you could eat. You would think the union is a swell place to be. And you can climb the ladder. Freaking Revolution and NOW. The thing is just that a gang in this factory l worked at had just left the union. There was many hard words flying in the air. They told me that the union was a mafia and that you could not leave once you signed in.

Then you will be expelled from the union. They were right, the union is a mafia. The whole structure of the union is the same as the mafia. You can get expelled, but you do NOT make that decision someone else do that.

After that l was finished with the union and stopped paying the fee. Six months later l was expelled. You are forced to join the union if you want to work in that sector. Now l paid attention to what we were told. Basically we were brainwashed to repeat the oneliners. Over and over again we was told that this is the most important issues in the next election. Wined and dined, good money, better then work. We felt special and Chosen, you know.

Special treatment to special people. Take any time the last century, and any sector that is important to shape the minds of the m asses, and you will see that the jew MO is EXACTLY the same as it was in the jew run Sovjet.

Wine and dine the useful idiots and expell, or shoot the rest that are a threat to the Jew. Finally l got that one together.

The Unions have bugged my mind for many years and then it downed on me, the union is the Jew-run freemasonry for the m asses. To get rid of the leaders that are bad for the Jew and to promote wholesale the useful idiots. And the people leaving responses here are no exception to the rule.

God gives us the answer in Proverbs And thanks to the Satanic Jews this day has its own sound track, GANGSTA RAP, promoted by the Jew record companies and instructional video, and basically every ULTRA VIOLENT Jew Hollywood movie coming out EVERY DAY! OY VEY, WHAT A PARTY!!!

Stop watching their crap on TV, in the theaters, in the newspapers, in the school books, on the news etc. Grow your own food, save your seeds, teach your children who the real enemy is of their future and get ready for their tyranny to get worse. The time will come to break out of their system. We must resist the Jew culture at every turn, now! This article spells it out clearly and is very scary to know the machinations of what they really want of us in America and the world. Next there will be Star of David-spangled banners hanging on the flag poles if this is not stopped.

The Polish nation of Jewish and Russian infiltrated goverment under communist regime had no choice, but go and vote, even though the outcome was already predicted. Only one party could win at that time, the Labor Party, and it did for many years. Therefore this could be the cause for current resentment of Poles in lack of frequenting and taking the responsibility to get off theit bums and go to place their ballots.

The mistrust is still very strong, but so is the brainwashing of Jewish owned media there. The Poles I would rather call then Polans are confused and surely it may take another generation to change their indoctrinated by communism mentality; especially the older generation. Thankfully the Star of David has not yet been placed on the Polish insignia even though the government is already infiltrated by Zionist Jews.

But the influence is quite significant that is affecting every day of the average Poles whose majority are Catholic Christians. Instead he enjoyed the companionship of his own race, the Jews, totally ignoring the Poles that he was supposed to represent AFTER ALL!! As it happening to America too! The same reason as you are trying to stop further Zionst world expansion and infiltration into the Government of the United States of America, or Australia, England and France, or any other country for that matter.

It is the JEW. It is no other than the Jew who are bringing the reign of terror on the earth. One may philosophize of good and evil, and hope to assign this worldwide malignity to evil in general; claiming that it resides in the heart of all mankind.

Treachery I say, and an acquittal of the Jew. Mankinds live in peace and harmony in multitudinous abodes upon the planet. Everywhere the Jew has not subverted, has a good existence within the framework of their own social construct. Perhaps one who would vindicate the Jew, and condemn the heart of man, has their own agenda.

Perhaps, one such would have us ignore our real enemy to our own peril; and cast the blame upon ourselves. No doubt such a one also has a remedy. Perhaps that remedy would be to submit to just as great a tyranny; that he would gladly administrate under his own wicked priest-craft. The Jew is the ambassador of Satan. And, Just as the Christian is to be the ambassador of Christ; the conflict between the Jew and The Christian is inevitable.

I say, let such a one who wishes to refocus this conflict from the Jew, then retreat to their own solitude: Perhaps they will discover the fact that the Jew is the ambassador of evil.

Perhaps they will recognize the need to depose the Jew, if goodness might ever see the light of day in the eyes of men. America has been the light of freedom, and the enemy of despotism in the eyes of the entire world. As America goes, so goes the world. America has fallen to Zionist occupation! The world itself will soon succumb also. We are but a resistance movement to the total world dominion of Ziondom.

Ziondom, as a world Empire will eradicate Christ and His from the earth. Right now the enemy of all mankind is the Jew, not some abstract evil nature that lies in the heart of mankind. And, if one does not wish to fight the Jew, then by the Jew he will perish! Until the Jew is vanquished, there will be neither leisure nor opportunity to reflect upon the loftier subtleties of the spiritual quest.

If one has not the intestinal fortitude to engage this foe, then get out of the way! But by no means attempt to run interference in behalf of the Jew. Your true colors show quite clearly! Has anyone further checked out the interlocking Senate Committee System?

The House has a similar system as well. Here is what the description reads: Due to the high volume and complexity of its work, the Senate divides its tasks among 20 committees, 68 subcommittees, and 4 joint committees. Although the Senate committee system is similar to that of the House of Representatives, it has its own guidelines, within which each committee adopts its own rules. This creates considerable variation among the panels. Standing committees generally have legislative jurisdiction.

Select and joint committees generally handle oversight or housekeeping responsibilities. The chair of each committee and a majority of its members represent the majority party. Each party assigns its own members to committees, and each committee distributes its members among its subcommittees. The Senate places limits on the number and types of panels any one senator may serve on and chair.

Committees receive varying levels of operating funds and employ varying numbers of aides. Each hires its own staff. The majority party controls most committee staff and resources, but a portion is shared with the minority.

Several thousand bills and resolutions are referred to committees during each 2-year Congress. Committees select a small percentage for consideration, and those not addressed often receive no further action. Second, it holds hearings to gather information and views from non-committee experts. At committee hearings, these witnesses summarize submitted statements and then respond to questions from the senators.

Third, a committee meets to perfect the measure through amendments, and non-committee members sometimes attempt to influence the language. Fourth, when language is agreed upon, the committee sends the measure back to the full Senate, usually along with a written report describing its purposes and provisions.

Also, its members will be appointed to any conference committee created to reconcile its version of a bill with the version passed by the House of Representatives. Committee hearings that focus on the implementation and investigation of programs are known as oversight hearings, whereas committee investigations examine allegations of wrongdoing.

The Committee System in the U. Congress, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress.

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August 29,revised by the Senate Historical Office, September Not to mention the host of all the other evils being constantly legislated with the aim of annihilating the Constitution altogether that these subcommittee gatekeepers and staffers constantly attend to. This info needs to get to the masses of ignorant but still capable of thinking people.

There are THREE HUNDRED MILLION - of US - mostly REAL Americans and hopefully not all cattle - as we are contemptously refered to by the Jew.

BTW Hoff - excellent dissertation on the evil nature of ALL labor unions! I have been a construction worker - an aerospace scientist and a small business owner - so I know something of the morality of business and labor from the bottom up. They are ALL managed by thugs and mobsters and are the most UN-AMERICAN aspect of labor ethics in this country.

I could write a book about just my experiences with union violence. In my past I have had several acquaintances who were union members - some even longterm friends of the past.

BUT - every single one of then eventually disappointed me when their TRUE amoral natures surfaced. Greed was always the essential weakness here - getting something that you DID NOT DESERVE OR EARN OR WORK FOR.

I CLEARLY still remember when I was in school best forex dealer that the dedicated men and women who gave us educations were driving 10 year old economy cars. They were making times the income of the teachers whose credentials required years of formal training and education.

I came from a family of bollinger bands expansion - so I know EXACTLY what it took for these teachers to become the valuable assets to the community that they were.

I could write a book about my unpleasant experiences with these thug mentality blue collar domestic terrorists. I once worked for stock options quotes api company that was living proof that Labor Unions are no more desirable than Communist Party members in a prosperous moral informed America.

I respected him for that. We DID vote - and unanimously told them to find their own way out of our company and to not let the doors hit them in their asses - AND to NOT bother to come back! I was proud to have worked for them and proud of my fellow workers - who were well educated - well paid and well treated and wanted NO PART of UNIONS!

Promotions were based on education experience and were WON by MERIT - not intimidation. Unions were, of course - and STILL ARE - a major force in the Democrat Party which was and remains - the home of the liberal Godless pro-Death pro-homosexual pervert -anti-Constitution voting American Jew.

The Democrap party was captured as predicted by the Communists in the Sixties, and of course today the left and the Zionists own both parties. Rep Paul Findley was the classic example. We are simply too shallow and too stupid as a people to deserve such a man if he were to appear today. We as AmeriKAns have a reputation for lionizing our scum of the earth and demonizing our finest sons. This fine article simply reinforces that ugly fact 1.

The ONLY way I have found that actually works to shame the scum who elect these criminals is brilliantly simple. The scum who keep criminals like Feinstein and Schumer and LIEberman and the rest of these Godless pervert criminals in office - ARE YOUR NEIGHBORS -PERIOD!

Gentile useful idiot scum keep them in office - NOT JEW VOTORS! You find out who these reprobates are and make their lives a living HELL! IsraHELL is the ONLY nation doing just fine BTW. DO NOT LET THEM REMAIN ANONYMOUS. So why tolerate a neighbor who SUPPORTS the same crimes committed against our children or our freedoms. If you will NOT even stand up for the safety and purity of your own children - what kind of spineless worms are you?

Your knowledge and wisdom and tools in your hand to combat these evils - then every time you learn something true and upsetting from ANY of these fine articles - DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

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Remember - penny stocks penny stock picks cheap stocks stock trading creatures have already murdered the Son of God and ARE PROUD OF IT! It might even be termed a bureaucratic barrage. And, all on the War Machine. If I am apprehending this arrangement correctly, it is a highly compartmentalized structure. Congress, as whole, has no view of all that transpires within the compartmentalized committees.

Neither have the committees any view of what they contribute to the whole. It would appear relatively simple for some agency to effect the events in committee, with a view to combing the results; to affect a pre-determined agenda, obamas stock market planets affecting the committees being none the wiser. Therefore, the seemingly benign transactions in committee A, when combined with the seemingly benign transactions in committee B, and C; when brought into concert, which in effect is what would happen once passed, might reveal a completely different result than the work of australian binary options trading legal in india individual committees intended.

Now, who might we suppose to be closely monitoring what goes on in all the committees, with a view to their being combined into a harmonious agenda? His article is densely packed with references, and last night I spent more time exploring more for a systems overview.

I was completely horrified at the enormous beast the Kosher Congress has really become, in its insatiable quest to turn itself into the specialized committee handmaidens of the ever-expanding Zionist World Order Executive and Administration.

Appreciate your concise analysis of the operational legislative disconnects, cracks and influence pressure points and bargaining entanglements inherent in this bloated systems labyrinth. With rare exception, No one is a generalist looking out for We the People - they are all specialists, and really technicians.

And we can be entirely certain that the hordes of lobbyists and various special interests know exactly how to work, wine and dine this political bureaucratic legislative machine and its committee and sub-committee compartmentalizations.

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Now it makes complete sense when some congressional phool says they never read the package of proposed legislation, they just voted on it. In any case, it is very nice to know that there are more than four times enough Jews in the Kosher Congress now to keep the minyan of the synagogue of satan safe. Great condensed history of Poland and the Jews by Fr Matthew Raphael Johnson: The blanket condemnation of ALL unions, and particularly Unions in General even those anti-Jew of the past is typical Right Wing rant.

Tell it to the families of Dead Miners who worked where corrupt Robert Byrd politicians made deals with Scum Owners who cut corners on Safety and Living Conditions… who Made Deals sending American Working Class jobs Overseas… whose countergang to your gang empowers only the Enemy Elite.

Note well the Ryssen quote above, for without the Working Class generally, and the White Working Class in particular, there is NO POSSIBLE VICTORY over KikeJew and Jewthinker destruction of the West. We are told in St. Paul that Our Lord Jesus Christ was slain, in the counsels of God, before the foundation of the world.

There must have been some sort of decision made concerning this counsel. God had to how much money can you earn while on ssdi a people. This people would have to be so vulgar and wicked, that when He appeared in the flesh among them they would be eager to carry out the deed!

Historical Palestine or Israel within the borders it now controls including pre Israel, the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights is one country with one water system, one electrical grid, one powerful military to defend and define its external borders, one monetary system, one telephone system, and one postal system. The current argument for creating two states is simply another attempt to carve out a Jewish state, called Israel, where Jews have by law superior rights to non-Jews.

It involves ethnic cleansing, segregation, and racism; it is definitely not a formula for lasting peace. American support of a racist, apartheid state is contrary to what we Americans profess to believe.

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Americans claim to endorse equal rights of citizenship everywhere in the world, except Free forex ebooks collections. We do so both out of conviction and out of fear of being smeared with the anti-Semitic tar brush.

We are loath to even discuss Jewish power that compels us to deny self determination and equal rights for Palestinians. Ebook forex italiano ignores Israeli concentration camps like Ketziot; it supports the building of illegal settlements binary options on the indicator fisher occupied territory; it turns a blind eye to nuclear proliferation by Israel; it defends a Jewish attack on an unarmed humanitarian flotilla, and it sends our military to fight wars demanded by Israel.

So what Holder is telling us, in essence, if you are not Black, Jewish or Gay, you basically have no forex market research report rights????

These cult Jews Zionists are the forex market research report business people on planet earth.

You are the ones who can stop them. Then you can runescape make money picking flax the rest of the world the true meaning of Christianity.

You will never stop them at thier own game or by votes. With the gulf oil spigot turned wide open, and the controversial supreme court nomination in view, many in America have payed toronto stock exchange historical returns attention to the U.

Suddenly, Russian spies appear! Then, Sarah Pallin takes The Obama to task for deserting Israel! Then she announces that in order for the U. Now what that entails, the right wing would be pin-up girl for global empire really does not elaborate. Yet coincidently, the Sexretery current exchange rate aud sgd State is shaking Polish hands over missile bases U.

Be ready for the Sexretery of State to announce momentarily, make the money macklemore mp3 Osama Ben Ladin is hiding in Russia.

First international boycott and then an all out war. Just watch what the Jew did to lraq and now to lran. First a international boycott and then an all out war. Communism is all about the Jew taking TOTAL control of the state apparatus lock, stock and shekel. That is all there is to Communism. The Jew taking over the state.

Some years ago the Jew started to ask why he was expelled times from all countries the Jew had invaded. The reason is that the non-Jew elite realised that the Jew had taken over their country, the Jew had taken total control of the states apparatus.

The Q to the Jew was: How do we take over the state and HIDE that we Jews have taken total control of the state? The Jew could have taken over Russia and run Russia as a Jew-run state, as Jew. The Jew changed his name to Russian sounding names, the Jew did everything in his power to HIDE that Sovjet was a lock, stock and shekel Jew run state. To HIDE stock market courses chicago it was the Jew who was in total control of Sovjet UNION.

What the Jew Karl Marx did was that he wrote fat cat forex scalper indicator stockpile of Jewish Marxist mumbo-jumbo. Now the Jew had a tool to mess up Communism and anything that have to do with Communism. The whole Marxist, and later Marxist-Leninist mumbo-jumbo has one and one only purpose and that is to HIDE that communism is all about the Jew taking control of the state apparatus, the Jew taking over the non-Jews country.

Now, if we go back a century or even less, most western states apparatuses was very small. Slowly but surely the states commitment expanded. After Jew War Two WW2 the western states apparatuses exploded. Today the pettiest of petty things are the states responsibility.

Now you have a messy state apparatus. How to make a lot of money in cartown that is good for the Jew because now the Jew can HIDE that he is a Money for blood plasma uk and is taking over the state. The Jew does that on purpose. The Jew is messing up the state apparatus as much possibly can be done.

To HIDE that the Jew has taken control of the state apparatus. Just the same as in Marxist-Leninism the Jew will use as many meaningless nonsense as the Jew possibly can think of. The Jew is using as complicated vocabulary possible. One example, cop or police is short and easy to understand.

So what do the Jew does in his TalmudVision? The have now changed it to: And that is the whole purpose. Just listen to any politico and notice how much time they use one formula and blahblahblah word. To HIDE that the Jew is in total control of the American state apparatus. How few know that the Jew was in total control of the Sovjet state? The Jew is messing up the state apparatus as much as he possibly can.

How few know that the Jew is in total control of the Buying or selling a home earnest money deposit state apparatus? And the Jew is a mafia so what do you get?

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How do you come from Jew ghetto in Poland day trading with price action galen woods pdf start telling the Queen of GB what she must do late ? The GB empire was based on the navy and they were all coal driven, how to earn more money in my candy love the Queen must have boilers.

Or you could start a Coal Miners Union and do the same thing. Or you could start a Transport Union and threaten to stop all coal transports. The transport sector is a major key to modern society. So guess who you will find in the top of the Transport Union?

The first thing the Jew did was to open up all prisons and ask the non-Jew if they were with or against Communism? Against — a shot in the head. With — the Jew gave them a gun. What the Jew did was they hired the lowlife scumbags of the non-Jew scumbags.

That is the Jew MO, promote non-Jew scumbags. The Jew did the same thing in the all the Jew-run unions in America, too. Marxist-Leninists and some Stalinist commies. And what the bigmouths all had in common is that they are all really scumbags. This is what the Jew do, promote non-Jew scumbags. The Jew make non-Jews help the Jew to smash non-Jew owned companies. Then the Jew can buy it cheap.

Because you can BOYCOTT. Not a single soul has donated to The Brother Nathanael Foundation now that I have posted the Website http: This is why I put up a DONATION FEATURE BUTTON at the Top and Bottom of this and every article. Also, you might have to see if you can find a sponsor.

You tokyo ea forex have to look to the Arab community, because you not going to get a Christian one, or of course Jewish? There are a high Arab concentration near Detroit. And other central USA areas, you might have to do some type of marketing there, Bro Nate…. In this effort now, it is not a question of the outcome; we may suffer defeats before the final victory. It is a question of joining the resistance.

Win or loose, just fight! No doubt the powers of Satan will move more against our effort in this critical moment than they have so far. One thing I can say about Jews, they ARE NOT GREEDY WHEN IT COMES TO GIVING FOR SOMETHING DEAR TO THEIR HEARTS?? The problems is those things dear to their hearts are Israel, advancement of their own, advancement of minorities except Arab onesabortion rights, Gay Rights, Communism and Socialism, and their whole slew of organizations like the JDL, ADL, ACLU, SPLC, etc….

I have been trying to tell my fellow Christians how the Jews run Congress and everything else for that matter. We can do this in numerous ways: I can not just sit here and watch the planet free fall into the Zionist Abys! I want to fight them. Then I discovered RZN. In a legal setting, not with guns. I saw firsthand how the CTA extorts union dues and threatens all who do not comply.

One member was dogged to pay, threatened, and eventually sued him in court. Surprisingly, he eventually won. When the school year began I did not turn my form into the CTA for membership and I thought that was the end of it. I reminded the rep that I did not turn in my form nor did I want to join. I was then binary files in c sharp that according to the Master Contract, I had to inform the building rep in writing within two weeks after school began that I did not want to join.

I was told because I did not put it in writing, and it was past the two weeks, that by the Master Contract that I signed I had to pay for the year or I would be sued and would lose.

I looked at the rep and wanted to curse him out and call him the slime that I thought he was. Instead, I told him that he had me, but I would be ready next year. Dear DWC Greetings in Christ. I think I know where you are coming from on your suggestion of Having Moslems support RZN. Uriknet and Pakalert are just two of the many really good Moslem sites on the web.

It would be good if the Moslems, and Christians could double team the Zionists. And that may very well happen. You must understand, that Moslems who are involved in this effort, are of the kind, to be more seriously inclined toward their beliefs. At that time, the response I received showed that they were not inclined at all toward overlooking our differences. It would be really wierd if Moslems began to post comments on RZN: Imagine expanding the debates to include all the nuances within the Moslem Faith.

These debates do nothing but gender strife; they are a diversion of focus away from our true purpose. I feel that we and many Moslems are on the same page concerning Zionism. But you must recognize that we are far apart on issues that center upon Our Lord. I can respect them.

I can respect their beliefs; but I could never embrace their beliefs. And their beliefs are the driving force behind most house of the dead overkill earn money the Moslems who are Anti-Zionist. I automated forex trading system reviews a sincere suggestion for you, that you might try.

When you go there, leave a comment concerning your suggestion; and see what response you get. The whole Jew run union is a Jew mafia organisation, global extortion and break non-Jew owned companies.

The more l think about it l got to hand it to the Jew. That was damn clever. Then the Jew can break companies by strikes and boycott, just stop all the transports from and to the how jews make money. That is one way the Jew took over non-Jew owned papers. The Jew brags about it. Making the non-Jew work against his own interest.

What the jew did in Russia and elsewhere was to promise make money reselling hosting m asses anything and everything. Tell the m asses with tears in you voice what a fantastic world it will be.

Love to all mankind. Whatever it takes to get the m assses to do the dirty work for the Jew. The Jew-run unions have the same MO. Tearjerking crap en mass. Just look at S-Africa. What did the Jew tell the world?

That the union wanted to save the blacks in Manual trading system binary option from the dreaded white racist. The Jew cares even less for the blacks then the Jew does for the Palestinian people. Either your with us or against us.

Now the whole world must work with the Jew. Nicaragua, which incurred the ire of Israel and its Zionist ally in San Jose, Costa Rica, Vice President Lieberman ZIONISTby severing relations with the Tel Aviv regime over the Israeli attack on the Gaza aid flotilla.

This is a little off topic, though an interesting development that I wanted to bring to your attention. They Zionist and their Goy puppets try to make you hate Islam, and Palestinians, when it is their book, the Talmud, that openly calls, Mary a whore, and Jesus a false prophet, burning in excrement in hell!

On the other hand, the Holy Koran mentions more on Mary than the New Testament. It is why many believe she appeared in Fatima Portugal. When I explained one time to a Muslim it is not 3 Gods like the Zionist media here portrays Christianity in the Holy Trinity, it is one God and 3 experiences. Water is H2O, yet these elements: Also, we are EXACTLY 3 planets from the sun. A family unit is usually considered 3: Fatima fati me, fat-; fe teme c.

The headlines tell the story — repetitively. Everyone, it seems, is on the take. In other words, the regulators and their aides legislate the rules and then simply step through that infamous data entry jobs from home pittsburgh pa door and pick up a handsome check on the other side.

All this is, of course, known to anyone who glances at the front page of a daily newspaper, but what exactly do we make of it all? What does it add up to? William 60 second binary option trading demo account watch dogs, historian and TomDispatch regular, has a suggestion, but before you start his piece, you might want to close your purse or button that back pocket with your wallet in it.

What if, however, instead of looking at where our government might be headed, we took a closer look at where we are — at the power-brokers who run or influence our government, at those who are profiting and prospering from it? We would suddenly see an almost magical disappearing act being how much money does an anesthesiologist make in a day, largely without comment, right before our eyes.

A situational analysis of the world events; though multifaceted in the possibilities of scope, if natural phenomena and cataclysms be separated from bmw performance parts canada, would then be focused upon the affairs of mankind.

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Deity must, of course, be equated into such an analysis. Within the framework of the concept of Deity, this analysis must be set. But for the purpose of analysis, we must therefore, to avoid all the variety and debate of the nature of Deity, simply state that God is and is good. It would be observed that the families of mankind find a balance when left within the framework of their individual social construct.

This balance is threatened severely when conquest becomes the objective of a people. When world empire becomes the goal of a people, the balance of existence is threatened on a global scale.

The man made cataclysm of the loosing of the four apocalyptic horsemen; whose riding becomes both cause and effect, a sewing and a reaping, is the state of affairs now. Few men would disrespect the idea of a family, from within the families of mankind, separating itself to some degree, for the sole purpose of attempting to achieve a more harmonious relationship with nature, and with Deity.

Examples of this concept may readily be brought to memory; and The Amish, The Quakers, The Mennonite and others could be easily referenced as types who have envisioned such a hope. However, should a group impose the idea of self-ostrasization: Such is the case with the Zionist Jew. Having through varied nefarious apparatus already achieved dominance, this family is now marching full force onto world empire.

They have crossed the Rubicon now; at least as far as their own perspective of their effort is concerned. And, there will be no turning back for them. If we would avoid a most grievous existence under their tyranny, they must be stopped. I just thought I should write and let you know what happened.

Everything was pretty much normal, you know how dog walks go. Then I decided to go through the park. Then we came upon this fella sitting on a bench. He was sitting there eating a bagel and cream cheese, and reading a magazine. Then I saw it.

The guy was reading a magazine, and he had it folded so as the page he was reading was facing him; and the other page across from it was facing the walk.

Then he began to shake it, and then tear it up. Then the guy got scared and jumped up real fast, and as he did he dropped his bagel and cream cheese. He shook it and threw it around and shook it again, and ripped it to pieces.

Any way, after he finished off old RBG, he calmed down some and I was able to get him out of the park and back home. I guess when he remembered all that had happened to him last time: Ginsberg accompanying this article. Their dominance is not only what you can freely see, the media, judicial system, western govs the ZOGsmusic industry, academia Harvard and Yale: By this, I mean, Free Masons, Trilateral Commission, the Federal Reserve Rothschild owned ; covert control of all Christian faiths, except possibly Eastern faiths, like Russian??

Also, they are atop of all the organized crime in the world too. Jewish Hollywood likes to portray organized crime as all Italians, and that is deliberate.

Look over here, why the real devils run free??? In fact, I bet our government cracked down so hard on the Italian Mafia here, in union activity, racketeering, prostitution, etc, without even knowing their Zionist bosses are clearing a path for their Russian-Yid brethren???

Greetings in Christ DWC. I know and understand exactly how the Ziomedia is pushing the clash of civilizations. Yes they are propagating hatred toward the Moslem peoples many of whom are true Shemites. I, as you, have encountered Moslems personally, and found them to be morally sound in most cases, and not disagreeable company. And yes, their teachings hold Christ and His Mother in very high esteem. There is probably no other religion with so close an affinity to Christian as that of Islam.

I, as you, would have no problem standing shoulder to shoulder with a Moslem, as together we withstood Zionism. We are perhaps not so petty as others. And also know that our Christian charity must extend also to these who are so close to us in their beliefs. Some of the most accurate and pointed evaluations of the Zionists, The U. And there perspective is amazing. I recommend it to anyone, especially the teachings concerning The Dejjal and the Mahdi. It is interesting, and parallels to our own eschatology are apparent.

I once suggested to a Moslem source that we band together against the Zionist. Let us enjoin together against Zion. The matter will be settled for us in: My consideration was rejected; and my source thought it more expedient to proselytize on behalf of Islam. My estimation of the Moslems has not diminished.

I can respect them and their beliefs. The only hope is that God can use them to hammer Zion from one side, and us from the other. Perchance we would be thrown together in the fray beyond either of our circumstances. But as I see it now; the Moslem is not interested in any league with the Christian.

Hello my friend, how ye be? I see it the same way WC. We are way farther into the Zionist Conquest than most realize. They have the U. They are marching to empire! They desperately want to Strike Iran and then extend it into Russia. But just last night I had a very strong intuition that this is the real thing.

I think once Iran is invaded, and perhaps the nuclear option is utilized, this really will be the beginning of the bonifide, genuine, Apocalypse. I have court ordered community service to do. It must be for a non-profit. I am currently in Greeley CO. Bill Ritter will lead a delegation of Colorado leaders to Israel next week on an economic-development mission that will begin to establish long-term business, investment and research partnerships in innovative fields such as energy, clean-tech and water.

Right in your backyard.

These slimebags are everywhere! How about a post on this travesty? And of course Israel has a booming economy…. We need for the public to shut off Alex Jones and the likes of him. We need Alex Jones the Zionist scum to get the hell out of Americans homes and ears. Most moderate Muslims, know we Christians are monotheistic, and both are of the one true God of Abraham. I know someone who works in China. I think, the real possibility of an apocalyptic event could be right around the corner??

Or at least a nuclear event? Few express this conclusion publicly, but many believe it is the truth. I believe the catastrophe could have been prevented if any U. Ultra-Orthodox Jews, who maintain a powerful role in Israeli politics, believe the Jewish Messiah will not come until Greater Israel is a reality.

Although a minority in Israel, they are committed, aggressive, and influential. Because of deep religious conviction, they are determined to prevent Palestinians from gaining statehood on any part of the West Bank.

In its violent assaults on Palestinians, Israel uses the pretext of eradicating terrorism, but its forces are actually engaged advancing the territorial expansion just cited. Under the guise of anti-terrorism, Israeli forces treat Palestinians worse than cattle. The West Bank and Gaza have become giant concentration camps. None of this could have occurred without U.

Perhaps Israeli officials believe life will become so unbearable that most Palestinians will eventually leave their ancestral homes. Once beloved worldwide, the U. I have firsthand knowledge, because I was a member of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee in June when Israeli military forces took control of the Golan Heights, a part of Syria, as well as the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza. For 35 years, not a word has been expressed in that committee or in either chamber of Congress that deserves to be called debate on Middle East policy.

No restrictive or limiting amendments on aid to Israel have been offered for 20 years, and none of the few offered in previous years received more than a handful of votes. On Capitol Hill, criticism of Israel, even in private conversation, is all but forbidden, treated as downright unpatriotic, if not anti-Semitic.

The continued absence of free speech was assured when those few who spoke out — Senators Adlai Stevenson and Charles Percy, and Reps. As a result, legislation dealing with the Middle East has been heavily biased in favor of Israel and against Palestinians and other Arabs year after year. No-one likes their country invaded, or overthrown from within. I hope the Muslims defeat these Zionists. Thanks to them we are now the greatest oppressors on the earth.

They all know that without the U. Israel would be completely impotent. I know that the Jews are chafing at the bit for their empire. They have never been this close. I think that now that they finally, after thousands of years can see world empire on the horizon, they will do anything to keep the momentum going. They are now mad as in crazy with the idea of it. They want Iran so bad they can taste it.

Now the infamous American neocons are hawking the idea that it must be a nuclear strike! Listen to this arrogant deluded reasoning: Can they get any crazier? All the troops and ships and planes are in place! Some analysts believe it has to come before August, when Iraq will assume responsibility for their own air corridor. I was sitting on my bed last night; and I felt in my spirit like never before, that the attack on Iran will be the beginning of THE Apocalypse.

The Rabbinical Ass Backwards society speaks again! All the Old Testament Prophecies declare emphatically that:. The Messiah will come. He will establish His Kingdom in power and Glory. In retrospect of the intent observation of all the events that have transpired over the course of my own life; this all began for the U.

The devil was cast from heaven that day, and he landed smack dab in Dallas!!! And from that moment the BEAST has risen! Let me tell you something, Castro and his brother are very close with Chavez, who has warmed up to Iran. In the process, Cuba has warmed to China. How hard would it be to load nukes there, like the Soviet Union did in the early 60s?

That is 90 miles from our coast. You think the Muslims HATE us now? They attack Iran, and we can expect monthly events of terror here. I told you before Lut, my friend, I have thought for several years now that John on Patmos witnessed an event we will see in our lifetime. As I have told Bro Nate on here, Christians in this country will NOT awaken until some type of horrific event forces them to do so. In reality shows, sports, video games, Hollywood violence and sex-fest movies, and of course, all of the ridiculous news coming from Talmudivison.

The thing that gets me now though is that they want the U. That is the theory. Iran has mutual defense treaties with China, Cuba, and Venezuela. China has slready armed Venezuella, and Cuba. That was years ago.

What about all the Russian Nationals involved in work in Iran? The whole secondary reasoning then on behalf of the U. The arrogant American Jew Neocons really believe that the rest of mankind will roll over and play dead for them. Why, I told you earlier, most biblical scholars seem to think, AmeriKa will not be a major player in a 3rd Apocalyptic world war?

The 4 main players seem to be Iran, Russia, China, and of course, an evil, Satanic, Israel in Revelations. Brother Nathanael Kapner is an amazing individual, what a brave and very righteous man he is to confront his very own people with their wickedness.

If I may suggest, Brother, we should also be focusing on that great and massive organisation the Jews use as their whores…. Br Nathanael with your kind permission, I have stumbled upon something which needs clarification, and points towards political and government corruption at the state and federal levels at the very top giving congressional cover. There is an airport in US, Mid America Airport in Illinois, right near Scott Airforce Base. This airport takes in one flight per week; that is right, just one flight.

This flight comes in from Columbia, the cocaine capitol of the world. Supposedly the freight is fresh roses from Columbia. At the moment there is the Mexican drug wars, meanwhile this shipment at Mid America comes in each week, definitely under the radar and under the protection of the US Air Force.

Afghanistan, which is the opium capitol of the world, is now under the care and patronage of the CIA, with US forces to protect their game. Israel over the United States. The JEW] has a technology, called a printing press, that allows it to produce as many US dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost. Some years ago most people in Europe ate from a wooden plate or bowl. Because none knew how to make china, plates from clay.

Only the Chinese did. The only way to get china to Europe was to go by sail boat to China. And the only thing the Chinese would trade china with was gold.

A gold bar is heavy. One way to China by sail was six, 6 months one way. So it was a risky business to trade china plates, china porcelain. Now the Jew goldsmith tells you: Leave the gold bar to me and l will write you a note and when you come to China my brother goldsmith in China will give you a gold bar. A paper note is very easy to carry. Almost no weight and you can carry it in your pocket. The Jew brother in China gives you a gold bar for the note.

When you get back to London you tell everybody that it works. Now the Jew goldsmith have ten gold bars and have written ten notes. Now the Jew goldsmith is a Jew banker. Because the note is the first paper money. The paper money is based on gold, that is the gold standard. Anyone that have a note can go to the Jew banker and claim one gold bar, but the thing is that to carry around a gold bar is messy.

To exchange paper notes is much easier so none come and claim the gold bar any longer. Everybody knows that the Jew is good for one gold bar so why bother to handle a heavy gold bar?

Now comes the Jew banker swindle. The Jew banker prints an eleventh note for one gold bar. The Jew banker just made money from nothing. This is what inflation really is, the Jew banker makes money from nothing. The only thing the Jew banker needs is a piece of paper and some ink. And then the Jew banker inflated, devalued all the other ten bank notes by ten percent. The Jew banker got away with the eleventh note. Now the Jew banker prints a twelth note.

Then another one and then another one …. This is how the Jew goldsmith became Jew banker, and this is how the Jew banker makes money from nothing. Paper and ink and the Jew banker can make as much money he wants to - from nothing.

America abolished the gold standard inunder Nixon. That is all there is to the monies, they are worth what you think they are worth. And the Jew banker got the copy machine. Hawke was sympathetic to the Jewish cause, and now our new PM is also sympathetic to the Jewish cause. It seems that every press release and speech is made through the Lowy Institute, set up by Jew Frank Lowy owner of Westfield. Infiltrate unions to ensure the members will vote Jews into positions of power, whilst pretending to work for the members benefit.

The Queen of England herself has to bow down to the Jews, she lives in terror of them. The Jewish run BBC is always undermining and talking about the demise of the royal family.

And I would say one thing, the Muslims are fighting an impossible war with Israhell, with the Zionist media, and sadly, the innocent Christian soldiers who lay down the lives for their Jewish masters. As a Muslim, I can only hope the return of Jesus will come soon and all accounts will be settled, all the questions answered.

The ratio of Jews in public office and positons of power in the corporate world in comparison to their small population in the US is off the charts for sure, and our welfare checks to parasitical Israel helps increase their control all the time. The goyim pay higher food prices for the extortion racket — kosher food — in addition to everything else that the usury-ridden system created by the Jew bankers extorts from your pockets.

Even your titles for you home label you a tenant. One of the reasons we have yet to see a trial in NY for is that Hellerstein refuses to hear a case because discovery would expose the put options on America and United Airlines, probably by Goldman Sachs and their ilk, and the real terrorists who took down the WTC buildings and the Pentagon.

Gather up enough forces that will make the Zio-Jews quake and tremble in fear. Run the Jews out of our government and replace them with real patriots. The awareness is growing, this is our most crucial weapon. This is not a war to wage with guns and bombs but each one of us must speak to at least one white Christian person a day and tell him about the Jews and what they are doing to us.

Create for yourselves a secret E-mail address and collect e-addresses and send people information from internet and library computers always remaining anonymous. This is the only way we can succeed in this fight. By bringing the truth of the Zionists to our people one person at a time focus on the youth for they are the future. The truth is, American Politicians love money, regardless where it comes from. They are willing to take bribes from anyone, Jews, Corporations, Media, Arabs, Christians, Chinese, Japanese.

Whoever has the BIG money gets influence in Washington. The only thing the Congress wants is MORE MONEY from lobbyists and also re-election. The Jews, practically all Jews — bar a few gems like Brother Nathanael and Benjamin Freedman — are all in on it. They are deceitful, lying scum full of merciless hatred for us Goy, they would grind our white Christian bones for compost if they could. I would say the same if we were discussing Christians instead of Jews.

What does matter however and matters greatly is having Zionists in charge of Congress. Now that is a dangerous situation for the US and for the world.

Zionism has been at the centre of world conflict for the last 70 years and will be for the next 70 years. The US is being used as a shill by its own members of Congress, the traitors who will continue to support Israel against the best interests of their own constituents. Today, anything goes for our Christians. To this day they continue to portray Arabs as evil, devious, idiots in American films and Jews are always portrayed as the intelligent, righteous, correct ones.

Start paying attention to films and TV shows, start counting the amount of Jewish characters not actorswhat they say and how often they refer to Jews or Jewish. Then at the end of the movie or TV show, start counting the Jewish names in the credits… you may be surprised! You think not, ok, Christians… go visit Israel and see how they treat you stray away from the tourist areas. Real Jew News is proudly powered by love and concern for your soul. CLICK to Sign Up for Alerts Tax-Deductible Donations: Brother Nathanael Foundation is a c 3 Non-Profit Organization.

Indeed, Jewry has taken control of the most strategic and most important of the House and Senate Committees: In other words, America has the best Congress Jewish money can buy… For More See: How The Jews Took The White House Click Here And: How The Jews Took Washington Click Here And: The Protocols For Goys - Yesterday And Today Click Here CLICK: Please copy the string e86HAo to the field below: Footer Real Jew News: America First Or Israel First?

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